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W3r3 W0lf

A member registered Apr 15, 2022

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Games absolutely amazing. Love the story, the characters, the lore, the combat. Traitor and Hunter are really interesting characters, and i love how Traitors lore dropping you without lore dropping you. (There is no dragon ON the island) speaking of dragons...the story in the sanctum of the guy who went from hating the dragon to being it lover was cute as hell. totally definitly unrelated to dragons but are we going to be un-hooded in the future?

sorry to hear that

tried the tentacles update, i have to say, version 1 in the castle was just better all around, hope you guys decide to go back to that game design since it was better in everything, from combat to puzzles to the grapple mechanics.

so coming back to this...ARE there going to be pregnancy mechanics?

Maybe one of those tough-guy yankee types? like a wolf or tiger? watching a tough guy face get flustered would be pretty cute

so is the whole "offering soul" thing to Chronzon necessary for the good or bad ending?

oh SHIT i remember this! thanks for bringing it back!

probably because MH is a Visual Novel exploring long term abuse and recovery with  more fleshed out cast of characters while LD is much more about the Pr0n

+1 for mpreg

beer, iron, horehound , feather, bell. use the pillars as context clues

its a good game, major bug though. once you leave the demor castle and reach the tavern, the tavern crystal saves as demor castle floor 1 and not as the tavern. if you use it to fast travel to the memory room or anywhere else, you CANNOT get back to the tavern and softlock your game

so if you accidently click the "load game" button you have to go back to the main menu and lose a bunch of progress. either that or im missing a button somewhere. other than that i really like the game and the writing. Also, another bug i found is when giving lightrot to the Titan alchemist guy, he actually doubles the amount youre carrying instead of taking them

Coming back to this, i have a suggestion to hopefully QoL a little easier.

When you put items into the storage chest you can use those items from the crafting bench without having to run back and forth.

Also, Kivu is preggable? thats hot. hope to see some preg content later down the line

went through the demo and its fantastic. The action controls weren't too difficult to get used to although I would like a way to refresh spine usage (such as 1 back every unit of time spent) and the possibility of using the TAB key to either access or exit out of menus, since I'm personally more conditioned to using tab then esc.

But the scenes are FANTASTIC and well written, and the animation accompanying them is also top notch. you guys really stepped up your skills here.

Sidenote-Its absolutely adorable Kivuli adores potted plants or gardening in general in the same vein that Grove adores carrots. Gives a nice piece of personality.

(1 edit)

So the last time i played was before the protagonist sprite rework. honestly really preferred him gray, any plans to add an option in game to shift that around a bit?

Also apparently any trace of old save data plays havoc with the update, crashing literally everything

Definitly need the ability to move items that were already placed, and the ability to replace walls and floors with new ones rather than break them down to build them again. also, need wall types (like hosipital walls) to be placed on one side of the wall, allowing adjoining rooms to have a different type (like dungon walls) placed on the same wall block

check the nsfw in the shitposting section

God i fucking love Caleb. Someone really went "He's a talking dog" and Caleb RAN with it. His halloween events are amazing and hes just such a positive character. Are we ever going to get a a scene where he reveals himself to the town? Or one where we invite Rose into our exclusive club?

yeah i need more now


So that was Demiurge, huh? Now why would he take an interest in howl like this? My guess? Howls a deity, ot the physical incarnation, manifestation, or reincarnation of one. Would explain his aptitude for magic and him living in a shrine

yup, found that too. Was so used to switching between chars in window i missed how it was done in this game. (clicking portraits while the window was open) Lol i hit every button on my keyboard thinking there was a hotkey for it XD

(1 edit)

Alright, after sinking some more time into this, i have to say that poison NEEDS to be nerfed. a 50 something damage hit along with an immediate proc of 40? Not fun, and a pretty major difficulty spike going from the slimes to the woods. i understand that slimeform gets some minor poison resist, but ash does not. Adding a small blurb when he tell you to prepare reminding you to stock up on antidotes would be nice.
Maybe also change poisons damage from a flat number to a % based on max hp, like 15-20 % of max hp as damage, that way its still a threat but it wont end your character in 3 turns or less.
Maybe also add some skills to the base adventurer form, like a taunt skill, or a guard stance. since we cant equip our allies (that I've found, or maybe there's a bug there) it would go a long way to making things much more manageable, particularly against tough fights.
Lastly, healing items should also be tweaked, maybe take a page out of the Tales series and have healing items be limited amount in inventory, but heal a large % or max hp, like the 30% apple gel. Would save the need to go potion, high potion, mega potion, etc etc and make healing items a bit more tactical in their use. If not then maybe a bump from 100 to 150, so they're more relevant in these first 2 dgns we have access to.
All in all its shaping up to be a really good game, the only minor gripes i have is lack of party customization and no skill descriptions for party skills (have no idea what the diff between ephemeral edge and sneak attack is)
But im excited for more, will prolly pledge once my finanaces get in order, thank you for your hard work

Edit: found how to equip allies, its by clicking their portrait with the equip window open. Will also ask to make left and right arrows in window for a slightly easier time.

so, are there plans for a furry protag or no?

this is the cutest damn thing ive seen on youtube in a long while. check out the artist he has more. also, target romantic interest for fen

after a big content dump on yaoihaven i became a big fan of your work, and im loving the game so far. just a quick question, any planned cameos of Rio and Marshall, since you were toying with the whole "demon" thing back then. would be cute i think

seriously, i'm entirely fine with gunther being taken off the table if you make it happen, or at least give us the option of playing matchmaker

saw a stripper solgaleo in another comic and damn he was thick. would prolly look just as good here. a hisui typhlosian shinto priest/taoist would be fantastic as well, and maybe a feraligator or floatzel. we also need a flirty rillaboom whos entirely into gunther...for reasons.

i used an evasion build (perception and dexerity), get the gas from arthur in the lab to reduce all his stats by 50, and give your gun to alastor to upgrade it in the workshop (on the pirate ship, not your ship)