There was a truly surprising amount of depth, with so many unique items and enemies! It took me a while to find my first shop though, making a large chunk of the game very difficult. The final boss fight also seemed a bit rushed, with all of the enemies just thrown into a room together.
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I found it to be quite inventive and enjoyable! With some polish, all of the enemies could feel really cool, and the art style was refreshing. The main thing holding the game back is its length. There isn't enough variety in both enemies and upgrades to keep the game engaging for the length it takes to reach the boss. Each room also became a bit of a slog, as more enemies with more health would keep on piling up - I would rather have enemies that are more challenging than just being bullet sponges or overly hard to hit.
This is so much infinitely more enjoyable than the mobile slop it was inspired by! I would pay to have this on my phone. Honestly, all I would really want is more varied objects, a shorter timer, and the option to make the objects fall faster. You see, after I messed up my tower early on, I just found almost everything falling off and it being almost unsalvageable, making me just want the run to end or for me to get something good enough to keep on going.
Very visually impressive and I could tell there was a lot of strategy and synergy this game could potentially have. I just wish the enemies slowly ramped up as the game progressed instead of all just showing up at the end. What I ended up doing was just transforming every single building as soon as the enemies came and then waited until the game ended and I won because there wasn't really much balance. With a little more effort, this could be super fun!
It's like that snake game but if you controlled multiple snakes simultaneously! More levels would definitely be cool, along with improved enemy AI on each level (and maybe multiple spawn locations). It would also be cool if some pieces did different things, like some moved faster while others were larger or can teleport.
I loved the matching puzzles and sense of exploration, but the combat definitely felt the weaker part of the game. I would run away from the enemies every single time due to how difficult combat was! There wasn't really any incentive or necessity to fight, and it actually felt counterintuitive due to how much I was dying and easier it was to just run away.
The movement didn't feel great and the levels a bit too difficult in combination with the unexpected surprises (i didn't look forward to restarting levels if it took me too long to get back to where i was). But I loved the progression of mechanics to keep the game interesting! Maybe you can combine some levels so every one feels more dense and engaging?
I loved the world and aesthetic and feel! They are such silly little guys! It would be cool if dying felt more strategic however - like if dying at the right time would resurrect you and give you a temporary upgrade. Like maybe resurrecting would be on a cooldown or require a certain number of coins?
I found the movement to be surprisingly deep, however I would have loved more control! I wish you did more with the enemies, possibly with new enemy types? It was often disorienting when things were moving in the world - partially because everything was so spaced out and there were no points of reference, either in surrounding platforms or the background.
It had great pacing for the amount of content in the game! I found that everything came together really well. My main critique is a lack of balance - I often had way more coins and keys than I could ever spend! The rooms were also possibly too large - I would have preferred much smaller rooms so I could traverse faster, especially when I'm heading back to the shop.