idk nsfw would be good ;)
Recent community posts
I wish this game was good. Concept is cool, but I hate gameplay. After picking up flower in ch.2 I got stuck in some random ass cliff. There is no way out. Game is generally too hard. Main character dies from blow of the wind and spikes cant go into every surface. Navigation is impossible. In any other game where I have spent lots of time stuck at one place I would cheat, but this game lacks even that. If you want good parkour game go play White Knuckle, at least there is no fall damage.
Well , it is my first time playing game , and I have several questions . Why flashlight turns off in the start of new game , is it anyhow connected to counter in top-right corner of the screen , what should I do ? Also in the start of the game on radar several red marks appear , what are those ? Apart from that game is very cool and scary. Hope you will not stop improving the game !
1) Take ingame screenshot
2) Put in website
3) Follow instruction
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