The hinterlands is all about recursion. I'm probably dumb for pointing out the obvious so late, but the hinterlands is like a labyrinth, except it has Storm at the center instead of Asterion. I like to think that P broke the recursion by rescuing the minotaur from the labyrinth rather than some substitute for princess Ariadne. Or perhaps the Tapir God, the Colonel, or Storms Mother is the real monster of the labyrinth and Storm is the princess. Or perhaps, like the true tale of the minotaur, the Colonels wife is Ariadne who engineered the whole tragedy. Either way, its my favorite part.
A member registered Nov 20, 2021
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I just finished my first playthrough and I feel like there is/should be more to come. Am I right? There feels like a lot of loose story threads, and also the whole building up the hotel thing, and progressing the side characters routes and unraveling some more mysteries. Is the end of the game the real end of the story, or will there be more in a future build? I kind of thought I would be doing a Mass Effect 2 kind of thing and solving each of my crews problems.