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A member registered Feb 13, 2020

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I'm so late with this reply but just wanted to say: wow! Last year was very tough on us with a lot of issues but now we are back and the public version will be updated more regularly again.

Thank you this honestly made my day!



Happy to hear you like our game!

The Rising Sun aligned slavers can be found in the north-west forest area (a group of 4 bandits on the road). I will update the quest description in the next update to give some hints.



Thanks so much for the large list of suggestions!

I try to keep it a bit shorter since I generally like your suggestions and they are in line with our future plans for the game.

  • Combat definitely need more work. A larger combat update is on our list for the future but until then more enemy types, weapons, armor, abilities, animations are definitely coming. (We try to put a bit of new combat stuff in with each release until a larger upgrade to the combat system.)
  • Difficulty wise the game is currently very near where we want it to be (maybe a bit too easy if you go with 2 characters and use the numerous buffs in game), but solo I can agree is a way too hard, I'm planned to address it the same way as one of your suggestions, giving Kara an extra AP if she is alone.
  • Skill wise we want to add skills with large meaningful effects and not small skill upgrades. Generally a new skill might grant the use of new set of items or new abilities. This is also something we are planning on expending on in the future, with character progression (that will require some rebalancing of existing content).
  • Also as a general point we try to avoid "Random" elements as much as possible in combat.
  • Base pregnancy chance is definitely too high currently, it will be lowered a bit in the future. Turning off pregnancy related stuff is something we decided against, as it would take out a lot from the "feel" of the world. The game isn't centered around pregnancy (Something I have to say a lot :) ) but it should be general danger you have to work around.
  • Having said that we want the player to have agency in the matter, having more ways to protect against it,  or to increase the chance of it happening.  Also, I recently changed the contraceptive so it nullifies the effect of the pygmy's bonus chance (It should be in the latest public version), but I will take another look at it and the other bug with it. 

I also love your other ideas, some will take time to implement, but they are very close to our plans. More dialogue variations, and more stuff with the innkeeper(a bit of this will come in the next public update), punishment, pillory, capturing character etc. are planned for the future. :)

Few other points:
  • We will put in more "normal" animals in game to make it more colorful.
  • Things like cities and other places is something we can't wait for to start working on. The game mainly plays in a region that is mostly forest and swamps, so there will only be some variations in the region side of things (Swamps, forests, some green plains, mountain regions and some mystical variation of them).
  • We didn't really taken any knowing inspiration from the Witcher (but we love it both the game and the books). Personally I can't see too much similarity, but we are also eastern-europeans so that might be the cause? 

Thanks again for taking your time, and writing such a large list of suggestions! 


PS: Well in the end it didn't turn out very short. :)

I love this idea!


I'm not really sure what you are asking about.

Chance is static for now with pygmies getting a slight bonus to impregnation.

Pregnancy has 3 stages, they progress when growth reaches the next hundred (stage 1: 0-99, stage 2: 100-199 etc.).

Hope this helped.


I added donation option.

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