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A member registered Aug 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Fun game! Cool gravity mechanic!

The game is very polished and fun to play. Awesome game!

I played through the whole game. Its was very fun!

Well done.

Amazing story and atmosphere

Nice game! Cool concept!

Nice artwork!

Very fun!

Awesome game! It’s realy cool that you can play on mobile.

Thanks for the feedback!

Nice game! The visuals are realy good!

(1 edit)

Awesome game for your first game jam! The game is fun and there are lots of levels!

The game screen is a bit big so in the beginning I was confused what I was supposed to do. Then I discovered how to kill Charlie :)

Neat game! Its very cool that you used Scratch.

Here is a link to a collection I made of all the branches of this game:

Here is a link to a collection I made of all the branches of this game:

Here is a link to a collection I made of all the branches of this game:

Here is a link to a collection I made of all the branches of this game:

Here is a link to a collection I made of all the branches of this game:

Here is a link to a collection I made of all the branches of this game:

Here is a link to a collection I made of all the branches of this game:

Thank you for continuing to develop my game from day 1!

Thank you for continuing to develop my game from day 1!

Thank you for continuing to develop my game from day 1!

Thank you for continuing to develop my game from day 1!

Thank you for continuing to develop my game!

Thank you for continuing to develop my game!

Thank you for continuing to develop my game!

Thank you for continuing to develop my game!

Very fun game!

Hi! I worked on this game on day 1:

After day 2:

I will continue developing this game.

I’m not supposed to communicate about the game.

When you are done working on the game post the link to your games itch page here. Additionally make sure to add the link to this page on your games itch page. Thx!

Looks very cool! A web build would be nice.

Looks very cool! A web build would be nice. Also what version of Godot are you using?

Looks very cool! A web build would be nice.

Very cool game!

Looks very cool! A web build would be nice. This is a good contender for me to develop on day 2.

Looks very cool! You might want to add "Godot" to the games title in order to make it easier for Godot devs to find your awesome game.

Looks very cool! You might want to add "Godot" to the games title in order to make it easier for Godot devs to find your awesome game.