That's a possible downside but maybe rest in tent would only be offered after player finishes an area? I have to implement it and then test to see what feels better.
Combining potions is a neat idea but that would require craft system of some kind which would need some significant amount of work. I think I would like to put the time into the next game instead - I see more and more downsides in my current approach to map/areas so my next game , while similar, will probably have an actual map where player can click on a point to move there. This would allow adding some additional places of interests, stuff like chests or places that would trigger some actions?
Whimsical Wyrm
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Thanks again for the reply. I managed to find the issue and deployed a fix - player should be taken to monastery now after failed fight with Ignisar.
The other bug with restart and botched save might be harder to find but hopefully that's very rare case.
I think I understand the problem with potions better now. Making them cheaper might throw of the balance too much but I have another idea - adding the "Tent" item. You would buy it in the shop and could use it outside of fights to rest/heal.
Hey, thanks for playing and taking time to write those points down, it's really helpful. I didn't have much time last year so it was mostly mobile UI work. I hope to do more now but I the same time I would love to jump into the next game so we'll see how it goes.
I'll address what I can soon (especially bugs) but wanted to ask about the softlock - do you mean that you're not taken to monastery if you die?
On farming potions - the assumption was that players would buy potions and dropped ones would be kind of a bonus. I'll try to revisit it but I'm worried that more drops will make everything too easy.
Hello everyone!
Version 0.9.0 is out! Play it here:
- added daggers, battle axes, light & heavy armor
- added abilities (Slow, Accelerate, Evade etc.)
- added variety to monsters - there are now slow, fast, tough etc. monster kinds
- rebalanced second half of the game because it was much too tough
- lots of minor bugfixes and improvements
I invite you to try my game and post some comments. I would love to hear some feedback - don't pull your punches!
I also wanted to thank everyone who tried my game. I think even one or two people finished it (or at least reached final areas), that's awesome feeling! Thank you!
Hello everyone!
This is my first public release of Aldren's Quest - a minimialistic browser RPG I've been working on recenlty. My goal is to create a game that is light on visuals and not too tense. I often find that after long day I want to play a game but most of typical RPGs just require too much attention from me and make me anxious instead of relaxed.
Play it here:
Please give me your most sincere opinions! It's the only way I can make this and my future projects better.
It was inspired by games like A Dark Room, Candy Box and Megami Quest.
Current state:
- the main quest line is complete
- balanced fights using basic weapons/armor/items
Next steps:
- special abilites available in fights - code and definitions are already complete, I just need to re-balance the game
- different types of weapons - slow/strong axes and fast/weak daggers
- different types of armors - heavy/tough mails and light/weak leathers
- ???
- profit? (kidding, this will always be a free game)