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A member registered Oct 06, 2018

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Wait there is porn now? Need to repaly these gems

Heck yeah. I am all for an improved version. With quality of life features.

It could also be a problem with people playing on old saves. So did you make new variables that gets triggered/set before the new content?

I also feel like some people never learned or just forget that. A story does not necessarily reflect anything of what the Author thinks. (In general in media with an author.)

Because I saw many times where people said unkind words to the author because the MC they did not like. And assume that the author is the same as the MC. But a great Author can put on many different shows/view points. 

(Obviously there are also story's that reflect the authors experience, and if a story focus to heavily onto something that is questionable at best, it may be best to see it rather critical.)

Another such instance which I can't just wrap my head around was where the author made a adult visual Novel which focus of a dude transforming into a girl. Which they wrote really good an believable. But some just said to them (Forgot the gender of the author.)  that if they can write it that good zhat maybr they where born in the wrong body. And the later said that. But I really hope that thata was only a really small push the people gave them. And not the only reason why he thought that. As again just because they could write that a good believable story does not mean they are indeed born in the wrong body. (Obviously it could be but I rather not assume to fast on such things and especially not in any from demand that it must be the reason of the good quality, rather the just that they are a great authory.)

I just realized I wrote far to much and gone way of track.... Sorry 馃珷

"Just one complaint, make links(hair length etc) different color from text."

Or she could put an emoji before the links. Oh, also the choices (at the bottom should in my opinion have a space between them. So one can see it better.)

Everyone their own fetish. Even so I see it more like if I want rather seeing a women in a lot of bad situations or a man. But if that's your cup of coffee. But tbh I don't really think that this will happen in the near future. As even now it's a lot of work because of all the different routes. 

Also would you rather have only the MC change or all Characters have their genders flipped? I ask because your wish let's a lot of interpretation open on how it could be done. 

And I asked my question the way I did because your sentence (which could be why you got down voted) made it seem like it's not a game more for guys.  Which some could see as an attack on what they like. And tbh most people would see the game as rather a game for man then women. But that does not mean that it could not be enjoyed by both.  Only that if looking at it traditionally, it's more a game targeted at a male audience because of some of the contents. 

But as said above you do you. If you don't like that it's ok.

Oh, and I hope I didn't come across as mean or rude. Just wanted to shed some light on why the others downvoted you and that it's a lot of work to make a game like this with lots of decisions. 

But hey maybe if this game gets finished some days he makes another that's more to your liking. 

(Just realized that's that is more likely what you meant, but maybe someone already did a mod for an male MC. But again your let it a bit open on what exactly you mean.)

You mean with an male MC? Because right now the game is more for guys in my opinion.

Then you should also say something against all straights that don't want children. Also, last I checked, the birthrate is still rising and becomes a problem in some countries. And it is totally normal for birthrates to decline in prosperous Countries. So, do you also have something against them? 

Should we all just suffer, so we produce more children. What's far more important is that the children that are here have a loving family.

And I heard far better arguments as what you said. As all you said was about survival. Which we don't do, we don't just survive. We live. Otherwise, we also should stop doing like playing video games. As that is not important for survival.

Also stop spreading lies. As you said, many things that are scientifically disproven.

And the only problem I see is the way some want to force to use gender language. As that could cause problems as information can be lost, to such a degree that you might not get what the other is saying.

But is the game not over after that?

Except that the game is tied to a larger Series.

On SubscribeStar.

Yo if I buy this game her. Do I own than only this version or all the future uodates too?

Wait Really. But do you not need to give in your age?

So does a mod or so exist to Change it back?

Played that game years ago. And it really has changed. Over the Years.

No, you didn't. And if he makes that it should be in its own Difficulty with the name fiofio43.