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A member registered Sep 07, 2022

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Super interesting idea for a game, Cabin in the Woods is a uniquely "game like" setting for a movie. I like the carry over in the favour system, as well.

I couldn't manage to beat it but oh my lord the floor textures are psychedelic as hell. I could stare at them for days.

very sus i like

Fun little idea, would be sick to see this fleshed out a bit more. Patrick Bateman gambit-ing a fool is a message for an audience that hasn't been tapped into yet. And I think they're rabidly awaiting it.

Loved the art style, and the retro sound effects. Took me a couple minute to get through. Howl's Moving Castle is one of my favourite Ghibli films so this was a nice little nostalgia trip. Flameo, hotman!

I could not pee on the right rug, I simply have not learned my lesson. Music was extremely appropriate, riveting experience.

Hypnotizing little microgame. Almost like a subtle ASMR rhythm game.

It was great being able to play in a couple different environments, the music as wonderfully cinematic but I have to say the thing I was most impressed by was the gorgeous sprite work on the main character.