There is no pregnancy content for Zatanka in the game, mostly for her ending stuff. More will be added for Corsoni, Kuhno, and Vynore. The art for the scenes is all made, I just have to write it and build them.
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Very glad you picked up the game. There is more pregnancy content coming. At the moment in the story, throwing in physical pregnancy felt like a lot, if I wanted to do it right. So for now we will probably see more 'dream' scenes that feature pregnancy, but I promise there will be full pregnancy content ahead, especially after the main story is finished.
Right now it is in dream sequences with Kuhno, Corsoni, and Perluun at the moment. I'm still figuring out exactly how to work it into story elements. Alien characters could get pregnant faster and show faster, but humans like Kuhno would take a little more time, so it might be more end-game focused. Let me know if you have any more questions.
Hello Nekokni. Sorry to hear that. Which girl did you chose to go on the mission with. That definitely sounds like a bug. I will be working on it this week and then hopefully get a bug fix out. Make sure to follow the game if you're not already doing that. It will let you know when the fix is out.
You didn't miss anything. I just missed something.
It is strange, I can't seem to reproduce the bug you're running into, Chestercat. It didn't go off in v11 either. On the plus side, there will be a new free build out in a week or so. Hopefully you can pick up from an earlier save and get past this hangup. If you like, I can make a save file for you that is after the meeting so you can progress.
Thank you so much for your feedback, Kotra. I'm hoping that in the next month or so, I can hire a writer/ or even an editor to help out with proofreading.
There is definitely room for improvement on the gameplay side. Every update I'm picking up new tricks, though the overlap issue is just a pain in my ear.
Thanks again for your notes. I really appreciate it.
Well the game is in development and will be getting much work added, especially for stuff like options. So the beach issue sounds like a technical problem we've encountered with resolution, I listed it on the page, but to get around it, you just need to tweak your resolution to a smaller one so you can click the icon to leave. I am sorry about that, not sure how it was missed in development, but yeah, for now, that's the best option to get through more content.