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Just a thought about how to get around the um problem with Emma. (Tryna avoid spoilers for those who haven't gotten that far). Maybe a swing type setup? Just a thought. And I'm super excited to see the new bits, the combat system, new characters, visiting old characters, seeing the new main story unfold, and I'm really curious about the crafting as well. Have to say, this is still the best game I've ever played of any kind on any system and I absolutely adore Arc, CK and all of the CK characters. I even feel some pity for Morgana. Sumtin bad had to have happened to make her the way she is. I still have lots of questions, thoughts, and ideas, but I'll keep them to myself for now. I am curious about the other maps (the ones for the mountains and ourskirts)... the city is split into districts, but not so with the other maps. Lol. It's okay I can wait and see. IRL I sustained an L1 compression fracture (basically broke my back) a couple of weeks ago so at this point I have lots of time (and pain) while healing. I've been getting potions and making kiddos (went back to older save). I dunno how many potions are too many or if they will be as accessible in act 3, so prepping now.  Also a bit curious about how choices/bits in act 1 and especially 2 will affect act 3 or if they will. Like the hiding spot in the flat. Or the purchase of various properties (the company comes to mind). If someone didn't buy the company, the marina (no 🐠 gurlz), did or didn't find summoner and pet, etc or even didn't win over one or more council members... if that's even possible... how would it affect events later? (might make things harder I would imagine). Not expecting a spoiler filled answer or anything, just been thinking. And thinking about how to take down the bloody eldritch. Lol. Maybe I have way too much time on my hands. 🤣🤣🤣 Anyway thank you for this wonderful game and for tolerating my musings and this wall of text. 


Ouch! Sorry to hear about your back, and I hope you're getting plenty of bed rest and healing well!

As for your questions:

1.  Swing MIGHT work, but it depends on how high up it is.

2.  There's a small hint as to what might have happened to Morgana in one of your dreams...

3.  The other maps aren't split into disctricts, but they will have their own "zones" like the town does. Contested areas, areas with a special focus or something to guard or use. That kind of thing.

4.  Potions will be useable in Act Three, and you'll be able to purchase ingredients for crafting (amongst other things) with them.

5.  Decisions made - especially the purchasing of property and getting girls' event lines completed - will have a huge effect on Act Three. From granting or denying access to certain characters, crafting recipes, combat skills and more. Some of the girls may even turn on you...

Hope that answers your questions, and that you're feeling better! :)

(14 edits) (+1)

Thank you so much, Arc, for your kind words and again for such an amazing game. I'm healing, albeit slowly (will probably take about 3 months) and at the moment, I'm feeling a bit like Gwen. I can stand and walk now, but only for maybe 20 to 30 minutes at a time at most and that not often yet. My fiancee and our children live in the UK and I live in the US (was going to visit for 6 months starting in the beginning of April, but thats been put on hold for now) and I've pretty much been on my own through this. I've had our CK family to keep me company though, and this has helped immensely.

Speaking of Gwen, in her current condition (much like my own, life imitating art) maybe a swing would work with her as well? 

Another question... you said some of the girls might turn? Does that include the ones already Awakened/Shattered (Chloe)? Just curious. It's okay if you can't answer this. 

Oh one more tiny question. I know it's probably too late to do anything about this now, and its okay if it is, but any slight chance there may be any short ginger girls? Just curious. Lol yes I do have a type, I guess. My fiancee is a very short, very pretty, very ginger British girl, freckles and all. ❤😍

Thank you for the clarification on the other maps, the potions, and Morgana as well as how choices will affect act 3. I noticed the hint in the dream, I think that's why I feel bad for Morgana now. 

I'm super excited to see all of the new bits of CK and I'm very glad that you've been able to take your time and hopefully you've also found time to rest, time with your family and for your own things. You always have our love, gratitude and support, Arc. ☺️

Sorry for another wall of text. 😔


Sorry to hear about your back. I went through something similar a few years back, but mine wasn't a compression fracture. L4 and L5 were broken when I was assaulted and I landed on a rock. It gets better after a while, but it's going to hurt like hell while it heals up. Hopefully you have good doctors and you make a full recovery with no lingering after effects. I still have issues from time to time because of cold weather or moving around too much, which has basically limited me to a sit down job where I can get up and move around to avoid sitting in one position for too long.

I'm  sorry that you've had to go through  what I am now. In my case I slipped on some ice on the way to work. Thank you for your kind wishes. I have to say, no I really don't have good doctors tbh. Got an xray, a toridol (basically ibupofen) injection, 2 cold packs and 2 heat packs and sent home. Hopefully I can still work when I get out. Generally I do inventory at a warehouse, lots of bending, sitting, standing, walking, etc.


Wow, that's some crazy unfortunate timing - I'm sure your fiancée and kids were very sad to hear you wouldn't be able to join them as planned. Hopefully your back heals quickly and you don't have to put the visit off for too long!

So, for the questions:

1.  A swing might work, but knowing Gwen she'd get too excited and overly-enthusiastic and make herself worse...

2.  Girls at Love 4 won't turn, but anyone below that once you hit Act Three has a chance to. Some will fight for your enemies and others will simply "nope" outta town.

3.  Always possible that one of the Boss Girls will turn out to be a short, ginger girl. There's 40-something districts in the first map alone, after all! :P

From the description, your fiancée sounds Scottish. I was actually born there, and most of my family still lives there. So maybe they know her ;)

I've had no rest, no breaks and no weekends for the last four weeks as I've worked on this next update but I'll be taking a week off at the end of the month to recover a little, haha.

Fingers crossed for your quick recovery and that you don't have to postpone your trip too long!

(6 edits) (+1)

Thank you so much for your heartfelt, kind message, Arc, it means more to me than you can know. Due to the long healing and having to be off work for much of the 3 months or so, I honestly don't know how long it will be before I can see my fiancee and our girls again and I probably won't be able to hold our girls even then, which is a bit depressing to say the least and my fiancee and our babies were absolutely devastated to hear of the injury and such a massive setback. My fiancee has tried to put a brave face on it, but the worry and disappointment have really taken their toll on her. 

Lol you're very right, my fiancee lives in NE UK but has lots of relatives in Scotland and her accent is a mix of Scottish and Geordie (the accent around the Newcastle upon tyne area). She's absolutely delightful and I could and often do listen to her talk for hours. Lol maybe your family do indeed know her. I haven't been to Scotland yet but we're very close to the border. I absolutely love life in the NE UK and can hardly wait to go home. And I'm very, very glad that you're planning some time off to finally rest. I know you've been working hard on CK and I'm beyond grateful as are all of your adoring fans in our CK family, but it's important to get plenty of rest and some Arc time too. 

Thank you for answering my questions again, I just have two more, one is actually more of an observation though, really.

The only main girls I have without full hearts are Chastity, Morgana and Lyx, all of which I know come later (in more ways than one?). Though I think the real personality of Chloe might wanna stab the MC in the neck. Repeatedly. Lol. But is there a possibility of side girls (Jessica's friends, Molly, etc) turning? Doesn't seem likely, just curious. 

And my adoration of you has just gone up 1000%, it sounds like due to the combat system, crafting, and the effect of choices, it sounds like CK will have a HUGE replay value, the game changing if we go back and make different choices. CK, in my humble opinion, is truly the best of the best games but this will truly seal the deal, putting it in a league of its very own. 

Much love Arc, and thank you again for absolutely everything and for being the most amazing, caring and diligent dev ever. Idk how many others would care enough to message their fans and I know we all truly appreciate it.

Again sorry for another huge wall of text. I keep doing that. Sorry, Arc. 

I mean every word, and I shall keep my fingers crossed for your speedy recovery! They're dong amazing things with physical therapy these days :)

As to your question (I could only see one?), there is a possibility that side girls will turn on you if you haven't fully interacted with them in Act Two, but it will be rare - most often they'll just disappear when the war kicks off. In those cases there will be small amounts of lore you can find, indicating what happened to them.

I'm hoping that the new systems give players a lot to engage with, without feeling grindy or forced. CK is my first game, and so it's very much an experiment in seeing what works and what doesn't. I hope you enjoy the new stuff, though!

And seriously - get well soon! :)


I truly, deeply appreciate the warm wishes for a speedy recovery. It’s been about two and a half weeks and I’m already feeling a bit better, less pain at least but still can’t walk or even stand for long periods of time. So Monday is going to be quite a treat, I’m truly looking forward to seeing your latest masterpiece. 

Lol you have me a bit worried there, Arc. Now I’m tryna think if I’ve interacted with all of the side girls enough. 🤣 

I truly appreciate everything you’ve done and continue to do, it means more to me than you know and CK has helped me get through the rough, painful days and weeks of healing and will continue to do so. So truly, thank you Arc. ☺️