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A member registered Oct 25, 2021

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All I will say is y'all absolutely cooked with this one. Absolutely fantastic update

I would die for Tony. Love a good himbo

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I apologize in advanced for this extremely long comment. I also apologize if it is a bit scattered. I only just finished reading maybe 15 minutes ago, and I'm still reeling. I have a lot of thoughts, and writing them down always helps me get through them. I want to first congratulate you on completing this visual novel. It is a feat to be proud of, and I am so happy that I got the chance to read your work. In all honesty, I feel a weird sense of regret with reading it. It was such a fantastic story, and I struggle to imagine getting over it any time soon. I enjoyed it so much that I feel almost hollow now that it is over. I know this will pass with time, however.

I first found this VN when the penultimate update was released to the public. I decided to hold off on reading it until it was completed. To that end, I started reading four days ago. Now that I have completed the story, I find myself regretting not taking more time to savor it. I spent about nine hours reading through. I still need to go back to try the other choices at some point, but I think I will give it a few days to settle. I really loved the way choices were handled. I think my favorite scene of the entire VN was when Chris woke up being cuddled by Tonraq in the cave. Having the choice to wiggle out because both should be in on that decision was really cool. Consent is sexy, and I really appreciated that choice. I ended up completely passing on sex scenes for this read through. I am always much more interested in the romantic buildup, so this was a pleasant surprise for me. And my god, what a buildup it was.

I'm gonna bold the topic of each of the following paragraphs. I wanna give as thorough of feedback as possible, but don't worry, it is all positive :3


I have read a lot of furry visual novels in the last couple years. I won't try to rank Hearthfire compared to any other, because I feel that diminishes the value of each unique story. That said, I think the progression of the relationship between Chris and Tonraq might be the best I've ever read. The pace felt perfect, and the little moments where Tonraq started to open up a bit followed by retreating into his shell were really well done. The way the reader could feel him start to open up with each passing scene was really touching. I found myself really concerned with how the story would go due to reading some comments of people crying. I tend to do really bad with bittersweet endings, so I was worried something would go wrong for the duo. I am so happy I gave it a chance and kept reading. My only wish is that we'd gotten to see a little more of their relationship after declaring their love. Maybe in the summer episode?

Side Characters

God the side characters are good. All the different personalities were balanced really well, and they all played nicely off each other. I loved the other relationships in this VN almost as much as the main one. Yuka and Phillip's relationship was really fun to read from an observer's perspective. It was fun to watch Yuka's pissy personality melt away whenever Phillip was near. It was also so heartwarming to see Yuka open up to Chris as the story progressed. The other pair of Hallie and Lily was a surprise. It's rare to see much in the way of sapphic romance in this space, so it was cool to see the start of theirs. Once again, really hope to see more of them in the summer episode. Hallie's personality was a touch overbearing for my tastes, but I think she was such a wonderful part of the story. 

It would be a mistake to not at least mention the rest of the side cast. I find myself torn on Darryl. One of my exes was very similar to Darryl, and I found myself jumping firmly into the hate camp for him very early. I definitely struggle to let that go a bit, but I am so happy he had a redemption. My only wish is that he got a tiny bit more screen time at the end. The scene at the diner was really fun, but I find myself craving a bit more of their friendship. Finally, I'll talk about both Kuak and Panuk. I'm definitely still not the biggest fan of Kuak, but I was very happy that he saw some kind of reason towards the end. Owning up for your own shitty mistakes is a big step, and I'm glad he sought to explain rather than excuse his actions. For Panuk, I don't have too much to say. I loved him. I always love the sagely grandpa type that helps set the rest of the cast straight, even in the background. OH! I almost forgot about Tonraq's mom. I could feel his love for her throughout the entire story, and the scene at the end of visiting her grave was so touching. Side note, I'm guessing the fresh flowers were from Kuak.

Writing and Art

I actually don't have too much to say here. Everything was tight. There were very few if any moments where I felt the writing or art was out of place or off. Everything tied together very well. I think the thing that surprised me the most was the style of comedy. I rarely see a more dry style of humor, so it was refreshing to read how Tonraq joked around with Chris. The tense moments were also done really well. The scene towards the end of their trip to meet Darryl was so freaking good. The action on the lake was top notch, and the payoff of their confession after added much needed levity. As for the art, I just wish there was a gallery or the CGs were posted on their own somewhere. There were quite a few that I would love to use as a wallpaper. I might end up having to go back through on my computer at some point and screenshot my favorites (which were most of them). I think my absolute favorite was either the surprise kiss in the shower or the one with the northern lights. The kiss because my god it was cute and the northern lights for the emotional impact of it.

I think I will leave this massive comment here. I definitely have more to say, but I feel I've overstayed my welcome a tad bit lol. The lull until I find the next story to read is gonna be rough after this one. Once again, thank you for such a wonderful story. It is one I won't soon forget. Truly an 11/10 experience!

Welp, yeah i think i managed to choose them in exactly the saddest to least sad order now that I've read them all.

I'm only through Jin and Runan's parts of the updates so far, but I need some sleep so I'm gonna write my thoughts now. I really like this update so far. I'm a little mixed on the memories stuff. They are done really well, but I wasn't expecting things to get kinda dark. I am really enjoying learning more about the characters and their back stories though. That said, the cliffhanger is criminal lol. I'm gonna be anxiously awaiting the next update. Thanks for your continued hard work on this VN!

I've read quite a few furry visual novels over the past year or so, but this has to be one of, if not the most comfy ones yet. The art, music, and story all play really well together to create a very peaceful and enjoyable read. I honestly don't know I'd I could pick a favorite from the cast. They all have certain things that really stand out and draw me in. I think Theo is probably the one I'm most interested. I have a thing for older men, sue me. :P One quick question though, what is the age of all the cast members? I can't 100% remember, but I believe everyone other than Theo would be in their early-ish twenties, and I know Artemis mentioned Theo being in his thirties. I can't remember if anything more specific was given. 

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Sorry for this massive comment. I had a lot more to say about his VN than i had expected. To be transparent, i was originally going to give this vn a pass. I am super not a fan of horror/psychological thriller type stuff. It just kinda messes with my mental health a bit too much. I finally ended up caving recently, and i am so happy I did. Every new story beat surprised me and got me more interested. 

I started with Lucas' route. I'm honestly not 100% certain why. I think his standoffish personality really drew me in. I don't want to get into too much that could spoil others if they read this, but my god the way you wrote the struggles and interpersonal drama in this route is incredible. Both Lucas and Wallace feel incredibly real, and their interactions are something I'm extremely impressed with. I'm currently in grad school to become a clinical counselor, and I think Wallace would be a great fit for similar. So many of the ways he responded to Lucas feel straight out of the counseling techniques I've learned. It made reading this route all the more enjoyable. I also think I enjoyed the more horror aspects or his route the most. I think it's in the way Lucas responded to everything. I was shocked to come away enjoying those sections.

Next I read Leigh's route. He fits the archetype I'm typically most drawn to in visual novels. I really enjoyed his route. Him and Charlie are such a fun duo, and reading their interactions always made me smile. The trip to the club was so fun, and the interactions between him and Wallace just make me happy. Seeing their growth together was really fun and I can't wait to see what comes next. For the horror bits, I found myself enjoying them a tad less than the other two. I think the decrepit hospital stuff was cool, but the big thriller section after the diary page seemed a bit less impactful than in the other routes. Still really enjoyed it though. I also think what we learn about the story is the most interesting here. Learning more about Mercy and getting some glimpses into Wallace's past really helped me piece a few things together.

Finally I read Oscar's route, and I just finished what is currently public about 5 minutes before writing this. I didn't really think I'd like Oscar at first. Something about the way he's drawn gave me the creeps. I think his smile felt too big, and it kinda triggered my fight or flight reflexes. I got over this quick through the other routes. His personality was fascinating to me, and I got excited for his route. I can relate a lot to him. Sometimes it's easier to push others away and to put up a facade that everything is okay. Breaking down that wall is what sent me on the path to help others through similar scenarios. The way the current chapter of his story ends was done so well. It's another fantastic example that Wallace would be a wonderful counselor. The mix of unconditional positive regard, knowing when to challenge Oscar, and understanding how his own self-disclosure could help Oscar is done so well. This was another one that I think the horror was done really well on. It felt the most confusing, which I think was really good at giving a glimpse into what was going on. 

To wrap up this super long post, I just want to thank you for creating this wonderful story. I think it's the perfect mix of thriller and slice of life, as weird as that combo might seem. You know how to write mental health into a story really well. Everything felt so real and raw. I can't say enough how much i enjoyed this story and how excited I am for more. Once again, thank you so much for this wonderful story. Okay, I promise that's it.

It worked this time! Thanks for the quick fix!

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Im super excited to play the new update, but the android version seems like it might have a problem. It's giving the error "App not installed as package appears to be invalid." I've tried full uninstalling the app to clean reinstall, but that didn't fix it.

Hi, I firstly want to start off by saying how truly wonderful this Visual Novel was to read. I spent almost 12 hours straight just reading through the 3 paths. I've been sick, so it was a great distraction from that. I absolutely loved it, and I have a few quick questions I'd like to ask. If they're things you don't wish to reveal or simply don't have an answer for yet, I totally get it. I also apologize if you've been asked these questions before.

1: Will each ending of the paths have continuations, or only the good/neutral? The bad/worst endings didn't really seem to have much of an opportunity to fix things in later chapters. I also can't imagine how much work it would be to have the paths diverging that much.

2: I noticed my playtime for Tate's path alone was slightly more than both Aiden and Dallan combined (not that I'm complaining. I like long stories). I think the best way I can describe it is that Tate's path felt like its own standalone novel. The other paths were great, but are there plans to maybe expand them a bit to be more in line with the quality of Tate's? I feel like Aiden's route could use a face-lift the most. I am very intrigued by his character and very much desire more.

3: Why the fuck is Oliver so cute? Like, I thought I had a thing for the small, shy type before, but Oliver easily takes the cake. For real though, I'm amazed at just how much the side characters shine and stand on their own in this VN. It makes the world feel a lot more alive to have them more present instead of just being plot devices. I guess this one was less a question and more just some praise.

I genuinely want to thank you for creating this VN. It genuinely might be the best one I've read yet. Absolute 11/10!

This was quite a fun little read, and i am very excited for more! I'm really intrigued by how the story will progress over time.

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As with the initial build, this update was a fantastic read. I'm loving the art, writing, and worldbuilding. I love reading about something and then remembering my experience with the Monster Hunter games. I also really freaking love the characters. They are all so well done! 

The only feedback I really have for this build has to do with writing. I noticed a fair amount of grammatical errors in this build. They did not take away from my enjoyment, but I found myself needing to reread lines every so often to fully understand them. If you ever need a proofreader or beta tester, let me know :3 I love editing writing and would be more than happy to volunteer my time for such an enjoyable story! My Twitter DMs are always open @SkylarWix if you'd like to take me up on my offer.

Huh, I guess it is April now. I'm excited for all the shenanigans Becky and the team will get up to at work! :P

I just finished reading through build 2, and I really enjoyed it! The way the writing is balanced between comedy, horny, and kinda depressing is really impressive to me. Any time I tried to write anything featuring those three things, I always accidentally leaned WAY too far in a certain direction and lost the others. I haven't noticed that at all with Chord Progressions. One thing I absolutely love about the VN as a whole, but especially with this update is that the characters actually have constructive conversations. I notice quite frequently that issues get swept under the rug in other stories, but not here. The conversation Eddy and Moriah have at the end of the build was really cathartic for me to read. I also love Pat's sagely advice. :3

Speaking on the depressing stuff, it's crazy just how similar I am to Eddy. Like beat for beat, similarities. We have pretty much the same personality and trauma. While Eddy very much can stand on his own as a distinct character, I am also able to really easily put myself in his shoes. Reading this update honestly gave me some stuff I should probably talk about with my therapist.

I also wanted to quickly comment on the google form that y'all do at the end of the builds. If possible, I think having an extended response question on it might be a good idea. There are things in the update I would love to give feedback on, but I don't want to spoil stuff for new readers here.

Sorry for the lengthy comment. I tend to get fired up after reading stories that I really enjoy, and I just keep writing. Once again, I absolutely loved this build, and I am very excited for more! 

I'm super excited for the new update! Also I'm noticing some funky ui on my phone. It looks like the body text and name ui appears too high on the screen. I've tried reinstalling and restarting my device, but it has persisted. It's not too big of a deal, but I figured I should report it just so y'all are aware.

This was a super fun read! I can't wait for more updates in the future!

Over the past week or so, I've read through a lot of Homecoming, and I don’t know how to feel anymore. I never read the original Morenatsu, so this was my first introduction. I started with Shun's route a few weeks ago, but I ended up putting it on hold due to life issues. I just came back and decided I wanted to read through Tarou's route. I can't wait for more of him. He just has a personality that meshes really well for me. I also kinda have a thing for the smaller, more timid type. Them and Shin fit my type pretty much perfectly.

I wanted to read a finished route, so I immediately started on Shin's route next. I started it this morning and just finished it maybe ten minutes ago. I just kinda layed in bed staring at the ceiling after finishing. I know you said the goal of this project was to steer the story in the direction of hope, and I think Shin's story is a beautiful narrative about hope. To some degree, I'm left feeling heartbroken. (Bitterseeet hits me a lot harder than it probably should) That being said, even with the news about his health, I'm left excited about the future Hiro and Shin have together. The little scene of them texting each other after the credits just about made me cry.

I just want to thank you all for the work you do. These are stories I won't soon forget. I'm incredibly excited to see what the future holds for the rest of the husbandos.

That makes me immensely excited. Thank you!

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I really enjoyed Diego's route. I went through similar and it was really cathartic to read his story. It honestly helped me put everything from my past relationships into perspective so I could stop beating myself up. It was very well written and fun all the way through. I'm super excited to play the other routes when they are finished! I do have one question. With Axel and Dom's route, will we have to pick between the two at some point or will it be something of a poly relationship? I don't know if I'd be able to pick honestly. If it isn't planned yet or you don't want to answer, that's totally chill.

Ah fair enough. Im excited for however much plenty more ends up being!

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I managed to blaze through everything currently available in one sitting, and I absolutely loved it. My gay heart was racing, especially towards the end. The world-building,  characterizations, and art are all incredibly captivating. I do have one question (if you're comfortable answering). Roughly how far into the overall story are we after the events of chapter 8? Like how many chapters are planned? Sorry if you've been asked this before, I'm just really excited to see where the story goes.