it's not a bug, lmao, it literally says to pick a country, doesn't matter if it's an accident or not, the game can't guess
x astrix i
Recent community posts
its a thing to execute commands in windows, it kinda goes like this:
here i was trying to change the renderer for another game from itch, he basicaly telling you to do the same thing, go to the folder your game is in and press on here:
from there, type in: cmd
when inside the cmd, just type in: MilfsPlaza.exe
and then check for the line hes talking about (Live 2D cubism SDK)
i have inserted the same code you cited on the image, for the 5th time, and it worked, i think it had something to do with it being inside a folder, but now it worked and this has showed up
no ideia what is actually happening, since i used to play this game not a long time ago (probably a month)
with this, came the popup from the game saying my gpu does not support vulkan API
Yeah, every thing is up to date, already checked, no idea what could be happening
wouldnt it be better having 2 versions on windows?
one running OpenGl3 and another one on Vulkan? i know its just way to much work, and probably not worth it since its probably a minority of people having the same problems as me, its just a suggestion
thanks for trying to help tho, good to see you care about the players
im having problems trying to run the game on OpenGl, the command seems not to work, it just gives an error saying that the file isnt recognized as an 'interior command neither an external one'
i used cmd.exe and tried changing the boot configs to force the glcore in compatibility mode, neither worked
Could u just leave the full command on the game page and give better explanation on what to do? that would be very convenient and would help everyone having the same problem, as i've already seen some people commenting about it.