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A member registered Mar 04, 2023

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i entered it in wrong and for some reason i cant backspace

Just want to say that this really is a remarkable game. Literally one of if not the funniest games I've ever played. 

3-4 months. Its been 2 years. Not even a "hey, I'm still working on this!" 

Pack it up, gang, the hopium isn't doing us any good. Its over.

You seem to be updating this at a pretty steady pace, which is really cool. Any idea when it'll be finished? I'm one of those types that cant revisit something after I've done a run through so I tend to only play completed games/ shows/ book series, etc. 

I've been aimlessly wandering for fucking hours at this point, i've beaten the passion questline and am at 3 hearts with every single person, all of my stats are maxed out, and i still dont know hw to get rid of these fucking pillars (the ones that the mc remarks as being scary). My current mission is to clear the blue seal, lust questline. How in the fuck am I supposed to do that when the only thing accessible in the blue boundary is the mausoleum? I am at my wits end here, I cant  find this shit in any guide, i dont know what the fuck i'm supposed to do here

please help

It's always the good ones that get stuck in limbo, huh? 

Heartbreaking, really. The skill on display here is insane, it kinda hurts that it may never be finished. Like seeing the half shaped work of a sculptor who dies before their chisel could see its purpose through. 

I really hope this gets finished.

Wayfarer community · Created a new topic Minor issue

I really want to love this game, I do. But its pretty frustrating when you spec into a specific stat (or two) and yet always, always fail when you attempt skill checks using said stats. I have played this game through three times now and I have yet to succeed on a single skill check. Like, come the fuck on. First playthrough, had high strength and agility, failed every single strength and agility check i chose. Next playthrough, maxed out persuasion, failed every single check, again. Third playthrough, max strength, doesn't fucking matter, I fail every. single. check.

Is this a bug? Is it intentional? Its really infuriating to be this grungy survivor of a lost order....and be fucking useless. Like damn, if all the Wayfarers are like this no wonder the order folded like a wet noodle.