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A member registered Jan 09, 2024 · View creator page →

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actually its not a chromatic filter and there was no post processing used. I used 3 lights (red, green, blue) pointed them at 3d objects, put a canvas behind it and the camera between the 3d objects and the canvas. The entire game is a shadow play of 3 lights pointed at 3d objects filmed on a canvas. So i put alot more effort into implementation of the theme than you thought. Since light is the way i thought making a trippy shadowplay with the 3 main colors for white would be a nice idea.

i just checked, unfortunatly i cant build a version for linux. last option is that i recorde some gameplay for you so you can take a look but obviously thats not the same as playing it.. just let me know if you want a video of some gameplay.

unfortunatly the web version was very broken so my only choice was to create a windows donwload. i can try to build a linux version and send you the download link but i cant promis that it will work.


thank you. Flawless code is almost impossible in such short time i am sure you know the strugle =) i am planing to turn this into a full game if i find the time.

i know but the time limit kept me from fixing the collision script...

(1 edit)

The game also has CONTROLLER SUPPORT for those that think the keyboard is abit to clunky for the hard Levels.

having to reload yourself is part of the gameplay so you need to plan your movement and reload timing. The character is in a hurry so he obviously drops the magazins xD

there was so much more i wanted to add but the time frame was to tight. I wanted to add collectables and blueprints, maybe resources idk. Thanks for the feedback and for playing. This was my first gamejam and i am glad that people enjoy the game <3