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A member registered Jan 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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I just would like to say thank you. This little game has brought many tears to my eyes, what accuracy and intelligence in its design. 
Really love when brightness changing towards the end...

We love mushrooms ! Love the art, the mood and comforting light... 🍄🍄‍🟫


Thank you really much for this warm comment ! 🍂

Thank you for this game jam ! We've not implemented everything too but that's a good thing because it means we eat & sleep like we should ! 🍂🐌

bitsy community » bitsy · Created a new topic Bitsy 3D 7.3 + Hacks ?

This is my first time on Bitsy 3D! And I wanted to add 2 borksy hacks, but as I understand it, the hacks are not compatible with Bitsy 3D.
I saw that you could do things with Bisty Savior but I'm not sure I understood everything.. Can anyone help me?

Thank you. :) 

what an idea! really good use of Inktober challenge! love the game(s), art, design and dialog voices, really fun! 


what an idea! really good use of Inktober challenge! love the game(s), art, design and dialog voices, really fun! 


time to make a cup of tea and watch the rain through the window... 🍂

Merci beaucoup pour ce retour qui fait super plaisir... ☁️

Hello! Très heureuse d'apprendre que cette expérience t'ai permis d'apprécier un moment de pause et d'en profiter mais aussi, de détruire avec satisfaction l'horloge. ☁️

J'aurai aimé pouvoir ajouter ce type de moment d'attente, malheureusement je n'ai pas trouvé comment le réaliser sur Bitsy. 

Merci. 💗


thanks for this! have a good day too with Bitsy! :)


thank you really really much for your answer! that's help me a lot! 

so emotionnal, thank youuu

this comment makes me really happy! that's exactly what i want. thank you very much. <3

Thank you very much for your comment. <3

spoiler : 

there is no ending, it's just a boredom loop.

a really really beautiful game, the art, the story, the simplicity of feelings... Thank you! 

Hello there! 

I've recently tried to use bitsy muse ui tool but, i don't know how the options for the sfx works. 

I've followed the instructions in the options but adding code to the dialogs directly in bitsy doesn't work.

Does anyone have a clearer explanation of how to add sfx to a project? 

Thank you

a beautiful and peacefully game ! really emotional, thank you ! 

I never want to go back in the kitchen. :c 

<3 <3

Tu as envie de faire pipi ? 

EDIT: We've found out how to make a Timer with StopWatch hack! 

Now we're looking at how to trigger a scene change after X seconds..? If you have an issues we'll enjoyed it! 

Hello there ! 

Is it possible to increase a Variable without any physical intervention by player and his avatar? 

We're working on a game and we're looking to build a timer 🕰️ easily without having to go through the hacks that take up too much of our time. 

Hello ! I'm Waves, I'm an Independant Game Designer in France & sometimes I make art. 
I've come here to ask question about Bitsy because I discover this fantastic Tool recently ! 

J'avais besoin de ça dans ma journée !
Je retourne de ce pas le partager sur Linkedin ;) 




Un jeu bouleversant. 

Un projet incroyable en si peu de temps ! Beaucoup beaucoup de talent !