I hope it gets resolved asap! You'll have it back before you know it!
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Hello, I have made a post for help with battling which I hope can explain things a little more. I hope you are still enjoying Journey Galaxis also. Thank you! https://xanderstudio.itch.io/journeygalaxis/devlog/894282/journey-galaxis2-battl...
Hello Desmonda, I'm very sorry you're experienceing some difficulties during battle and I am very grateful for your feedback! For the moment rely on the use of the main characters Impact Attack and Xaions abilities. The elemental was a boss creature and may have overused the healing during your battle. The basic attack ability is hit or miss, where as some abilities cannot miss such as the ones which cost AP and MP. Please bare that in mind and don't forget about the magic bombs in the inventory for those emergency situations! I will aim to improve the hit rate of the attacks and nerf the healing. Please let me know of anything else I can help with. Thank you!
Hello Anwynn. I'm sorry I have been away! I hope you are doing all right and taking care while playing some games. I have a trailer for Journey Galaxis+2. It's almost there. :D https://youtu.be/uvepFV-arBI
Thanks so much for any help.
I've been working on this game for almost a year with not much feedback. When I first started out I wasn't sure how to make a CCG game at all. Over the last year I have learned to code and add the features and learned quite a lot and wondered if I could get some feedback to see if this is a game you would play or feel might be interesting at least.
It'll be on Itch.io very soon as I have a task list of things to complete. Everything is there such as being able to make your Deck, Buy Cards, earn rewards, take care of a Dragon (Yes, for real!) and a selection of opponents who will grow with the player who's main aim is to beat the opponents, gain experience then get the license to move on to the next stage! (A bit like Pokemon where you need to collect badges).
Many of the cards have their own individual abilities and traits and so it'll be like taking a squad in to battle and attacking and defending your base. It's really addictive and no two battles are the same. The AI will throw so many challenges and especially use their "A-game" when you least expect it. I'm quite stunned when I play round after round and that in part is due to the way I've coded and programmed the AI and balanced the decks they use.
My background of CCG comes from playing Pokemon TCG where I ranked pretty highly, although Pokemon TCG is a great game it became way too unenjoyable due to how unbalanced the cards are and how strict of a game it is to stick to the same type of deck. This game throws in random variables, surprises, tricks and your growth and experience will shine and shatter due to the fly of the moment decisions of the AI. Even if your winning there could be a twists to break your effort down as if your playing with a person!
I hope you will look forward to Crystal Duel and thank you ever so much for any help!
Hey 100lol1, thank you for your feedback! I'm sorry you''re having a hard time and I'm here to help! Some of the Buttons are there but have no use at the moment. My appologies for that!
Firstly, the chance of going first is 50%. The player who goes second has 9 points to spend instead of 6 to give an advantage to counter effectively on that turn. Crystal Duel is also about strategy of attacking the bases while defending your own base. So you have to consider if it's a good idea at first to keep attacking the Crystal of your Opponent, but bare in mind unless the Opponent attacks your bench it is more likely to win as it began attacking your Crystal first! Heres some help so you can rule the duel and prevent your Crystal from being obliterated! O,O
- The objective of the game is to defeat the Opponent by breaking their crystal until the HP is 0.
- Each player has a turn and can complete actions with the ability points they recieve, on each turn a card is added to your hand.
- If you have 4 cards in your hand and end your turn then no additional cards will be added until you have less than 4 cards. (Unless an ability adds a card) So try to use the cards in your hand or have 3 cards or less to recieve a card on your next turn.
- You may Click Redraw button to recieve 4 more cards at random when you are out of cards and have ability points to spend so you can take more actions or you can end your turn.
Note: Avoid attacking the opponents Crystal on your first turn, try to also defeat some of their benched units to prevent them from attacking your crystal. Attacking and Defending takes balance and knowing the cards abilities will make doing this so much easier.
Training Mode. *-*
There is a Training Mode if you would like to try and learn what your cards can do without the preassure of losing a battle. You can make up better strategies through this practice mode and test out your duel cards. :)
Strategy really matters at first!
The games aren't supposed to be quick at first and are a survival challenging and learning about the cards will mean you will then be able to defeat the opponent quicker and more effeciantly. The abilities are what set the cards apart and in the update it will be easier to know what abilities are on the duel cards and what the percentage. In the new update some of the newer cards have abilities but they will trigger only by chance and so abilities are becoming a key role to play!
Cards and Abilities
In the current version most of the Bench units have special abilities. These abilities don't work when attacking the Crystal. They work only when attacking the opponents bench. The abilities have a range of effects which can recover your HP, Recover Ability Points or even add extra damage, some cards have more than one ability and they will trigger by chance to add even more healing or attack damage bonuses! There are many side abilities and they are shown on the cards in your hand. Right click any of the cards on your Bench and the card will appear on your screen and there you may view the abilities. (Just don't right click the opponents cards or the game will explode on the web-site) -,-
Great Cards to use and how to use them best.
Attacking only the opponents Crystal on your second turns may mean you'll find that you will lose easily because the opponent will in most cases do the same, or they might have a fist battle with your bench. :D It's that they had a head start and so I see where you are finding it tough! One of the best support cards to counter with is HP Patrol and it features an amazing ability, and it has 500HP! On it's first turn it can't be used and it can't be defeated easily when it is attacked. On it's second turn you can activate it's Mining ability and will heal you back 500HP! ^_^HP Patrol has no attacks and is purely there to be an aesome healer / tank. Now those monsters on the other team are going to be miffed. :P

Another great unit is called Gifox and this is also an amazing card to use in the beginning. Gifox will when attacking benched enemies recover 150HP back to your Crystal. It sacrifices itself to attack and to support. Gifox can't be used on the first turn and will be able to attack on it's second turn. Gifox won't heal if it attacks the crystal, it's ability only works when attacking opponents. Although Gifox only has 100HP and will sacrifice itself, it's a great sacrifice card and like a Ninja it doesn't die, it just hides back in the Shadows until you bring it back. ;)
Item and Spell cards are some of the powerful cards to use and these don't sit on the bench and are 1 time use. Ability Pod is one amazing Item card which is different to the benched cards as it is an item and is used by moving it to the item slot shown in the Gif below.
Ability Pod will give back 1 Ability Point at a cost of 80 points of your Crystal energy. It's a nice trade if you're then going to put HP Patrol on the bench or need points for another action. :) The item cards need to be moved to the Item / Spell slow to be used on your turn. Ability Pods can be discarded if they are taking up space in your hand as you only have a limit of 4 cards in your hand to recieve a bonus card on each turn.
Magnas ability doesn't show on the card and Magna will give you back ability 1 ability point for attacking the bench enemies. Magna has 300 HP and so it's good to use against almost any of the attack cards right now as it will do damage, give you back an ability point and survive do the same again on it's next turn. Magna was made to be an amazing support unit to help give ability points back.
Here is an example. I had 0 ability points left and then I used both Magnas to attack the opponents Grindal who was then defeated, I then attacked Magna on the bench after, each time my Magnas attacked they gave back an Ability Point and I was able to then move Grindal from my hand to the bench because Magnas gave me back 2 ability points and then used the Grindal to attack the Oppnents Crystal. ^_^
I hope the explanation helps and this guide will help others also. I'm really apssionat about making this in to a really awesome CCG game. I used to play PokemonTCG and made it to the Master League and I wanted to do something different with a CCG game and you'll see that even more when the download version come out! There will be changes to each AI Player In the next update and they will be easier to battle at first and the more games you have they will get stronger and use their cards more effectivly and learn with you. Please let me know if this guide has helped and thank you for asking for help. I'm here to do that anytime!
Rule the Duel!
Yeah, it's a nice idea. The statues are near and although I tried the update and when I picked up the Relic, I got caught by the monster. I went back to the Relic and it dissapeared. I think possibly it won't come back when the player dies and so the level needs to restart for that to happen. I hope that feedback helps! :)
Cool! I hope you make more levels and if you do make more levels, try and make some kind of sighn to allow the player to know if they have been in that room. There could be more torches in that room, or there could be a box. Something in each room to make it a little different so the player can recognise the rooms better. If you could make the mouse sensitivity about 60% slower that would be great as it is really quick to turn around. Disabling the jump would be a good thing too as it doesn't have much of a use. The move speed is just right, at first I thought it was too quick although the aliens are challenging to try and fun to move past as you made them a bit faster than the player which was an excellent balance idea. I think you had made a great idea and this a really nice effort! I hope this feedback helps. :)
I have been doing okay also! Still trying to find a new place to live, and lots of stress at work. XD Here are some pictures. I tried to put a video on You-Tube although I need a bit more time to edit. Here are some pictures of some of Grand Emerald Island which I worked on more over the last week or so.
I added mainly features in the water areas to make the scenery more detailed.
That's all I've worked on mostly, It's looking nicer and is neat to explore. I hope you have been doing okay and also making time for some games. :)
There are lots of Holo Battle changes. I worked so much in January. I changed the menu again and I think it looks nicer with the new buttons. :)
I also added a new fe-male character option and she is younger than the other one. There will be a teen boy version too. The Wing on the back is also a new glider as I gave the playter to glide and fly without a ship and it's nicer when travelling to use this.
I also made the DuneSeekers Desert town more sci-fi looking too! It does look great to walk around.
There are also new buttons and better HP Bars for the enemies also! I wanted to make it look more like an Japan RPG style. :D
Another new improvement is that the characters and pets will look at you when you move close enough to them. It's great, even some of the monsters look more alive when you move close and they turn sleightly to see that you are near by. :o
Golem is curious and looks towards the player standing near by. :o
I hope you like these pictures. There are so many things improved and still some more to do! I miss our talks and so I hope you will keep looking after yourself and finding neat new games to play. :)