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A member registered Oct 27, 2024 · View creator page →

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We're working on a hunky rat character right now! I don't have an ETA as we're doing this in our free time, but Soon™!

If an artist wants to create futa animations for the game, they're welcome to contact me! 

I don't know, to be honest. It's my first game and getting it to work on mobile would be biting off more than I can chew.

This is Puertero's art! 

Userpage of Puertero -- Fur Affinity [dot] net on Bluesky
(2) Puertero (18+) (@Puertero1) / X
@puertero's post on Itaku

I believe I can swap things around to accomplish that. Thank you! It does seem to be a compatibility issue with older devices, Vulkan being the hot new thing in rendering technology. I'll upload a new zip for opengl. Lemme know if it works seamlessly for you!

Can you message me on Discord @waminjamin and send me the log? It's in your Roaming folder at Godot/app_userdata/logs

Were you downloading through the website or the app?

I've pushed an update that should fix character loading! If he doesn't load on "high", trying setting the texture quality to "low" and lemme know how it goes!

I've added that freeplay mode you suggested~ It's less of an animation gallery and more of a 'churn however you want' mode, but I think it's pretty good! Lemme know what you think of it :D

I've pushed an update that should fix character loading! If he doesn't load on "high", trying setting the texture quality to "low" and lemme know how it goes!

Hoping that it isn't an operating system issue... I have no clue where to begin for backwards compatibility...

I've pushed an update that should fix character loading! If he doesn't load on "high", trying setting the texture quality to "low" and lemme know how it goes!

I've pushed an update that should fix character loading! If he doesn't load on "high", trying setting the texture quality to "low" and lemme know how it goes!

I've pushed an update that should fix character loading! If he doesn't load on "high", trying setting the texture quality to "low" and lemme know how it goes!

I've pushed an update that should fix character loading! If he doesn't load on "high", trying setting the texture quality to "low" and lemme know how it goes!

I've pushed an update that should fix character loading! If he doesn't load on "high", trying setting the texture quality to "low" and lemme know how it goes!

I've pushed an update that should fix character loading! If he doesn't load on "high", trying setting the texture quality to "low" and lemme know how it goes!

I've pushed an update that should fix character loading! If he doesn't load on "high", trying setting the texture quality to "low" and lemme know how it goes!

Nothing happens at all? No flicker? You've extracted the files to a folder yes? And when you run the exe... nothing?

Try the latest update!

Thanks for the detailed comment!

Chart difficulty vs. the ease of actually winning is something I noticed myself, even as I've played it a hundred times during testing. There's no punishment for actually missing a note, and until I'm a better level designer I will keep it that way XD

I'll look into randomizing colors! Not sure what options Godot has for fonts but I too am not satisfied with the look of the hit grades.

Yeah, for now they gain a blush at a high score and look concerned/surprised when you miss a note. Could be fun to add expressions that adjust based on the meter! Only other thing that changes is the tail-wag/stroke speed when your combo is higher.

Good news about some of the bugs! In the version I'm working on, I've already fixed the lurch animations (as well as a few others) continuing to loop instead of resetting. Puer and I talked about unique animations for double-notes... we wanted to reduce the amount of work on his part so for now the most I think I'll do is make it so hits processed withing a few milliseconds of each other don't instantly change direction. And the animation resets whenever a note is hit has been fixed... although they can still end up playing a different animation >_>

I believe I've got a fix for the failure to load! It's just taking me time in between my studies and my job to make the necessary changes. Lotsa QoL stuff is on the way!

A volume slider will be in the next update! And it'll start quieter so your ears don't get blasted XD

Is it just the arrows that don't load? Or do the characters not load either? Does music play?

If I find an artist willing to draw unbirthing for the game, either for fun or commissioned by someone else, it could happen!

That's... new >_> I'll do a lil' research on my end to see what that's all about. At least the game runs! Woo!

Sent :>

Get back in touch with me; I have a new build that I'm hoping will run better on your computer ^^

(1 edit)

You won't be jealous for long! Do you know how much VRAM your system has? I want as many people to be able to play as possible. If you have time I'd love for you to message me on Discord @ waminjamin. Looking for people with your problem to test a new build for me.

That's the dream!

How much VRAM does your system have?

I thought I managed to fix this T-T ...

If you download through the app, you shouldn't get that warning. Do you have 7zip? Does Windows block you from downloading and unzipping the 7zipped version of the game?

I have no clue how to export to Linux, but I'll take a look after I'm done optimizing memory. I've noticed the game uses up ~530 Mb of VRAM, and a few users have shown me the specs for their laptops allowing only for 128 MB of VRAM. In the next few days I'll have a build that can run within the 128 MB limit, at the sacrifice of a **little** bit of detail.

No worries! Hope I can implement a fix in a future update.

Go to

  ...\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Churn Churn Revolution 

And send me the logs;

Message request me on Discord, my name is Waminjamin there too. Would you be willing to stream the bug for me?

Yaaay! I remember your comment. This is a huge relief TwT

I hope you enjoy~!

Does the game run fine when you first load it, but it's only after you hit ESC and trying to choose a level that it fails to load?

Thanks for the log. If it's not a RAM issue, then we're breaching new territory. Would you be willing to stream on Discord? You can send me a message request. I'm Waminjamin on there as well.

Hmm... Crash on launch is new. What did you download the game through? How much RAM is available when you're running the game?

That's prudent. Resolving that issue is my priority right now. You can get a work-around by downloading off of the Itch.IO app at the very least.

Working on making it so Windows and Chrome stop freaking out.