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A member registered Jul 30, 2020

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oh, my mind was on like a permanent small boost like 5%fire rate up , a max size up, alternate costumes for the dates. but a mini dating sim sounds like a lot of fun.

love it so far, the only thing would be maybe adding some reward for getting badges. if nothing else something for getting all 8 on the date.

a good start

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the increase score was (in my mind) in the context of alleviating the grind DEEP into endless but, that's a fair point. 

you don't need to implement any specific idea any specific way, those were just things I thought of off the top on my head.

the general idea is you have a mostly unused section in your menu, fill it with togglable option to make the game easier or harder.

you could put cheats and challenges in the settings section. 
some examples cheats
 times 10/100 score.  power ups show up much more frequently like 1in 3 chance with stronger effects.
balls are half sized.
balls are bouncer, compress more and increased shot velocity. ect.
half score.  double size balls. no power ups. reduced bounciness. ect.

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might be bugged then. I did 30 times all 3 actions for 10 days and that's after dozens of other times before then, all while on level 2.
never got past level 3 for the cafe either after 60+ days.

a job exp tracker would be nice. (can you get to Librarian level 3?)

take the roll one more die per turn lose 10 health, roll a die cooldown 4 turns, flip a die and add 2/3 value to a die. use them every time you can, every turn you can.

use the plus 2/3 on 5's and 4's respectively to make it into a 6 and overflow a 1 that you then flip into a 6 every turn. 

until the duo crock and crane fight on day 3 swap out the roll one more die per turn lose 10 health for passively deal 3 damage every turn, swap back after for the last 2 fights.

take the roll one more die per turn lose 10 health, roll a die cooldown 4 turns, flip a die and add 2/3 value to a die. use them every time you can, every turn you can.

use the plus 2/3 on 5's and 4's respectively to make it into a 6 and overflow a 1 that you then flip into a 6 every turn. 

until the duo crock and crane fight on day 3 swap out the roll one more die per turn lose 10 health for passively deal 3 damage every turn, swap back after for the last 2 fights.

save and go back to the main menu the title screen art is subtly different

thank you. I didn't even know there was a facility room connected to room 12 my eyes just passed over the gap trying to dodge  the milk steam.

ok now all I get is "there's a little picture frame here. It's, uh... pretty low resolution." no matter how many times I interact with it.

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really? I spammed the z key and nothing happened.  Yeah just stated a new game got back to it nothing. no matter now many times I hit z on either side (unless it's referring to something other than the castle panting by the silicone tank)  

a 7/10 game. the descriptions are pure gold, the winks club joke hit me like a bus.

the only (major) thing holding it back (besides the lack of art) is that the item progression is tedious, to the point people will try to find anything to use other than their weapons. 

have the game check the gold value of the items you have equipped before generating an item.

or whatever makes it so when you have a 100,000-gold chest equipped a
 3,000-gold chest isn't even a possibility.

my only other minor gripe is who is the 19hit 3 time weapons for?
you might want to add a minimum time to high hit weapons.

trying to interact with the picture frame 3 times in the second resting room doesn't do anything in the browser version.

would a playable in browser version be possible?

(1 edit)

would a playable in browser version be possible?

or a dedicated website version? ie something like Maze of Ambition - Update 2 by NeiNalen on DeviantArt

some quality-of-life suggestions in rough order of importance.

1 when exploring or in the shop have at least one card guaranteed to be your level
(ie no more only level 1 cards choices in zone 2)

2. have something to indicate what kind of shop it's going to be
ie normal, blind buy, the one that uses health as currency ect.

or if that's not an option make it so shops can't spawn unless the player has enough money to buy something.

3 increase the options to choose harder fights ie if you were only going to have an easy fight be able to choose from an easy or normal fight.

or if it was only a normal fight be able to choose from a normal or hard fight more often.

4 something to distinguish  hexes that just go away when played ie slimed or go back into the deck ie the boulders from the golem fight in zone 2.

need a buy all button ie buy this as many times as you can afford. 

feels a bit empty that "phone a friend" doesn't have any upgrades like the other autos.  

I get only having 2 fights in the demo but, not being able to customize your deck of cards?!  wtf...

being able to play around with (even a) limited pool of cards would make the max difficulty level not needlessly tedious.

idk why you even bother to update the demo if you're stuck with the same
(god awful) starter decks for over a year.

thank you for the prompt reply.

the color system works fine, although a hint that it's tied to the endings wouldn't go amiss.

I meant instead of the (pinkish purple?) intro color when you pick 

“Woah! Let’s not get too carried away ,you’re still the little one!"

her response of 
"Am I now? You think I can’t handle a little shelf-reaching challenge?"  etc.

should be blue the match the other "doubting" choices.

same with picking 

“Look at you! I’m honestly amazed—you look incredible, and it really suits you. I feel lucky to see you grow like this.”

her response of 
"Awww, thank you sweetie. Now let's check if I can reach the jar" she says, striding over to the shelf with a newfound confidence.  etc.

should be green to match the other "supportive" choices.

a very fun cyoa game. 

my only complaint is that it's a bit weird locking 3 endings behind taking the middle option in the first choice,

and locking 4 for the bottom one when after the first choice her response dialog doesn't change color like it does for every other choice in the game.

does anyone have screen shots of max sizes? or know what the descriptions for the max stats are?

(1 edit)

current bug list updated : 7/26/24

(1) in hyper mode penis stage 7
"what is more impressive is the foot mark you have passed (0.3 m). That’s right! Your cock is now the size of a foot-long"

and stage 8
" Your penis has just gone past and blown another record. One foot (0.3 m)! One fucking foot long, like a sub sandwich" 

are the same size.  

returning bugs  
(1) in hyper mode height stage 2 and stage 3 have the same description. going right from 5'2" to 5'6" sipping over 5'4"entirely.

  "You figure this is one of the more insignificant bursts of height and an intermediate stage of sorts, but 5’6 (1.68 m) still puts you above the average height in some parts of your former world. Even if just by a technicality. Even so, your arms and legs are longer. And in longer heels you would above the average man. An exhilarating feeling to be honest. Are you enjoying this? You might be enjoying this, even if it’s something that’s not easy to admit."

(2)  in hyper mode balls stage 1 talks about "hey are a cute purse to match your small and currently shriveled up cock" with no points in penis.

(3) in hyper mode penis stage 1 talks about " Now two full balls and a newly minted cock are located in your genital area." with no points is balls.

look great I'm interested to see how it grows over time.

3EX is now unlocked

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it's for keeping any combo of sizes locked in place but not all of them

ie it's for people that don't want fmg, or giantess but don't want to limit breast or ass size. 

update hype

possible bug at 0% stomp force the feet can still kill you by growing into you

(6 edits)

would you consider adding a mode where you don't have to worry about surviving and enjoy watching them grow and destroy everything else like the non-player option in boss buffet? dying so easily before they outgrow/destroy everything is a bit of a bummer. 

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I know it goes faster the longer you go hence the "with you already doing something similar to that" in my op.

I'm saying continuing to emphasize that will give it a nicer "game feel" in reference to   

" This is probably the only update that'll make the main gameplay loop faster rather than slower."

in the development log notes.

and if I may be blunt with my influences THIS has visual novel dating elements, the first coffee date she talks about her favortie drink but at max size she's sitting at home taking about how she can't go there anymore with a coffee cup in here cleavage. something like that but scaled up to your preferred sizes (minus the CGs)

the logs from Yuri My Beloved are good, my point is the interactivity.

 having some repeatable Logs that you could do any time that have a few outcomes based on her size at the time (kind of like what MagnusMagneto does for FMG Life Sim if you've seen it, also made in twine)  in addition to the normal ones would be the cherry on top.

you don't need to do any of this, what you have is already sold gold, these are just the few ideas I had that could add something while also being reasonable to implement.  

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2 ideas

1being able to date/interact with her.

even if it's something simple like a menu where you have an event that's a text box you can trigger on demand with a few variations based on her size at the time.

like going to a fancy restaurant near the starting size it would describe her breaking the door frames and the table,

and near the end sizes IE

("she turned toward the restaurant bumping her cosmic sized breasts into the restaurant as well as the nearest 100 galactic super clusters around it, everything sinking briefly into her bosom before bouncing off, flying off to parts unknown, you both decide it's probably best to order delivery.")

even if it's not super Indepth being able to do something with her would go a long way to adding depth so she's not ONLY  a big number.

2 instead of like most idle/click games have it go faster the longer it goes on.

I played a game where boob size is damage, but the enemies didn't increase in health. so, you beat them faster and faster it's the closes I've felt to the runaway growth in many BE growth stories.  

with you already doing something similar to that even if you need to start slower, 

really leaning into the growth accelerating could fix the slog many idle/incremental games become after the halfway point.   

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definitely needs the "growth" tag. or breast expansion or fmg something to indicate the fun stuff you have going on in here.



perchance, would you consider removing the strange matter capping growth to only doubling after you see the ending/credits?  as there are no milestones to skip after that point.

I mentioned that one because if you want to be an ant you use the event and then it's removed from the pool if you don't, it's hope it doesn't show up and then click run away (ie leave) without doing anything like the other ones mentioned.

the game is not bad it just has some pacing issues in the forest,

the problem being (and the only other part I don't enjoy) is you will spend over 4 hours in the forest trying to get wood and stone.

if you don't want to lower crafting requirements or just drop more at all times, might I suggest getting one more wood/stone every (x) strength?    

you really need to trim down the encounter pool.

just trying to get wood, stone or fights and having to hit leave without doing anything on the caravan and shack events  90+ times is an almost unplayable slog, and that not even counting the "there's nothing here anymore" event after the naga which exists to do nothing.

have the first time you find the ant that leads you to the ant kingdom be something go can go to at any time like the "ant kingdom outskirts"  so you don't get a dead event if you don't want to be an ant.

have the caravan and the shack be something you can go to at any time after the first time you find them and take them out of the forest encounter pool.

after you the translation from where the naga was just take it out of the event pool.

there is a lot of potential here but the event system  needs a rework to waste less of the player's time.

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as long as it means you no longer have to spend 8,000$ on butt, hip, waist and breast potions for each muscle level to see if it does anything / changes the art I'll gladly take it