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Wrong Timeline

A member registered Dec 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hello, Equinox has forbidden us from implementing such features, such as uniques or playing with your own collection.

Hello ! That is correct. Furthermore, if we go on and work on other sets, they can only be released on ExAltered when they hit retail as well.

Hello ! As per our agreement with Equinox, we can only add new cards when they are available on retail. So the Core Set will come on September 13th.

AI is a gigantic beast. Creating an AI that can play Altered is a whole project by itself, and possibly harder and longer than making ExAltered !

Hello ! This could be an interesting feature to add, though it’s the first time I’ve heard that needed. If there is a bigger demand we might add that, but it’s not as easy as it looks

Thank you very much !

Thank you very much !

Wow thanks !! As it’s a jam project we had to compromise on some QoL features but if we pick it up again for a more complete version, we’ll make sure the experience is much smoother !

Thank you very much ! 😊

Thank you ! We were definitely hoping for a bit of nostalgia inducing theme there !

Thank you very much ! ☺️

Thank you very much ! Unfortunately there were a few bugs, mostly related to the physics engine, that we saw once and were unable to understand or even reproduce, so I say sorry to all players who experienced some of them :’(

Wow thanks ! Yeah, like I said in a previous comment we pushed back QoL a little too far and ending up missing on that stuff to include more content instead

Thank you ! Yeah the Bomb marble was literally the first one we programmed ! Even after testing it for hours in development I still love it as much haha

Thank you ! Yeah unfortunately we thought a little too big for this project so we had little time for QoL stuff with so much content planned for the MVP. There’s a ton of stuff, including what you mentioned (we planned for tooltips at first) that were left in the back burner.

It actually moved me a bit ! Proves that you don’t need much to make an engaging story

Blown away by the quality of the game. Everything works : the beautiful pixel art, the music, the cutscenes, the level design. Shoe-in for winner this month in my opinion

Very relaxing game, the inclusion of a comprehensive tutorial was a very welcome sight (something that I always forget or don’t want to do haha) ! It’s a really fun and accessible game and if you fix the bug post-jam I would gladly go back to it !