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A member registered Mar 05, 2023

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Clarificiation, inclanation is shown in their profile, right? Next to their personality and stuff?

and how do I become someone's dom/sub? do I gain access to the libary dungeon?

Like I am constantly doing library favor but nothing

I noticed that after some time

1. The hunger and thirst meter doesn't go up and forever stuck at 0

2. I can't collect from my assets after 2 weeks has passed

This happened late in the game when you become the champion of the death race, doesn't happened if you aren't death race champion but I am not certain

with a profile like that, I can definitely trust you

so you are saying, I have to take protein bars to gain or maintain muscle 

And snacks to gain or maintain fat, 

But what is considered a snack?

Anyone knows how to increase muscle and fat?

I noticed that my muscle seems to be decreasing even if I work out. Don't know why

Question... is there anything in the game currently?

Like after you befriends some students, teachers, and strangers

Do some quests

Earn Cash

Is there a point to continue with classes and stuff?

I'm just curious like how will i know if I unlocked everything from a character or event

like for the Esport club, is it even possible to befriend the E-girl?

"meaty" nice.


Yeah, i forgot that one

Thanks for reminding me

I tried that but the save still prevails. But thanks anyway

Anyone knows how to clear saves?

It's just, whenever I try to download the latest version. My saves from the older version still appears in the save/load menu

I would like a clean and clear menu

(2 edits)

I notice a couple of bugs in the game

1. The slime quest in the adventure Guild, no matter how many I kill. I don't earn any Gold

2. The server job in the tavern, I can't seem to get get any drink if I talk to the girl

3. The rat quest for the cow girls, I enter their house. But I can't find any rat except the 1 trying to get the food

Hopefully these gets fix in the next update 

I came for the porn, and stayed for the story. Now I just play for the happily ever ever

so more like in a state of hibernation.... okay, I'll wait for the return of the wizard 

So... you killed it?

So... you killed it?

Anyone notice that the patreon link is a 404

Please sir, may i have anoter hint

So with my simple monkey brain

Ren is connected to Sango

if I want to unlock it, I need to complete Sango's route and start a complete new game

...something tells me, I am missing something

Welp, guess I will explore