Thank you so much! At the moment there are no bigger plans, more an idea of what I could do to flesh out the game.
Your game looks awesome too! I'll have to check that out after work!
Hello! Thank you for your detailed reply!
First of all, you are not too rough. This is the kind of feedback that I value the most as a game designer, and I am very happy that you took the time to write such a well written review. You make some really strong points, all of which I agree with myself! I would like to address some of the things you've written, not as a way of defending myself, but more to explain my thoughts behind my choices perhaps!
But you know, you don't have to read it if you don't care ;)
Your first nail on the head is that yes, I get way too ambitious when making games, and they often go way out of scope. This is no exception.
I will say, the thing's I bought online was the level assets, and then I downloaded the sound effects and music. The scope of the game was already very big on the Monday, so I was in fact panicking a little bit about how to get the level done in time (and yes, this should have been the point of returning to the notebook and do something else). The level I used in the game is not done by me at all. It's actually the default level that came with the pack (with a few minor tweaks to block off exits that I didn't want). But you are definitely right in that if you scrap that from the game you are left with a very very basic game.
As for no consequences for getting caught, It was a hard decision to make. I knew that the AI was hard, so it felt bad for me to punish the player for losing to an AI that was hard to escape from. They're slightly faster than the player, and they were supposed to be easier to get rid of (but I have no idea why haha) so rather have you lose everything I just gave the scrap collected a penalty (something that I realized I should've communicated more clearly).
The exposure thing is a rookie mistake :S I haven't used the light system much. I would've spent more time on many things but I work a full time job so I only had like 2-4 hours per day to work.
Once again, thank you so much for your review. I will carry this with me to the next game jam. Not a lot of people spend this time on game jam games and I am honoured that you did that for mine. Thank you.
This was fun and does a good job of incorporating the theme! There were parts where I felt really clever for figuring out the solution which is what you'd want!
One thing that had me confused was figuring out how to restart levels. I didn't know that trying to spawn a new robot would kill me, and through that let me restart so some form of quick-restart button would've been great!
But great job! It was fun!
Wow this is great! This game deserves more plays and ratings! It really reminds me of super mario bros 3 in terms of movement and looks! I though it was a very interesting and fun choice to have the coins you collect also be your health (although maybe they should've been hearts or something instead of coins just so that it's clear)
I think one of my biggest points of feedback is to include some kind of checkpoint system. It was a bit of a bummer to get far and then fall down and die instantly only to have to replay the level again, but other than that I was having a blast! Well done!
Well done! I saw that someone already helped with the textures so i won't repeat what they said, but something I've learned from game developing that I consider a good piece of advice is to always include some way to exit the game! Like just setting the escape key to close the game :)
That way those who don't know about alt+f4 can close it and not be stuck!
I played and am commenting on it now!
Here's mine if you want, I always appreciate feedback :)
I made a stealth game about rebuilding the world!
It's difficult for me. I'd LOVE to re-implement the things I had to take out. Originally, the level changed in stages according to the machines you built, but it increased the size of my game to over's limit of 1GB. So a post-update for me would involve optimizing the game as much as I can to take down the size, and clearing out the minor bugs that have appeared in the game. There seemed to be a bug where two UI texts were able to overlap each other, and you can apparently keep building machines forever even though they are already built.
The latter isn't game-breaking, it just means the player might accidentally sink their scrap metal into a machine they already built :P
I'm down, this sounds like a really good idea!
here's mine:
Rated! very cute game!
Here's mine:
Haha I know, the original size was 1.5 GB before I had to start cutting stuff out. I tried to optimize a little bit but I didn't notice the size until I packaged the project.... 1 hour before submission time. I could definitely have re-used some more materials and deleted some un-used ones for sure!
The entire reason I submitted 1 minute before deadline was becuase I tried to cut down the size as much I could, lesson learned I suppose XD
But thank you for saying that!
Gonna play yours in a few hours! you'll see my comment when it's done :D
In the meantime, Here's mine: