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A member registered Dec 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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I actually have the same problem again.. does anyone know the exact pixel measurements that I need for the background and the banner so that it doesn't look weird or waaay to small or distorted?

Not if they keep pushing over the garden gnome. This is vengeance (งಠ_ಠ)ง

The night has come. Find your way through the maze, dodge the cats and slay the worms that tyrannize your garden! 

This game was created as part of a Pico 8 Game Jam at bm / School of Games in Cologne, Germany. Please tell us what you think about it! 

You can play it here:

We did it! "Between Water and Fire" is a game about keeping the balance between water and fire (duh) to create the perfect cup of tea. It is a simple concept, but difficult to master... can you beat our highscore of 603? :)

This is our first game, so we'd really appreciate some feedback. It was created as part of a Pico 8 Game Jam at bm / School of Games in Cologne, Germany. 

You can play it here:

Thank you! <3

(1 edit)

Hi :)

I want to upload two games in a few days and create a site on for them. Problem is: what size do I need for the banner and the background?

Thanks for your help xx

evil enemy cats

this is going to be the field of vision

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It's the Night of the Worm Slayer!

This is the second project that we’ll be developing in our Pico 8 Game Jam (besides „Between Water and Fire“).

You are a belligerent garden gnome. Find your way through the maze, dodge the cats and slay the worms that tyrannize the garden!

We are currently working on the hitboxes for the cats.  

Please tell us what you think :)

(1 edit)

Hi guys!
I'm part of a Pico 8 Game Jam, and this is the first project (out of two) that's got a greenlight. The game is called "Between Water and Fire". You'll have to keep the balance and make sure that the tea kettle doesn't get empty or cold.
Some of our first ideas include, for example, a shift of the border between the water and fire playing field to make the collecting of water and fire more difficult as time goes on.
We'd be very happy about some more ideas and feedback! Thank you :)

Between Water and Fire

Hi guys!
I'm part of a Pico 8 Game Jam, and this is the first project that's got a greenlight.
We are going to develop a Pico 8 Game called "Between Water and Fire", in which you have to keep the balance and make sure that the tea kettle doesn't get empty or cold!
Some of our first ideas include, for example, a shift of the border between the water and fire playing field to make the collecting of water and fire more difficult as time goes on.
We'd be very happy about some more ideas and feedback! Thanks :)