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A member registered Jan 15, 2022

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Oh goddd

He is one of the furry talent artist.
He can awake your corrupted fetish.

Man, $2 is veryyyyyyy cheap. I can buy 1 dish of food in $2

I recommend you to sell on gumroad too.

And keep monthly publish on patreon.

Many furry artist friend of mine do that and they gain a lot of money, some of them can buy a room in condo.

You make impressive game

OK, I solved it
I must lose to it 2 time

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I try everything 

-surrender myself

-drink beer until lust is full and enter battle with it

-let it hurt me until HP reach 0

-flirt it until its lust reach 100

No CG for me

I mean slime the first monster that we encounter

How to get Slime Defeat?
I submit myself to Slime but no CG


1  talk with Witer (green croc) about god and he will teach you how to pray the god in his religious

2. collect 2 Labrador Tea Leaves, 3 Bearsberry, 1 Lemon. Labrador Tea Leaves and Bearsberry can be found in snow area.

3. Let Parif (cook deer) cook Labrador Tea for you

4. Go to statue.

5.offer the Tea and pray with Witer's way

6. If you success, light will flash you

7. check on offering, you will get new item

Good Luck

Winter area, you can gather in the scene,  but drop rate is bad 

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1. Nowadays verions public you can do it

2. after war event, Nauxus earn your trust (You can stop the war or let the lizard win the war)

3. Invite him at bathhouse at night time and bathhouse still open


fd-caro has release  patch to fix it. You should download it. Or load the last save.

1. Don't kill him. Only flirt him

2. invite with food. Let our deer chef make it for you

Let our deer chef cook  some of food and then he will follow you

Is game has mpreg content?

flirt him until he lose

Have you read 【Read first before ask 】 👉【Game guide】to v0.21 by Redyoshi - Tavern of Spear v0.22e community -  it yet?

I wish I can play more monster like slug and sprouter

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Your game is amazing. I'm looking for NSFW game that MC try to escape the raping scene but end up with force breeding.

You did it very well.

I replay it very often

Thx for fulfill my fantasy dream

I played 0.20pc and stuck in snow town and cannot go back to tavern 

In v0.21d Version, Can we go back to tavern ?

What is Unmarked Key use for?

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I have  older version of game  (0,19c)  

How to install new version by remaining old save?

You must meet Witer's quest first about his nightmare

From my playing, I should Good/Neutral route of the war and Thane stay at Tavern and I make Nauxus trust me.

I got "gallery" with Nauxus  and Thane <3 <3 

I got 3rd emblem after fighting with Selye from  Nauxus

Who is Hong

okay I will take it from here

after you found the painting keep jumping into the painting until Eyvind (you) notice where is Thane got attacked

If you do the right thing, new way point will appear on the left of Tavern.

If you go there, prepare for battle it's tough battle

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Hey. I played through the main game with the War quests and accidentally chose to be on Nauxus's side instead of being neutral. I just got the game the other day and couldn't put it down. Anyways, the real question is, did I mess up on something for me to be neutral between both tribes? I accepted Thanes plans and he yet still got killed at the end of the war. Did I do something wrong between Thanes Plans and the festivals' in the Lizard Tribe and the Bull Tribe? Please Help. 

<< If you want to keep neutral route follow this

First, you must have 2 emblems before  start the war at Tavern  and Thane must stay at your tavern

Second, after you talk to Nauxus/Axel (up to your route) go back to tavern take  "clue" from  Thane.

Third, go to the temple , keep jump into the painting until Eyvind notice where is Thane got attacked

Fourth, go to there and prepare for battle

Also one more thing, How do I trigger the Selye fight scene? I'm wanting to get that done. 
<< After end every event of War event and let the days pass and sleep in Tavern

If you wake up and automatic go to river, you are the right way

And then, go to demon forest (first boss) and prepare to fight.

PS. If you are hypno fetish, you  should pretend  to lose.

congrats and how about the story

Keep using Blind up combine with mp potion , you will survive during fighting him

In the first time I were you I had to kill him until I reloaded the save and flirted him until he submit.

He is the hardest foe for flirt except flirt immune foe.

From the guide your COR must reach 15. You must lose the monster such as slime, ghost etc. or suck drunken bull in bull tribe village in random night

I just got Kuno in my party. What should I go next?  I travel everywhere I pass and no way to go

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random item from Bread (only survivor knight) and  Bread  must live in barn

Up to your style . My style has weakness against immune flirt foe. You can upgrade your weapon ( I also did it) to reach maximum upgrade of your weapon . When you  fight with Selye try to combine Bind up skill with MP potion. Bind up skill is heal you more than HP potion. When you see left topscreen use defense.

You can find  ectoplasm by winning the ghost. The ghost is on the same map with smlie but you must find them at night

My style is flirt style (My CHA is 11). So, I flirt him a lot until I win them