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A member registered May 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

it was around abhorrent, her affection would just drop constantly in a few days and i dunno why, i couldnt keep her affection up despite my best effort, it felt like the longer she was with me, the amount of affection loss stacked or something

i dissmissed aria as it was an option for the quest and now its telling me to talk to her but shes completely disapeared, i dunno what todo, did i manage to break the game?

I checked the wiki and update notes but the wiki is out of date and update didnt say much aside from customising the kids based on accumulated points but.... how do you get the points? ive played around with nannies and stuff but nothing changes, nanny doing a job, nanny doing no job, npc doing nothing and none of the stats change, only the adventuring seems todo anything, everything just stays like the pic, im at a loss

The jobs the slaves get when you put them to work at a player owned tavern are based on one or more stats but theres no explanation of what stats make the slave do what job and how it affects the income of the tavern, a list would be nice. thanks

both would be nice but either is fine 

am i meant to be unable to skip the clock?

i havent played in like a year but... i coulda sworn kana was shorter?

i can live with that, thanks for the inf

how much has changed? i havent played in like.... a year, end of the story the last time i played was when "that guy" turned into a monster and "that girl" was gonna launch some kind of attack against "that place"

sorry trying to keep it vague

doesnt seem like i can download the game without subscribing on patreon which i cant afford F

this game still kicking? i was having fun last time i played

ive been having hardware issues, hows progress going? hopes its going well, one of the few games i actually look forward to playing lol

id rather a more.... intense way to kill the bullies... with a knife perhaps?

i just got this

While running game code:

  File "game/scripts/locations/school/school_events/school_soccer/school_soccer_hangout_events.rpy", line 662, in <module>

AttributeError: 'Npc' object has no attribute 'here'

Full traceback:

  File "scripts/locations/school/school_events/school_soccer/school_soccer_hangout_events.rpyc", line 662, in script

  File "renpy/", line 2115, in execute

    if renpy.python.py_eval(condition):

  File "renpy/", line 1080, in py_eval

    return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)

  File "renpy/", line 1073, in py_eval_bytecode

    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/scripts/locations/school/school_events/school_soccer/school_soccer_hangout_events.rpy", line 662, in <module>

AttributeError: 'Npc' object has no attribute 'here'

Windows-10-10.0.19041 AMD64


The Fixer

Tue Dec  5 15:05:45 2023

thanks, i was kinda confused, could only get down there late game around the 40 weeks mark, but basically every 5 weeks, 4 weeks for the month, 1 week for it to spawn.

Sinathir community » General · Created a new topic Ichor Containers

I've searched the caves quite a few times and searched the lab ruins multiple times and I've only ever found 2 ichor  containers, are there no more currently in the game or am i doing something wrong?

thats good to hear and sounds like a good idea

Just wondering how you are going with the whole engine switching, is it going well or is it going terribly? do you need the community to help somehow? 

just hoping things are going well

i was just sitting in the factory while i went afk, came back to this. i did notice that i had two extra "basic foryte engines" that i didnt remove from any of the rigs. my current limit is 16 but i had 18

i just got this



action number 1

of Draw Event

for object obj_hud_factory:

Error in code at line 67:



at position 18: Unknown variable item1

i agree with everyone, cover all your bases, keep yourself safe

perhaps look into switching to godot? its a free opensource engine, might be worth looking into

no my kitty, come back~! 

oh cool, thanks for clearing that up, i actually didnt know that about chloe and gwen

Curious: I know its in the war-time part of development but will we ever be able to get Gwen and Chloe pregnant at any point in a future update?

I never mentioned anything before as I thought everyone in the relationship tab was going to get the same treatment. I also feel like Gwens condition would be more dramatic and impactful if she had a child before everything broke out or was pregnant when she became the way she is now.

on the mountain behind cindys ranch on the upper left of the map. you can walk through the wall and bypass the quest where you need to give the statue something (sanura says it wants special milk)

the red line is where the missing wall is

(1 edit)

interesting concept but she definitely needs some major changes, for starters shes far too peaceful, she keeps talking about peace and love and gets angry when you say you will hurt someone or implying anything about hurting others or her hurting others. for any reason except "self defence"

she somehow gets offended by simple remarks even if theyre positive and proceeds to go on about "being inappropriate" and "being disrespectful" and "stop objectifying me" when saying some things that pertain to her looks

all in all though, i do really enjoy it and i hope that if the game does proceed to get developed that her.... boundaries open up more and arent so restrictive because it feels like theres no real freedom to gain her approval even if you say something that agrees with her, she can still get annoyed at you, it would also be significantly better if third party software was not required

p.s. i was killed for bad mouthing starship troopers 2 and 3

is it possible to enlarge all the text? its really hard to read

was hoping to see an update of some kind, even just a blog, but iirc, he said he was pretty much remaking the entire game from scratch with new art and a story "that makes more sense" i believe he said. so i guess hes pretty flat out 

curious: is there some kind conversation or something with lyx that might be missing? cause it feels like she forgets her personality or something, i dunno, she goes from pretending to be a witch to pretending to be a scientist in her dialogue while also knowing the names of all your powers, it just seems strange to me. was it a design change later in development or  forgetting what her personality and knowledge was or what?

thats what i meant, like, to have kids with charlotte or any other female companion, although having a few more kids around the game world would be a good idea, so far theres only the kid that lives with susan, with humans being humans, there should be more running around, maybe not so much in greyfold but more so in nogas and elysium maybe, places that are more calm and less 'dangerous' for a kid to grow up in, itd make the world feel more lived in

Has this been abandoned? if not, I'll wait till the rework is finished.

will there be any chance of having kids in the game?

I can never forgive you for what happened at the beach.... there's no way to avoid it is there?

i had my reservations about the game, but i must say, im pleasantly surprised. its kinda scary as my dumb brain fears stuff like this would actually happen, aside from that, its rather interesting and the characters feel unique despite a common similarity. my favourite girl is laura, shes batshit crazy but its some how charming

the game needs to be downloaded in order to be played properly, for whatever reason the browser version is busted and you cant scroll through the text (im on pc)

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all my security software is saying there are trojan scripts in the files (Oneeva.A!ml), has anyone else gotten this issue in the  past or is it just my software?

i have a very similar issue, however, i started a new game with the current release and i got upto capturing aire and trying to find leads about the princess but nothing is happening , ive tried reloading, importing, anything i can think of really but no luck and im not tech enough to do what op did

will there be an option or story regarding any of the girls getting pregnant? like choco-mint, lily,  nina, ash etc. will there be plans for my items in the shop and more ways to get money? perhaps helping ash around the farm or bigger/smaller fish that are rarer and sell for more? besides that, the game is great, its well written and thought through, id like more lore , im curious as to what transpired on this island, keep up the good work.

choco-mint is my favourite