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A member registered May 03, 2022

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belt of knives also work with a single weapon next to a tape, the weapon will buff the tape which will reflect the buff back to the weapon. so you don't need another weapon

tapes make each pavise use all other 4 shields, which in turn tries to use the dagger, but each shield can only use other items once per chain, (to avoid infinite loop), but the nerf from shield spirit still applies even if use failed.

since there are 3 pavise, you lose 4x3+1(initial click) = 13 damage per chain

not quite

not 8 mousewood, just after used 8 times in one turn

(4 edits)

very nice arrangement. though would have been much better with mouse wood instead of belt of knives, using only 2 arrows in the1st and 3rd row diagonally touching doom ring.

both belt and doom ring give raw damage but you are lacking multipliers, hourglass on its own isn't enough

also with huge multiplier from mouse wood, conductor would be useless and could be replaced with stopwatch or energy/mana stones

for reference 18 energy (6 +3 meals) with mouse wood-doom ring 2 arrow combo with 25 mana does ~45k damage

(1 edit)

you have 14 cleavers and only 14 attacks. none of your cleavers gets used more than once. The idea is to have your rare cleavers trigger each other and buff these ones (and save space), not to have so many common cleavers that do next to no damage.

for example, if you do:


C C K C 

   Q K J

C    J

use the bottom jack cleaver and this formation will trigger 15 attacks for only 10 spaces, with both kings triggering twice and bottom jack triggering 3 times (so you can concentrate your buffs on the jack) with more kings and queens the chain quickly gets out of hand

e.g. with 4 kings stacked in a square pressing any king will trigger 9 times, same with 4 queens in a diamond