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Out of the BlueView game page

A cute platformer puzzle game under the ocean
Submitted by Oraylien, SwanBones — 4 days, 3 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 23 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used
Sound of y'all

Game Description
A puzzle game alternating between platformer and swimming movement where the player has to carry a plant that allows him to breathe under water.

How does your game tie into the theme?
The player dives under the ocean and interacts with its fauna and flora.


Discord Username
Oraylien#8407 & SwanBones#8386

Participation Level (GWJ Only)

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This is amazing for a gamejam entry, well done guys. Almost feels like a full game.

I struggled a bit to learn the initial mechanic (didn't notice the places to plant the plant :)), and took a while to realise how the puffer behaves differently with/without the plant.

Overall very hard to fault! Congrats. 👍


thanks alott!! Yeaahh the initial mechanics needed to be a bit more obvious to the player, I've seen lots of people struggle for it. But it should be pretty smooth after that.. I'm really happy you enjoyed the game!


Love everything about it! The art and ambience is on point, the music and sounds are great and the puzzles are fun, great job!


The art looks amazing, unfortunately I can't say much about the rest because I didn't get very far


I'm normally not a fan of platformers, mainly because I played too many of them, but the twist is interesting enough to make this feel fresh. Everything about this is impressive and charming. The intro and outro are what takes the game from "very good" to "truly impressive." Great work!


What an amazing game! I really loved the originality of the mechanics with the plant and the art and atmosphere was amazing. 

The only hickup that I experienced, was that it wasn't clear for me on how you return from the menu.


Sorry about the menu problemss, you just need to press backspace to pause and select quit from there .  We had to use backspace as Esc would take you out of full screen :(


Blown away by the quality of the game. Everything works : the beautiful pixel art, the music, the cutscenes, the level design. Shoe-in for winner this month in my opinion


Great game! I'm impressed that you found enough time to do the art, cutscenes, all the sounds and the level design with just two people! 

I like the idea of using the player's oxygen to blow the pufferfishes : having to manage that resourcce was pretty interesting


This game is really pretty. The pixel art is gorgeous, and the sounds are very nice too. And of course the animated cutscenes.

The puzzles have a nice amount of variety without overstaying their welcome. The game is like, the perfect length for the number of mechanics in it.

And, the puzzle mechanics are good. It's kind of like, each puzzle is about assembling the right steps for a mini platforming stage, and then every component of the stage is timed... it's kind of a novel concept and works pretty well here.

I also like the split between the two paths in the level design. It seems like that requires making sure each path is comprehensible without having seen the other one, while also meaning that once you loop around to the other path, you have a better grasp of the mechanics and so can complete it more smoothly. Just kind of a cool feature.

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Wow, this game is super cool! I really likeed it!


Thanks !


Yooooo you let me know when this goes on pre-order, because I’ll be right there in line waiting!

I’d love to learn how to do the audio in the way you did it, as well! Sounds so good!

Everything is so well done! You should be crazy proud.


Hey thanks ! About the sound effects you'll have to ask my team mate SwanBones. He did all the "manipulating weird mouth sounds" part 😅

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Hiiii, I worked on the audio and i'd love to show how I did it, what part of it do you want to know more aboutt?

In general though, slowing any audio down a bunch made really nice bassy drones for underwater tones, using reaally long reverbs (Used Valhalla Supermassive for that, it's free!) helps for atmosphere too

as for sound design, again pitching things down/up. I had to overlap lots of sounds made using my mouth that I thought would sound good, (drinking water, pronouncing weird syllables, even farting noises were extremely useful hehe) let me know If you want to know more!! I'd be glad to talk more about it!


Real talk, how many sounds in the final game come from fart noises? 😂


Actually not that much, but a lot of them were included in the soundtracks when you hear bassy underwater ambiance hahahah, so technically if you speed up the music, you will probably hear just that lmaoooo


This game is awesome. Music is great, art is charming. I really love the cutscenes as well. My favourite has to be the switching between swimming and being a traditional platformer. Love it.

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you so much ! I just played your game and it's awesome


Absolutely amazing. Honestly one of the best jam games I've had the pleasure of playing! I really do hope that you take this concept and run with it! Run so so so far! I'll happily pre-order my copy of the final game now.

Such a simple but deep mechanic (no pun intended). The art and sound was phenomenal. I could not fault the execution in the slightest. 10/10.


Thank you soooo much for this comment ! It is so heartwarming. We were thinking about making a full game out of this one so it's good to know you liked it this much

Submitted (1 edit) (+3)

The music, the art/cutscenes, the whole vibe,,,,, it speaks to me,, i love it so much perfect so polished omg (btw the level design was also so good i had to think but i could do it figuring things out was so satisfying)


Thank you for your comment ! I'm glad that you could enjoy this game it means so much to me


Once I figured out that you are supposed to carry the plant and that the blowfish aren't meant to be air storage units I had a ton of fun and the art style fit the theme perfectly.


Hey thank you so much for your comment ! Glad you could enjoy the game


Really nice graphics and atmosphere.  I had trouble getting past the first jump, though.  Once I figured out I needed to carry the plant, I wasn't able to get up to that first ledge anymore.  Maybe it would be better to put a few easy tutorial puzzles right at the start to help new players.


Hey ! You have to blow the puffer fish and then jump on it while carrying the plant to  perform this jump. Thank you so much for your feedback ! I added a tutorial in the description so other players won't have to experience the same thing as you 👍