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A member registered Dec 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the comment! I really enjoyed making the graphics! 

Thanks for the comment! Yes at first there was supposed to be a little delay until the night arrives (another mechanic I didnt have time to make) so for now people are in a rush but you can drop ressources on the zombies head to kill them while clearing up the place :p

Thanks for the comment! Yea unfortunately I didnt have time to fully implement those :( The torch was supposed to make light during night-time (another mechanic I couldnt put in) and the towers were supposed to help you fight off the zombies.. Though i'm really glad you liked the art! 

I love physics games, and this one is no exeption! I really like the concept and it was enjoyable so great job to you :)

Yes of course, im using Blender. It's a free and open source software that can do so, so many things, 3D and even 2D. Been using it for years and I still learn everyday, I 100% recommend you at least try it

Thank you for the kind comment! Making the graphics was my favorite part and I'm really happy people like them aswell! Tho I still have to get better at time management skills :)

Thanks alot! Making the models and rendering them as sprites for a 2D engine was my favorite part!

The concept is really cool, I love those type of resource-gathering survival games! 

I love toying around with physics in games! I might not have finished some levels their intended way, but I still had an enjoyable time playing this 

I really like the idea of building your way through the level! Was enjoyable and I could see an update with more levels and objects, well done !

Thanks you for the comment! The graphics (including the intro page) was my favorite part of making the game (tho it might be the worst 3d-modelling I ever made, but it was still a lotta fun!) I might go back and fix the events/mechanics up to make the game it was originally supposed to be :)

Thank you for the comment! For now it's an incomplete mess but i'll probably go back to it, fixup all the "band-aid"ed mechanics, add sounds and actually finish this up!

Thanks alot! I'm happy that you enjoyed this incomplete mess, I will check your game in return :)

Thanks for the comment! At first I wasn't so sure if I would ever finish this game, but comments like this make me wanna go back to it and actually fix up all the unfinished part and have at least just a small but complete "real game" :)

Thank you for your comment! Unfortunately, I didn't have time to implement the towers and the torches mechanics, though I still left them in to show the building mechanic! I had issues with the zombies aswell so I "band-aid"ed the building-destroying aswell.. Audio is something I also had big plans for aswell (composing a retro-but-medieval style theme and custom sound effects). Being my first game jam while learning the GDevelop workflow design, I really underestimated my time-management. Despite all this, I had a lot of fun making this little prototype, especially the art, wanting to make pre-rendered "fake-3D" sprites à la Donkey Kong on the SNES, and I'm really happy that you enjoy it :)

Thank you for the comment! Yes, unfortunately I couldn't finish this project, time management is an harder skill than I thought, especially when unexpected things happen. Though I am glad you enjoyed the ideas!