Will there be an android version?
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Beautifully colorful, vibrant art of both charcters and backgrounds, spectacular mesmerizing music and intriguing charcters, as a combination of all that ? I can't exaggerate one bit when I say that this game just gives you these.. blissful Vibes that I wish I could feel in other games, with each update I always return with a positive opinion, thank you for the team for sharing their creativity and talents on this project
Spoilers alert!!!
Look, I knew the story was great, it was what made me look forward to every single update , but the latest update punctuated to me how great it really is, I loved it, I felt the sheer emotions in it and admittedly did cry because that scene really did a number, I dare say this is probably the best update so far and it was beautifully done, this VN easily won me over with its superb writing , music, and amazing art all the way, this might sound like a ton of praise or exaggeration for some, but the enjoyment had to be genuinely expressed in some way! , simply bravo to the team and their hard work✨
I downloaded the latest update, but I already finished the game and had to delete the older version to download the new one
My question is can someone tell me where to find the four new cgs? like at what point in each route, I don't wanna miss them by skipping too much and I don't wanna re-read events that I already know, any help is much appreciated!
What are the three Canon endings? I keep getting the same ending, just with a choice of who I want to be with before the game finishes , is there something behind that last choice? Like a possible final date or the like
I'm sorry if I'm asking too much, I just enjoyed the game and was curious about a bunch of stuff
I was simply hooked throughout reading the prologue, there is no exaggeration when I say that I loved it, but the ending hit a tad hard and took some tears outta me (which is no simple feat, only a select few games and pieces of media managed to do that) i was wondering, since it's called prologue, is there a possible continuation for it?
Tyson easily takes first place, his development was satisfying, his charcter and the way he thinks and process things is interesting and amusing to see, and honestly I can't see Dave getting close to anyone as much as he did with Tyson, there is something special there
Orlando goes second, a total sweetheart, soft and precious ✨ a very affectionate and kind soul towards Dave, the drama of their "background" and how protective he is over Dave is endearing at the least, I imagine he is very fun to talk to as well , not to mention his other qualities(cooking/gaming/plush sleep partner/etc) he is a choice boyfriend/husband material 👀
Dean goes third, not only does his dorky flirting work like a charm, his plants and farming passion is charming , ... a home with plants, greenery , and a silver-tongued bear hubby? Sign me up.
I like how he cares for Dave's wellbeing and educates and guides him on "things" , how he looks out for his friends (Sal), his persistence and patience with Dave wins him many points too
Aggressively Expecting and Demanding someone takes, uses, and needs your advice & critique is the peak of entitlement , way up there as far as it could go really, some of y'all need to realize that whatever ideas and salt you may offer, is very optional and is not required nor expected to be met at all , get over yourselves for a second
Karens were put to shame by the absolute jokes infesting down here, holy fuck
Jenna's good ending was amazing, I love how everyone got along near the end, and how Micha unexpectedly fit in kind of! poor Flynn, I can guess what he was going to hear when he left, but that diner and the group's atmosphere was so blessed, the group was together without much quarrel for once! and Leo's little smile near the end was a perfect touch
Jenna's bad ending felt weird and short at some points , if chase said he was bi, I expected that he might at least be allowed to be there with her when she tampered with the dam, nevertheless, what the entity said by the end was satisfying "i suppose you won't be coming back", Jenna actually buried the unsolvable puzzle, she actually defeated echo in some manner! but by giving it too many sacrifices while doing so, and most likely her future as well, if she survived or found a way around the flood to manage and leave , she would most likely be arrested for life.
Evil Jenna was an unexpected, pleasant surprise nevertheless, seeing someone so collected, cool-headed and the most rational person in the group going chaotic like that, I dunno, I enjoyed that concept for some reason, not to mention how Flynn's shakey behavior after what he did proved parts of his personality so well, he has become even more of a favorite in my book.
Where can I find explanations for the dream sequences? I'm really curious about the one on TJ's route, the one right after the diner scene
With the maggots, the creeping paw in the bush, the bodies in the water and toolshed near the lake, everything I have seen in it was confusing and I had no context for it.
And that folks, is how you make a marvelous update.
I'm pretty late to playing the current update, but my God was it enjoyable, it had an an amazing length to it that spoiled your expectations, it had the "heart to heart" ost which completed an already gorgeous scene, and left me wondering and curious about plenty aspects of their world, I genuinely can't wait to see the next update and wish the team working on the game nothing short of the best ♥️