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Yamac Yurtsever

A member registered Jun 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! I agree with everything you said. The game is definitely not for everyone, it is meant to be on the difficult side. Also, unfortunately, we didn't have the chance to make a proper visually appealing and concise instructions section - or a tutorial level for that matter -, we will be adding that in the next version.

Thanks for your feedback. We intended for the game to be pretty difficult in order to push the player to slow down time and "take a deep breath" if they get infuriated, but I agree that the starter area could be a bit easier and a proper tutorial would also help. We will be making improvements and adding content in later versions of the game after the jam. Also, you can find how the game fits the theme in the "How does your game fit the theme?" section.


Glad to hear you liked it :)