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A member registered Jun 16, 2020

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(1 edit)

Congrats on your launch(es).

Is there any confirmation if Steam will get achievements, and if so, will they be retroactive? 

Basically, my purchase on Steam specifically will be around this decision, as I'd prefer to purchase there, with Achievements, and if so, wait so I don't have to double up on getting them. 

(the steam discussion forums seems to have a small portion of people hopeful for this as well).

I know this isn't a priority, your launches, bug fixes, etc are.  But would be nice to know if this is in your roadmap, even if it's TBD and SOON™

I've tried like 20+ dice apps and I can't find one that is suitable for board games (almost all seem targeted towards AD&D).  I figured this might be the best app to have the best chance to be able to do what I need it to do, so here goes! 

Does this app (or can it be added) have the ability to: 

  • Roll Dice
  • Lock Dice After Roll
  • Manuipulate a Dice to a specific side after the roll (For instance, on a D6, turn it from a 3 to a 4) 
  • Throw an alert with a predefined pattern of dice (for instance, if you roll three 1's)
  • Use Custom Image on Dice

I've found different apps that let you do some of these things, but none that let you do all of these things.

For board games specifically, this could be super useful and would purchase this hands down if it's already doable or possible to add in.

Thanks for any feedback! 

Great to hear.  If you need anyone to help test on a steam deck...  ::raises hand:: 

(I'd still buy the game, no freebies!)

But yeah, I can't wait to revisit this new version.  I'm also slightly an achievement person so even more excited for official steam.  Great game, wish you all the best success.

Circadian Dice community · Created a new topic Steam Deck

Now that Steam Deck is a thing, would love to see you guys reconsider releasing this on Steam.   Also hope it's still in development as it's such a great game!