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A member registered Sep 19, 2022

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i hope so, need an update soon fr. The game's awesome

so first you got the stone at the fort in dorgania, then you got the stone at thermten, then you got a stone at magic store  in witton, then you fought off some dudes in Yin tower.After that pretty sure you gotta talk to Aiyana, you did that and then still nothing?

make sure to do these in order

well you're supposed to do the mayor quest, go to the strange tree in thessila map , after that you go back to mayor report your success after certain activities (no spoilers) and then you sleep at the inn again 

Happens randomly , normally when I'm buying something or typing something for a name. But has happened other times too. It's JoiPlay WIN version on android

I play on JoiPlay on the WN version because i have Android and the game loves to crash and freeze up on me, while saving it ends up freezing for a solid minute. any way to implement autosaves?

(1 edit)

i liked the game however there's a problem, when i run the html on Joiplay the sidebar covers some of the text, is there a solution for that? (WebGL)

do the fetish stats have any effect on gameplay? like exhibitionism

pesky gossipers i swear to god

(2 edits)

New to the game, found what seems to be a bug.. (933v Bug fix 4, Android)

I had 410 relationship units with some girl and then suddenly the next day the relationship points are like 220, i tried restarting and stuff , changing saves, it's quite persistent. What's going on here?

i am on android and after reading a couple walkthroughs i tried accessing it for the armour breaking quest, but as i am standing on the path it wont let me enter and i just stand on the path at the edge of the screen, what do i do?