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Wheezing Geezer

A member registered Nov 12, 2022

Recent community posts

Thank you so much for your reply and clarification. Again, an amazing game and I'm definitely looking forward to future updates.

Amazing game. I have a few questions though. How many companions are there? Can we or will we be able to take slaves or the mutant girl at the Elysium stall as companions? Do the shared meals increase MCs relationship with companions? Thank you for your assistance and again for such an amazing game :)

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Oooo I can bring some cookies, nice choc chippers and some shortbread biscuits to go with a nice cuppa. ☺️🍪🫖

Edit... unfortunately the shortbread isn't proper UK/Irish shortbread, but still isn't too bad. Lol. 

I truly, deeply appreciate the warm wishes for a speedy recovery. It’s been about two and a half weeks and I’m already feeling a bit better, less pain at least but still can’t walk or even stand for long periods of time. So Monday is going to be quite a treat, I’m truly looking forward to seeing your latest masterpiece. 

Lol you have me a bit worried there, Arc. Now I’m tryna think if I’ve interacted with all of the side girls enough. 🤣 

I truly appreciate everything you’ve done and continue to do, it means more to me than you know and CK has helped me get through the rough, painful days and weeks of healing and will continue to do so. So truly, thank you Arc. ☺️

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I haven't tried Eternum but I did play Once in a Lifetime which was quite good. The choice system was a bit crazy though, had long term effects. And Heros Harem Guild kept crashing on my poor Android 11 phone. So I cleared all other games and kept the only important one, the best one, CK. Lol. 

(6 edits)

Thank you so much for your heartfelt, kind message, Arc, it means more to me than you can know. Due to the long healing and having to be off work for much of the 3 months or so, I honestly don't know how long it will be before I can see my fiancee and our girls again and I probably won't be able to hold our girls even then, which is a bit depressing to say the least and my fiancee and our babies were absolutely devastated to hear of the injury and such a massive setback. My fiancee has tried to put a brave face on it, but the worry and disappointment have really taken their toll on her. 

Lol you're very right, my fiancee lives in NE UK but has lots of relatives in Scotland and her accent is a mix of Scottish and Geordie (the accent around the Newcastle upon tyne area). She's absolutely delightful and I could and often do listen to her talk for hours. Lol maybe your family do indeed know her. I haven't been to Scotland yet but we're very close to the border. I absolutely love life in the NE UK and can hardly wait to go home. And I'm very, very glad that you're planning some time off to finally rest. I know you've been working hard on CK and I'm beyond grateful as are all of your adoring fans in our CK family, but it's important to get plenty of rest and some Arc time too. 

Thank you for answering my questions again, I just have two more, one is actually more of an observation though, really.

The only main girls I have without full hearts are Chastity, Morgana and Lyx, all of which I know come later (in more ways than one?). Though I think the real personality of Chloe might wanna stab the MC in the neck. Repeatedly. Lol. But is there a possibility of side girls (Jessica's friends, Molly, etc) turning? Doesn't seem likely, just curious. 

And my adoration of you has just gone up 1000%, it sounds like due to the combat system, crafting, and the effect of choices, it sounds like CK will have a HUGE replay value, the game changing if we go back and make different choices. CK, in my humble opinion, is truly the best of the best games but this will truly seal the deal, putting it in a league of its very own. 

Much love Arc, and thank you again for absolutely everything and for being the most amazing, caring and diligent dev ever. Idk how many others would care enough to message their fans and I know we all truly appreciate it.

Again sorry for another huge wall of text. I keep doing that. Sorry, Arc. 

Hey everyone, this is my first time posting on here, but I have to say I do love ToU and Stronkboi. Thank you so much for creating such an amazing game, its one of the very best I have ever played on any game system. I think I've reached the end of the latest update (prepping to rescue Lou) but I'm very excited to see more content, especially (hopefully?) more Nelsie content... She looks identical to my fiancée, almost even down to the accent (my fiancée is in NE UK, I'm in the US... which sucks). Glad to see a pretty lil curvy ginger shortstack. And I've laughed so hard during this game. Its definitely kept me company during my slow and painful recovery in the last 2 weeks (compression fracture of L1 vertebrae...aka a broken back). Only about 3 months of recovery to go. Anyhoo, I hope you're doing well, Stronkboi,, and I just wanted you to know you're absolutely amazing and you have another adoring fan. 

I'm  sorry that you've had to go through  what I am now. In my case I slipped on some ice on the way to work. Thank you for your kind wishes. I have to say, no I really don't have good doctors tbh. Got an xray, a toridol (basically ibupofen) injection, 2 cold packs and 2 heat packs and sent home. Hopefully I can still work when I get out. Generally I do inventory at a warehouse, lots of bending, sitting, standing, walking, etc.

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Thank you so much, Arc, for your kind words and again for such an amazing game. I'm healing, albeit slowly (will probably take about 3 months) and at the moment, I'm feeling a bit like Gwen. I can stand and walk now, but only for maybe 20 to 30 minutes at a time at most and that not often yet. My fiancee and our children live in the UK and I live in the US (was going to visit for 6 months starting in the beginning of April, but thats been put on hold for now) and I've pretty much been on my own through this. I've had our CK family to keep me company though, and this has helped immensely.

Speaking of Gwen, in her current condition (much like my own, life imitating art) maybe a swing would work with her as well? 

Another question... you said some of the girls might turn? Does that include the ones already Awakened/Shattered (Chloe)? Just curious. It's okay if you can't answer this. 

Oh one more tiny question. I know it's probably too late to do anything about this now, and its okay if it is, but any slight chance there may be any short ginger girls? Just curious. Lol yes I do have a type, I guess. My fiancee is a very short, very pretty, very ginger British girl, freckles and all. ❤😍

Thank you for the clarification on the other maps, the potions, and Morgana as well as how choices will affect act 3. I noticed the hint in the dream, I think that's why I feel bad for Morgana now. 

I'm super excited to see all of the new bits of CK and I'm very glad that you've been able to take your time and hopefully you've also found time to rest, time with your family and for your own things. You always have our love, gratitude and support, Arc. ☺️

Sorry for another wall of text. 😔

I do love all of the CK characters, I even feel bad for Morgana and lots of the girls are super cute (Ami, Hana, Pixie, Annie, Jessica and the Artifact all come to mind... gotta love those huge eyes on all of them, Dhena as well despite her being a nasty pasty) and Ard has grown on me as well. But my #1 favorite character has to be Gramps. I always get a laugh out of him and he seems to be the most knowledgeable, wisest and toughest character in CK. 

Just a thought about how to get around the um problem with Emma. (Tryna avoid spoilers for those who haven't gotten that far). Maybe a swing type setup? Just a thought. And I'm super excited to see the new bits, the combat system, new characters, visiting old characters, seeing the new main story unfold, and I'm really curious about the crafting as well. Have to say, this is still the best game I've ever played of any kind on any system and I absolutely adore Arc, CK and all of the CK characters. I even feel some pity for Morgana. Sumtin bad had to have happened to make her the way she is. I still have lots of questions, thoughts, and ideas, but I'll keep them to myself for now. I am curious about the other maps (the ones for the mountains and ourskirts)... the city is split into districts, but not so with the other maps. Lol. It's okay I can wait and see. IRL I sustained an L1 compression fracture (basically broke my back) a couple of weeks ago so at this point I have lots of time (and pain) while healing. I've been getting potions and making kiddos (went back to older save). I dunno how many potions are too many or if they will be as accessible in act 3, so prepping now.  Also a bit curious about how choices/bits in act 1 and especially 2 will affect act 3 or if they will. Like the hiding spot in the flat. Or the purchase of various properties (the company comes to mind). If someone didn't buy the company, the marina (no 🐠 gurlz), did or didn't find summoner and pet, etc or even didn't win over one or more council members... if that's even possible... how would it affect events later? (might make things harder I would imagine). Not expecting a spoiler filled answer or anything, just been thinking. And thinking about how to take down the bloody eldritch. Lol. Maybe I have way too much time on my hands. 🤣🤣🤣 Anyway thank you for this wonderful game and for tolerating my musings and this wall of text. 

Lol nevermind, I remembered. I decorated the bedroom for Halloween a second time.

Quick question... Can anyone refresh my memory about how to access the dark haired version of Pixie? Thank you so much. 😊

Thank you so much for all of the clarification, Arc. I want to say, I really appreciate it that you take the time to read and answer messages on here, especially given your busy schedule with game updates and having time for a personal life as well. I have never know of any other dev who personally answers messages and questions from those who love, play and support their games. 

A couple of other questions just out of pure curiosity. 

I know the Halloween room decorations unlock related scenes and the vase unlocks the Kana scene, what about the Christmas decorations and the weird statue from Luna's demense tunnels? Or is this latter something for later? Lol. Again I'm very eager to see what happens with each of the characters, their individual story lines seem very complex, and like talking with Gramps, often seem to produce more questions than they answer. 

I'm also a bit curious as to how much the company, college and Samantha storylines will affect the main story, if there will be new properties to buy, etc. And oddly I'm still curious if the small hiding spot in the flat in the beginning of the game will somehow be of use later? 🤣 I'm  sorry, I do have a tendency to hyperfocus and try to work out all of the details, especially about a game I love so much. Oh and will we ever see Maven again? 

Lol I understand about people getting antsy. I have to admit it has been brutal trying to wait patiently, but I know it will be well worth the wait and you need to be able to have time to rest as well. Just know that no matter how long things take, we love you and CK and we'll be here to support you in every way we can. 

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I have to say, I'm still absolutely loving CK and like many others here, I still look forward to the updates and seeing the map and characters open up again.  Just a few questions though. 

First, are Lily, Madison and Jessica (three with kids that come to mind) able to interact with the children at all? 

Another question, I know the Fey classes unlock Pixies schoolgirl outfit, but do they or will they help those in the classes? I do agree that it would be nice to see Hana/Ard and especially Ami in the Fey classes eventually, though as you said I understand that they are too advanced for Ami for now. 

I'm also curious about the laptop that Samantha's husband takes everywhere. Is this in the game now or is it something for later?  Lyx shows up at various places and times. Lol. She's adorable and the dialog is cute and I'm sure it's just for this reason, but does it serve another purpose by chance?

I'm also curious about Gramps insisting the jacket is a picnic blanket... Just wondering if there is anything I've missed. Once over, I missed the Company completely as well as the reporter girl and all of the scenes with Samantha and the apartment apart from the rescue, and most of the college bits as well. I also had to explore and find most of the scenes with the kiddos.

One more question... will there in future be a way to increase each of the stats for at least most of the main girls. For example, I have Gwen, Annie and Pixie at Makeout Queen with kissing. Just wondering though, still exploring the ins and outs of this feature of the game. 

I'm sorry for so many questions. Lol I love exploring and finding things and I'm looking forward to seeing how each character's individual story progresses. Again please ignore any questions that give away future plot twists or too much information about future updates. Thank you so much too for any answers you can provide. 

 Mmmmm rum is goooood. 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you so much for the patch, Arc. Lol absolutely no problems or inconvenience though and you're as amazing as ever.  Lol you're our hero. Funny thought... At the very end of Act 3, Ami made a huge jump... even Pixie commented on it. I know she was excited and all....but then the poor little thing had trouble climbing the sandbags. 

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🎶You picked a fine time to leave me loose wheel (Lucille), 400 children, some crap (...fresh manure...thanks Annie 😘) and a field. 🎶 🤣🤣🤣 CK version of "Lucille" by Kenny Rogers.

Thank you so much, I'll try to download the patched version. Lol no I got it via Patreon. I'm not a pirate. Arrrrg matey☠️. I just talk like one sometimes. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Just checking, there seems to be something going on with the latest update. When I go back to the manor after the bar scene, it gives the bedroom option to talk to pixie. This opens up the map the way it was earlier in the game in act 2 with Lilith in the church. Just didn't want anyone to save accidentally and possibly lose any progress. Certain this has to be a glitch. Even all leads disappeared, but MC still has all items, kids etc before end events of Act 2 and time is still reset to 3 months later. Seemingly there's no way to progress again through the storyline, assuming someone wanted to roam around for a bit until the next update, so to save here would mean having to start from the beginning. 

I had the same problem, but I had to go back and talk to trickster again.

That does sound like fun. I didn't know how important they were thus how many to get. Lol I'm thinking though that the little creature as well as Gramps, etc might be a challenge to get to what with the war and all. I'm absolutely buzzing and eager to see what's coming next and how it all unfolds. And the Eldritch things that we heard Morgana is cooking up sound delightfully horrible as well. 🤗 

A quick question... does anyone know what the little goblin guys potion does? It must be important, as it's with the money and crystals. Is it something for later in the game? Thank you for clarifying. 🤗

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Thank you so much  for  answering my questions, Arc, I really appreciate it. 

Ha thank you for the tip about the reporter girl, just found her. 

I understand about pregnancy being optional, so you're not able to spend too much time on it and as for the idea of creepy sexual territory...ewww. Lol.  Thank you for clarifying though, I just didn't know if we would see them as adults at some point or if they would have any future family type scenes or dialogue.

 And most of all, thank you so much for clarification on the future Dhena content. She's too cute to just remain a crystal, even if she is a bit nutty. I just hope the MC doesn't have to turn evil to unlock the content.

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I'm delighted to hear that CK will never be abandoned, though like all good things, I guess it has to end someday. Just curious, and not meaning to ask a sensitive question, but will the current characters continue in CK 2 or 3? And I'm curious about how many Acts are planned for each? I hope the number is like ONE MILLION. Bwahahah. 🤣 Regardless, I'll for sure be seeing it through to the very end and beyond. 

I'm very glad to hear that there will be more "soft" options added and I really love the underlying theme, it opens up many deeper dimensions to the characters and their individual storylines. But it does tug the heart strings with several of them.

Thank you so much for your quick response. 🙂 Ohhhh..... I'm really glad this game hasn't been and hopefully will never be abandoned. Lol it's okay that none of my questions were answered as I don't want any spoilers, just thinking out loud really and it's understandable that Arc is good at keeping their secrets. I'm super excited for Mondays now. 

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Just wondering... has anyone thought of what would happen if you didn't bring Ami, Ard/Hana and Molly back to the manor (maybe didn't even upgrade the manor)? Or if you didn't even save Morganas servants?  How would it change the end of Act 2? I hate saying too much, as I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't played it yet. I also have to say there are quite a number of characters with very deep, very sad storylines it is sad that so many are extremely lonely and feel unloved and/or question their own self worth. Not too different from real life in that respect...  Several times I kinda wish the MC had the comfort option more (like he does with Ami) or a way to say I love you when talking to others... basically any of his girls who are feeling lonely and unloved. 

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Hmm.... very interesting. I also never thought about the possibility of separating the twins... good idea though if they want to do that, because I agree Hana (the girl twin) is super, super adorable, one of my favorites. 

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First of all, Arc, please let me say that I have played probably hundreds of games on many systems and platforms and this is by far the best, and I do mean the absolute best game I have ever played. The characters (most of them anyway) are heartwarming and I for one, have truly fallen in love with them. The way the story comes together is truly fascinating and makes this game a true masterpiece. I do have to say as well, I love the "red slippers" as I like to call them. Hints about future content, Easter eggs and whatnot. I played through to the end of act 2, saved, downloaded the newest version and have nearly finished again. 

Since then I have discovered the rest of the storyline with the college and company, and I've been just wandering the countryside making an army of kids. Lol. I do have a few questions, but it's okay to not answer or to give arcane riddles as a response (lol like the trickster and many similar characters) . Here goes...

How do I access the reporter girl? Is this Samantha or a different character?

I read somewhere that some of the side girls can or will be able to get pregnant? Just curious...

 Will any of the kids (Lil Roxy or the MCs kids, or any kids other than Alice) become adults eventually?  Will they have any other interactions in the game (if they do become adults)? 

There was a possible hint that Dhena might be a useful ally against Morgana... I know you probably can't answer this one, it's okay... I do have to say though, oddly enough Dhena is one of my favorite girls despite her not having much in the way of lewd scenes. She's just plain cute and I like her curves. I'm weird, maybe. Lol. Anyway I hope we do end up seeing more of her...

 Another question you may not be able to answer without tipping your hand... will there be more leveling systems or magical abilities? I mean, if most of the heart cards are full, most of the stats and authority are maxed, most of the present girls, side girls etc are won over, most of the current properties are owned... it's okay if they will pretty much stay as is and most or all of the training is finished, just curious. 

I briefly thought of maybe a system where the number of *ahem* "interactions" with various characters, including pregnancy, could unlock something (skills, perks, stats, etc like when the MC had to go on dates to increase charisma), but I realized this is something that would be difficult to implement, especially at this point in the game (literally). On a related note as to magical abilities, I'm super excited and curious to see what will happen/change to have our hero and his allies get the upper hand over Morgana and the Organization.

I have other thoughts and questions but I won't ask as I don't want to possibly hint to any new content. I'll just patiently wait for updates and keep on makin babies. Like Johnny Appleseed. Lol.

The ending of Act 2 was definitely unexpected... I expected basically a nice, happy ending... but this was SO MUCH BETTER.  Again, I have to applaud you on winning me over completely and for creating literally the most amazing world of characters ever. Thank you for being your amazing self and for devoting so much time, effort, expense, energy and care for all of us who love you and CK so much.

(PS sorry for the immense length of this post, multiple edits as I've seen typos or errors I've made (I don't want to sound like even more of an idiot 😁), for the many questions and for just being a nosy rosy in general. Luv you. 🤗)