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A member registered Oct 11, 2017 · View creator page →

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A very fun platformer with an interesting premise.  I was a little put off though by the spelling/grammar errors in the intro where you said you didn't have a writter.  Next time just copy/paste your text into a Word document and it'll help with those obvious errors.  But that's really just a minor gripe, I really did enjoy this game.  Best of luck in the contest!

Very impressive graphics, pleasant music and a fun to play game.  My kids loved it (well, watching it, at least, platformers are a little above their skill level yet)!  Unfortunately, there's some glitches when it comes to jumping on the roaches.  Sometimes you just stand on their heads, although the glitch does play in your favor since they can't seem to touch you either.  Occasionally I would just wander near the circle of stones and instantly get warped instead of touching the swirling light in the middle.

However, the biggest glitch was when I tried to jump on the Giant Roach in the graveyard level.  The game froze completely and I had to do a Ctl + Alt + Del to get out of it.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.  Otherwise, this is an impressive entry!

Hello!  I tried out the first hour of your game and I really enjoyed it.  Such a great concept and a wonderful story.  I especially liked how you used different text noises for the girl and B.U.D.  Nice touch!  I also dug the battle backgrounds but the alien monsters kind of blended in a bit.  It took some getting used to but I eventually figured it out.  Adding shield points was also very clever and made the battles a bit more interesting for me.  My only gripes, and these are minor by all means, was the lack of "item noises" when you found something in the field or in the lab.  I also couldn't tell how difficult monsters were until I was in the battle.  And I wish I could craft anywhere, not just in special locations.  Again, very minor, I plan to go back and play through until the end!   Excellent work overall!

I've tried playing this game several times.  It won't let me save.  The battles seem cool, storyline is very intriguing but I made it to that fairy glitch and frankly just gave up.  Sorry, I tried but this is just too frustrating to play any further.

I'm a little late to the game (no pun intended) but I really enjoyed this title.  I especially enjoyed the various endings.  It's a fun game and I think you deserved first place!  But that's just my humble opinion.   Hope you plan to post more games because I would certainly play them!

Thank you for the kind words regarding NPC Town.  As for the key, just keep digging... :)

(1 edit)

The mayor will tell you to talk to the head of the merchant's guild, Gustav.  He's on the 2nd level of the big manor house in the northwest corner of NPC Town.  Talk to him to get the Work Permit.

I've uploaded a version that works better.  I apologize for the inconvenience and thanks for playing my game~!