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A member registered Jul 30, 2020

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If you are interested and if you need music DM me in the Discord channel. My name is "Jeager" there. I abandoned my own project so I need to find something to at least make the music of.

I heard that Godot has some issues with 3D lightning and definitely lacks good docs. That's why I am thinking about switching to Unity although I have  little experience in it. Thanks, I will watch some low poly tutorials then will have to decide if Godot is reliable enough.

What would you say about the low poly modelling part? Godot seems to have a PSX shader on github so only thing left is to be able to model low poly stuff.

I have a pretty cool idea but the thing is I am not very good with Unity. I planned to make a 2D game before the jam began but the idea I have requires 3D low poly/PS1 styled graphics to be good/the way I imagined. How hard is low poly modelling, unity for someone who has little experience?