very cool one! enjoying it a lot but i’m a little stuck. what does the broomstick do? and is there a way to go outside without getting merced every two seconds? i feel like ive collected all of the keys i can up to this point, but still have a lot of doors left locked.
Thank you sooo much
Ha going outside the front door is actually all a joke/red-harring. You caaaaan technically get the "walked back to town" ending by walking straight down. The scene loops like 20x then if you make it you will get that ending.
But mostly no, the front yard is a joke. On how the victim never "just walks/runs away"
Proceed by Collecting the key in the box in the attic, then the two little bedrooms upstairs. (From this point on keys can be in chests)
Then the door to the patio in the library (the most left door down stairs). -the broomstick is used here, to jam the AC unit that is pumping poison into the basement. (The key out here is hard to see)
Then master bedroom (far right upstairs)
Then basement (in the kitchen)
Then bookcase "puzzle" for the win (answer in the basement)