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A member registered May 03, 2022

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Great game with lots of potential!

Some questions/feedback that come from a good place:
- Is it possible to sell a ball? I had a full roster of 8 with no way to upgrade/remove a ball.
- The paddle doesn't seem to change ball trajectory except on the extreme edge. Would be nice to have greater control in the middle of the paddle.
- Winning seems very random, except for the ability to choose purchases (strategy). Letting players influence each match will add skill to the game.
- Upgraded Earth Ball with Earthquake upgrades is pretty powerful, but also the only way I could win.
- Would be nice if paddle restored HP/SP for balls.
- The game will become very rich as you add more balls/upgrades/enemies/etc.
- Not totally sure what the white/blue icons in he ball stats mean.

Congrats on the awesome game. 

Awesome  game.  It's a little hard to find a winning strategy. Mostly need to hope for the right perks at the right time... A persistent upgrade system could help, so that the 20th run is a little easier than the 1st...

Really excellent game. I love the concept, the art, the game mechanics, and the levels. Even at "reasonable" difficulty I can't get past the third stage. I'm taking advantage of combos and items as best as I can but tend to run out of attack points to clear levels. Extra guidance for newbies to get over the hump strategically or reducing the difficulty level might be good. Thanks for sharing this incredible work.

One of the best games I've played in a while. Good balance, progression, art, replayability. I have no idea how you're supposed to use the different egg cards. For beginner's, it could be good to show what max card/slot sizes are so you don't try to trade only to later realize you will lose something. Very nice job overall!

Nice art and gameplay. Balance is pretty good, but Progenitor is definitely the easiest path to winning. Adding more player involvement for combat would go a long way. A few bosses could be nice to break it up. Nice job all around!

RIP Alexandria Ivinalititavitch

Solid game

Excellent game. Fun levels, great style, and enjoyed learning how to choose units and counter.  Maybe add a "next ready unit" button? Mouseover shortcut for R/I on the GUI could help. Difficulty was fun for easy/medium but could be made slightly harder.  Took me some time to figure out the unit type vs. affinity (weakness??) charts. Nice job overall!

(1 edit)

Awesome game. But yeah can't play w/o mouse.

Nice game with lots of potential. A little unpredictable, maybe 20% higher score requirements and more 20% turns per round will help (law of averages to the rescue).

Every run where I've survived has eventually crashed a few minutes after the first mini-boss. I'm guessing this is ~15 min of gameplay.

Yes, for the crash log I posted, I noticed the tile in the upper left was "blank", i.e. no textures/ruins/trees.

Chrome: Version 127.0.6533.120 (Official Build) (x86_64)

Mac OS X: 14.3.1 (23D60)

Hope this helps!

Great game!

I've been seeing intermittent crashes on the web version in Chrome/Firefox after ~15 min of play. Here are the errors in the dev console.

(1 edit)

Amazing game! Great combination of simplicity and depth, superb aesthetics, a world that seems both fleshed out and mysterious at the same time. Reminds me of Fallout 2 and Zelda 2.

Bad news is I can't load my saved game. I click "Continue" and it hangs. Relevant error in Javascript console log below. Seems like the save file can't be accessed.

Thanks for the game!

(Clearing the save and switching from Safari to Chrome fixed the issue -- thanks!!)

Great game! Congrats! It's harder than it seems at first, and learning the strategy quite fun. I've gotten close to beating the game several times, but haven't won yet. One odd thing is that the game often says I lose when I still have cards in hand and the deck, and money. In the attached screenshot, population=12, gold=7, hand size=6, deck size=~5.

awesome game. really nice design, graphics, progession curve, ambiance.

Great game. Love the humor and strategy. Game loop is fun. Perhaps a little too dependent on luck?

Excellent game. Immersive, casual, ~1 hr, fun learning curve.

A truly amazing game. Love the combination of tactics, upgrades, story, and puzzle.

One possible bug is that my saved games disappear after closing Firefox and Chrome and resuming the next day. I can't play past the 5th encounter without starting over.

Good game with a pretty fun loop. Somewhat difficult and luck-based? I rarely get past stage 6. I have no clue what the "trick" to winning is, since players can only control a few things. This is meant as a positive comment. Good luck w/ development!!

incredible game as always. st33d elevates we ignorant itchers.

Superb game. Nice puzzles with thoughtful solutions that required revisiting islands. Reminds me of Monkey Island without the puns. A few places where the clues required a lot of guesswork, but felt they were fair in retrospect. The tree cutting puzzle was probably the hardest. My guess is the game might be harder for non-native English speakers?

Fun fact: species in the True Firefly family (Lampyridae) are called lampyrids, though other insect families also contain "glowworms" (bioluminescent larvae)

cool game, would be interesting if three adjacent heroes of same type reduced to single upgraded hero, which you could happen either by selecting three of the same in a row, or by arranging them as adjacent through the snake

Nice game and had fun playing for a bit. I like the deckbuilding aspect and getting upgrades. Makes each run a little different and pushes you to think strategically more than more vampire survivor type games. Some comments that might be useful: (1) cards for -1 health remove a heart but cards for +1 health don't seem to restore a heart, (2) not obvious what -money and -enemy kill cards do [I think these remove your ability to purchase permanent upgrades?], (3) no idea what blast radius does or if it helps with regular weapons, (4) it looks like my save file was wiped overnight and restarting is a grind, (5) not sure how to unlock other characters. The art and style is really awesome, and love the creativity of card/player/enemy/environment design, very cohesive.

nice game. took 1-2 runs to realize that you can plant new weapons to become stronger. thought it was only upgrades. love the art early-mid game difficulty scaling is good. maybe the mud weapon is strong and late game is easy? more opportunities to microstrategize between run/fight/heal/resources would make this awesome. not sure how to pull that off tho.

(2 edits)

FYI, getting javascript recursion depth errors when too many triggered events occur. This crashes the game, and has happened on different runs. Error message:

An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:

InternalError: too much recursion




absurdly cool game

Awesome game. Great style, upgrade paths, balance, everything! You obviously worked hard on this and should be proud of it.

easier once you realize how to equip weapons, etc.

great job

nice game, though pretty difficult

Amazing game! Mostly needs more levels, or even an infinite mode w/ increasing difficulty. Fun to build out different sets of equipment. Only a few items (armor, minor damage boost) seem underpowered. Looking forward to next version.

good game with great potential. difficulty curve is a bit high. too hard once many enemies spawn. can't find a way to outrun/avoid them despite the tool tip advice.

max damage 89k

nice game! btw, I've been playing since the start when only stran/amir/asham was available. great to see all the progress. :-)

this char beat 6th cycle. summon skeletons (allies do lvl*5 death dmg) + cursed flesh (doom on 50 dmg) + cursed skull (free cadaver on 100 dmg) -> all enemies are mass-doomed and you always max out on allies.

still can't figure out how to get the ice/psychic prestige classes...


Is it possible to do anything else after the forest kingdom part? I can't find a way to visit any other cities. All the other roads I found are blocked off. The only thing I can do is enter the tournament, but I always lose my first match. Then the game shows me a beta testing/end game message.

One suggestion would be to add a "Next Objective" message under the player menu to help ppl remember what to do or where to go next.

Whoa, this game is amazing. Great gameplay, story, and graphics. The river people dialog before/after their change is hilarious.

I'm in the forest kingdom (?) and was sent to jail. Then there was a rescue scene, but I still can't leave. How do I get past the guards?? No buttons do anything. Playing on web browser (HTML).