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A member registered Sep 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Não entendi o titulo, vou começar mandando essa kkk

O jogo ficou bem arcade, então dá um experiência bem completinha, isso eu gostei! Mas também não entendi MUITO bem a relação com o tema.

Vizualmente eu gostei. É uma estética bacana, curti os modelos.

Os muleque te chutando enquanto flutuam em T pose emanam uma aura maligna...

O visual do jogo ficou bem legal, a arte é mó bonitinha e o efeito das sobras é bem feitinho, da uma atmosfera legal! Só não sei como que joga. Da a impressão que tem mais coisa pra fazer. Imagino que teria alguma mecânica envolvendo os isolamento de fios, mas por causa do curto tempo da lanterna, nem da pra experimentar muito, mas se tiver implementado, eu não consegui achar. Uma pena, queria ver como seria essa mecânica.

Eu simultaneamente amei e odiei o level design. Acho que como puzzle ele é divertido, gratificante de se resolver, mas acho que o fato da fase 1 ( e que eu saiba a unica fase, tirando o debug ) ser bem grandinha e fácil de dar softlock machuca as primeiras impressões das mecânicas e desafios propostos, que na real são bem legais, só precisavam de mais liberdade pra se experimentar sem restartar toda hora.  Pra resolver você tem que fazer certas coisas na sequencia certinha, e se você errar você fica preso e tem que restartar. Nos melhores exemplos de jogos desse tipo, a penalidade é meio instantânea, te deixando saber que você errou, mas permitindo que você desfaça certas coisas e tente de novo. Eu acho que esse seria um melhor approach, e com alguns ajustes no level design acho que era bem possível de se fazer. Talvez seja um nitpick, mas ta aí kk

Ter a câmera limitada entre os personagens é estranho, não acho que eles deveriam "sair da tela", é meio confuso, deveria haver alguma espécie de barreira eu acho.

A mecânica de frustração eu realmente não gostei, é uma forma muito arbitraria de impor um desafio. Por mais que sejam meio genéricos, espinhos ou lava teriam sido mais que o bastante, ou falldamage, ou fazer essa frustração ser visual de alguma forma. Do jeito que tá, a frustração são tiles idênticos a qualquer outro mas que por qualquer motivo, te "matam", mesmo que você tivesse ido la de proposito pra pegar alguma coisa, o que aconteceu algumas vezes. Por sorte, não aparece muito.

A fisica do tileset é irritante as vezes, as caixas ficam presas nos declives e aclives e as hitbox dos personagens não detectam enquanto andam as vezes, não te deixando pular.

A arte funciona bem apesar de ser simplesinha, mas incomoda ver o ícone do Godot esticado e em itens essenciais kk

Não sei se tem mais fases, cheguei na sala a direita com os dois e não aconteceu nada :V

No mais, ficou bem legal, acho que é uma ótima base pra um jogo de puzzle mais abrangente :D

Ah, thanks a lot. We'll do our best!

Well, that is strange. The jukebox works by pressing UP when it lights up, if that's not working, then there's something wrong... It seems to be working, but we'll look into it.

The game has no other sounds aside from the jukebox, but we'll add indoors sound effects and a few subtle noises for the outside section. That was the initial plan anyway, but we didn't had time.

And yes, development will continue. When that happens, things like the currency and the machines inside the ship will finally have a purpose.

Thanks again!

We're glad you enjoyed it and found your way, the level design and overall control needs some adjustments.

I'm not sure what you mean by jukebox control, but I'm assuming you're confused about it stopping when you're outside the ship. We wanted to play with the idea that there's no sound in space, so you actually can't play it outside as of now. We still have plans to incorporate that idea into the game while still giving the player some audio flavor during gameplay, but it really is a work in progress. 

The music that plays in the Jukebox is "Land of 8 Bits" by Stephen Bennet, but we plan on giving more options, and original songs may happen at some point.

Thank you for playing~!

(1 edit)

The things inside the ship were supposed to give you options on a few upgrades, as well as giving you access to new areas and tasks. These features couldn't make it in time, so for the time being they don't really do anything... The jukebox works tho!

There were a few ideas we brainstormed for the story. Since it also couldn't be done in time, we dropped the narrative completely for now, then repurposed everything we could use as "trash"... So... Uh.... Don't worry 'bout it, if you find something too absurd that you can sell as trash, is probably a just place holder for now, hehe... ,:)

Thank you for your feedback, we plan on doin more with this in the future!

Good job!

I really like the attack being a physical thing and not just a hit box that show up only when you press a button, it's pretty inventive, it allows you to run though enemies, which is fun but kinda risky.

I'd appreciate a HUD tho, there's no way to know how's your health or fuel. Speaking of fuel, took me a while to realize that the jetpack won't work after you jump, which is weird and not very intuitive, specially since it ALMOST works, but then just doesn't. Made platforming a bit frustrating.

Overall, pretty cool game.

Love the game!

Sprites look pretty good, have a very simplistic look and reminds me of Celeste, but it does annoy me to see a thing or two that are pretty offscale. Level design is just great, and being able to make your own checkpoint is pretty new to me, neat.

Song's alright, I can see it getting repetitive after a while, but is not too intrusive, so it does its job.

I think the one problematic thing is the walljump, I find it weird and hard to pinpoint how it works. Sometimes it spins you around and gives you knockback, sometimes it works indefiinetely, sometimes it works once per wall and sometimes it just doesn't work at all.

So overall excelent game!

Thank you so much for your feedback!

Well, I think is quite obvious that we might have aimed for a few things far greater then we could actually achieve in so little time, which, ironically, somewhat reflects that narrative aspect you just mentioned. We had some ideas for the narrative, unfortunately, we didn't have time to properly work any of them into the game, which also can be said about shopping and going to new areas with the ship, and that's why the printer-shop and the cockpit aren't working.

As for the floating debris, I'm not sure if you are talking about the visuals or the design of it, so I'll answer both.
They were made to give some amount of direction to the player, just so you don't go place to place aimlessly, but since we were in a bit of a rush, I ended up failing on giving it enough of purpose, shape, or challenge. I did want to give it some variation rather than "Another rock, but this time, blue", as well as tweaking the sprites to better fit the tilemap. We ran out of time...

We plan on continuing to work on this project, so we will definitely take critiques into account.

Thanks again.

This is a really good concept, and I like the application too.

Switching between dimensions is made pretty intuitively and the aesthetic makes a good use of the limitation. I do wish the controlling part was a bit smoother tho, game requires a lot of tight turns, which is a bit annoying(thank god for checkpoints), and going uphill just by horizontal force is a bit slow and made me wonder if it was really the way to go... which I'm still not sure, I could be just playing it wrong.

Additionally, dimensions having different backgrounds is really cool looking, but it made me kinda wish it also had few differences in level design, rather then just physics.

overall, pretty lovely!

(1 edit)

Thank you for your kind message, the whole team appreciates. ^^

As for the jetpack, I perfectly understand. This is due to a TINY mistake in cooperation between me (main designer) and our main programmer during the last few hours, so we forgot to actually apply a few physics settings that would probably make controlling the character outside the ship a whole lot more enjoyable... so I apologize, that one is mostly on me, hehe...

Again, thanks a lot!