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A member registered Sep 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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very cool one! enjoying it a lot but i’m a little stuck. what does the broomstick do? and is there a way to go outside without getting merced every two seconds? i feel like ive collected all of the keys i can up to this point, but still have a lot of doors left locked.

really enjoying this - how do you save your game so you can use the continue feature?

this was really enjoyable and the pixel art was super unique. very well done!

i found one small glitch where the actor is not hidden. it occurred when i continued at the point in the story where the doctor is talking with his maid. she photo - actor is in top left corner. it doesn’t affect the game at all, but figured you would want a heads up!

great work!

can’t quite figure out how to get that last door to unlock…

make our players hit box just sliiiightly smaller?

Great work.

I did a version of Rachmaninoff's Morceaux de fantaisie / Prelude in C# Minor, as well as a quick snippet of the Rhapsody. Happy to send it to you if you would like to add it. It is in .mod format.

Also, if you can find the assets for Dr. Franken, the entire soundtrack is a loop of the Moonlight Sonata.

looks and sounds great and a lot of fun - backed!

ah! very cool. excited to see it. 

hey bud! how is this project coming along?

good update - take your time! it’s a great game

this is such a wonderful :): of a game - was not expecting the tone. great work as always.

any updates on this one? great game

best story art in a long while - so well done. and yeah…the eyes in the window was 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼

this looks so cool!

great to see the interview today! any release updates?

Very cool - look forward to seeing updates.

Definitely get it on the music - maybe a few tracks to choose from made by selected contributors. 

we are simple creatures. love this! any thoughts on adding music?

Haha! Fair enough. I need to run through it again now.

(1 edit)

awesome news - can’t wait to see the fixes!

Keep up the good work and thanks for the holiday reminder :) Still really looking forward to playing this one when you’re finished  

Was an honor and a pleasure to help! It’s a beautiful game and story. Congratulations!

Looks cool! Is there a .gb/gbc rom?

This is going to be awesome

Hope this is still coming along well! Excited for it

It'll be worth it!

Really excited about this one - looks amazing!

Would love to play this on hardware - is there a ROM available?

This seems neat! Is there a link to the rom?

This is going to be awesome! Great work.

Such a cool cart design! Any plans on making a version for DMG?

Great info! Thank you - nice to see these in the mix 

I hear ya - I’ve made more than one for the hardware and it is definitely a learning process. I love that folks still want to hold to the spirit of the gameboy, but without new cartridge games I feel like things can easily shift away from it again. Thanks for the other info as well - I think I’ve seen most of the games from May but it’s definitely worth another look!  

Nice work and kudos! I’ll load it up shortly.

(1 edit)

I’ll check it out! And yes - as GBStudio continues to grow let’s keep hoping for more new games on the hardware.

Unless I am missing something it is kind of sad that nothing I've seen so far can be played on Gameboy hardware. Are any ROMs forthcoming?