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A member registered Jan 28, 2024

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Yep, I had the double \\ and it still got overridden. In order to fix it, I ended up making 2 additional gab windows, each blank--one with \\TA[2] before the 3 gab windows I was actually using, and another with \\TA[1] after the final gab window--and this allowed all 3 in-use gab windows to stay aligned to the right, and the message window (which was on the event page above all the gab windows) to appear centered and not move.

What interested me as a beginner to coding was, before this fix, how \\TA[1] from the message window was overriding the first gab window, but then the \\TA[2] from that gab window itself was passed on to the 2nd and 3rd gab windows despite not actually working on the one it was written in. Even writing \\TA[2] at the end of the message window contents wouldn't override the first gab window. Thank you for looking into the issue anyway though, I really appreciate that!

Hi, I'm using the MV version of this, but none of the alignment options seem to work, it always just aligns to the left. So I tried using it with RS Message Align, but for some reason that causes the gab windows (right) to all take on the alignment tags from the regular message window (centered) even if those tags are closed off in the message window *and* the gab windows each start with their own alignment tag.

I don't really know enough to be sure which plugin is causing the disagreement, but does this make sense to you? As a plugin author maybe you might have a better idea of why it's happening, and whether it's possible to fix it. For more details, the RS align does work with your gab windows to keep them right-aligned, but as soon as any regular message window appears on screen, the first gab window text gets centered (any others stay right-aligned) until that message window is closed. Any help/ideas for what to do here are much appreciated.

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Hi, I'm experiencing an issue with this (MV version) where after interacting with a movable event, the player character's speed will remain at the speed set during the "push" animation phase even after walking away from the event. However, this only happens about half the time, so I don't know what could be causing it so inconsistently. Perhaps something is preventing the player's move speed from being reset as intended? Your code is obfuscated so I can't tell...

Edit: In addition, being transferred to a new map without even any movable events on it seems to cause the player to move extremely fast...? Like, if I boot up a playtest and walk right past every movable event without touching them, and then walk onto a transfer tile, the player's movement speed is increased on the next map. That shouldn't be happening and I can't even imagine why it is! As soon as I turn off this plugin it stops happening, so I know it's not occurring elsewhere.

Hi, I bought this a while ago when I was just getting started and I love it but, now that I'm fleshing out my game more I've noticed a few issues. First, Big/Small/4 Leg/No step tags don't seem to have any impact on actors or events whatsoever. All steps print the same size regardless, and yes my map is tagged appropriately.

Second, you say that more blocks can be added to the sprite sheet, but isn't this rather useless considering you can only have a maximum of 8 Anim parameter entries? I thought it would be fairly straightforward to add more, but the code is all in a big jumble at the bottom of the js, and I don't feel comfortable attempting to modify it. If there is an easier way to add more Anim entries that I've overlooked, please let me know.

Third, this is merely an observation I'm not sure could even be fixed, but when tiles are marked with a star to appear above the player, footstep animations still appear cut off/sticking out from any side that isn't also a star tile due to the offset of the anim. The only workaround for this that I can think of is using straight step + making sure the anim doesn't go below the actor's position on any given tile, but it ends up looking unappealing. I can't even make a separate, trimmed version of the affected footstep just for those star tiles because it would be wasting one of the precious 8 Anim blocks...

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I put this above Yanfly's Message Core as instructed, but it still scales icons in the Quest Journal (all windows) and the ItemActionCommand window (where the "use" command is displayed) despite the parameter being set to false. My Yanfly plugins are in the exact order listed on the site, so I know that isn't the reason. Any chance of a fix? Like the other commenter, I really need the text color changing option, because ironically Yanfly's <Text Color: x> notetag doesn't seem to be compatible with his own other plugins....... but yours is.

Suppose I should've just tinkered with it myself before posting... anyway, if anyone else needs a solution, change lines 631-639 to this

    if (!this._iconOff) {
      let pad        = this.fontSize * 1;
      let iconwidth  = 32;
      let sheet      = ImageManager.loadSystem('IconSet');
      let start      = 0;
      let frameH     = Window_Base._iconWidth
      let frameV     = Window_Base._iconWidth
      let perRow     = 16
      let adjust     = false
and that should stop icons from autoscaling, but keep the color change codes working. It completely disables the scaling regardless of true/false though, so if you decide you want it back on, you'll need to revert this change. Just to be clear it isn't a fix for the toggle itself.
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Hi, I just bought this for MV and despite the thread it has on RPGMaker forums claiming these issues were fixed, they still seem to exist. First, hovering over an event -- whether it uses an image or is blank -- does not change the cursor to the one in the notetag. I tried this with <setcursor: [name]> as well since I've never seen a tag without <> surrounding it, but no change. Second, clicking anywhere on the screen causes an immediate crash, citing "cannot read property 'children' of undefined" with getPictureArray on line 1310 as the first in the error log. I haven't put any pictures anywhere, I just wanted to see what happened when I clicked with the custom cursor. What should I do about this?

Edit: in case anyone else runs into this issue, apparently he means Comment tag, which is entirely different from "Note:" as it says in the help file, and implies notetag. His video even shows him highlighting the section that says "note:" while inserting it into a comment..... I would change the help file to reflect this because it was confusing, but given the odd format of js used I wasn't sure if it affected how notes were processed. As for the error, I ended up changing it to return false... but it's up to him to figure out the actual issue and patch it.

It looks well worth it to buy the Pro version, but was the Free version removed? It's mentioned multiple times here and in the help file but there doesn't seem to be a link to it anywhere, nor mention of it being removed, just two separate options for an $8 download. I'm using MV if that makes a difference.

I prefer to try free versions of plugins in my own project first and then keep a list of which ones I end up actually using so I can go back and support the creator with appropriate payment once I'm sure it's compatible, but seeing as how you've put out a handful of other plugins I already rely on, there's definitely no lack of trust keeping me from just going Pro if that's the only option.

I saw that solution in the comments on Font Manager before I left my own, it worked in some areas but unfortunately did not solve the issue entirely.  But it's very odd to hear Window font should be taking priority - in my experience, most of the time I can't get Window font to change at all unless Scene font is applied, which then changes every font in that scene even if the Window fonts are each unique. Thank you anyway for your responses, I'll keep trying to work something out and test with other plugins I have to see if any of them are causing interference with yours. If I find a solution (or discover what plugins cause the issue) I'll report back here in case anyone else is having the same problem.

You've made a lot of helpful plugins, it's easy to mix up what the help files say, no worries! And yeah, I have yours below Yanfly's, but RMMV still seems to prioritize Yanfly's Core/Message Core plugin settings when it comes to outline width & color. That's why I've had to use the escape codes from Global Text to remedy this, but a few other plugins I've used don't process it as a code and show it as text rather than applying the change to the text...

I also had a question about the way changing font color works for Windows and Scenes: is it possible to change *just* the font colors for parameters on the Status page (Atk/Def/Spd etc) or does it require changing the entire Status page to the same font setting? Currently, the options offered from Font Manager seem to suggest certain individual Windows can be changed, but instead it requires changing the entire scene just to get those Windows within it to honor the change.  I'm too unfamiliar with the program to know if this is just a limitation of RMMV, or if I'm doing something wrong. I've tried changing the font order, but Windows within Scenes don't seem to change no matter what. If you don't know either, don't worry about it, just figured I'd ask in case there was a definite answer from someone more familiar with how it works.

I only mentioned the Global Text plugin because it seemed relevant that Yanfly wasn't overwriting *all* of the Eli plugins, which to me indicated there could be a solution that allowed Font Manager to not be overwritten either.  I can't find anything in the Font Manager help file at all that even mentions Yanfly... am I looking in the wrong place? A quick search of the Google docs page turns up 0 results...

I just tested the SetWindowFont plugin command in a blank project and it only seems to apply the change after the window is closed; for example, if the default GameFont is set to black and the plugin command tells the event to call one that's set to purple, the dialogue will at first display completely unchanged (black, GameFont) but if you engage with that dialogue a second time, it will then show properly as purple. The same was happening in my main project where menu tabs would only adopt the SetSceneFont change once a different tab in that menu had been clicked on, prompting the first tab to then show the change properly. There are no other plugins in the blank test file besides Eli Book and FontManager (and the RMMV default ones) so this can't be a conflict issue.

Hi, I've been using this in MV but noticed the font outline color parameter does not work unless your Global Text plugin (the one using "§") is applied additionally, which kind of makes changing the overall Window/Scene parameters a little pointless if I then have to individually modify each text field with § to change the outline anyway. I know you've said the MV version is no longer supported, and I'll admit I think Yanfly's Message Core may be getting in the way somehow, but I just don't understand how the § tag from Global Text manages to successfully override Yanfly's params as intended, yet Font Manager itself cannot. The order I have the plugins in is Eli Book, Font Manager, Global Text, Message Actions, and they all must be placed under YEP plugins or else Yanfly's stop working entirely.