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Yanohi Studio

A member registered Sep 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

thanks for helping cleaning our beautiful planet while we were working on the brand new SatelliClean 2.0!

Don't tell anyone about the malfunctioning since we don't want to lose our government procurement to clean space! We're doing it not for the money, but to help clean up space (and earn a lot of money)!

SatelliClean 2.0 should shoot correctly and make your job easier, so you can keep doing double your cleaning while earning the same amount as before!

thanks! It was made by our intern who is paid in exposure™, so they'll be glad to hear it!

actually our old satellite was malfunctioning so we just threw it into space and launched the full new SatelliClean 2.0

This new model shoots with no input, donates $0.000000253 to your charity of choice when cleaning at least 1,000,000,000 debris and does your tax report (not tested)

Thanks! Our satellites use a brand new technology that shoot automatically! Who cares about the empty bullet shells in space? Not us!

We'll leave that problem for our children! You kept the planet clean enough for us to enjoy it!

btw it's easier to make the game quicker when you fully embrace the spaghetti code.

This is most of the game code lmao

void Start()
    int r = Random.Range(1, 10);
    if (r > 5)
        IsTarget = false; //randomly makes the character a non nerd or a nerd
        MyScore.CurrentNerds += 1; //if the character is a nerd, count them in the score script, in order to reset the room once there are no nerds
    n1 = Random.Range(1, 9);
    n2 = n2b = Random.Range(1, 9); //generate 2 numbers from 1 to 8, n2b is the wrong number for when it's not a nerd
    GenerateN2(); //generates a n2b value for the non nerds to use
    ran = Random.Range(0, 2); //randomly calls which type of operation we're using
    if (ran == 0) result = IsTarget ? n1 + n2 : n1 + n2b; //if it's a sum, we get n1+n2 if it's a nerd or n1+n2b if it's not a nerd
    else if(ran == 1) result = IsTarget ? n1 - n2 : n1 - n2b;//if it's a subtraction, we get n1-n2 if it's a nerd or n1-n2b if it's not a nerd
    else if(ran == 2) result = IsTarget ? n1 / n2 : n1 / n2b;//not used, for division
    else if(ran == 3) result = IsTarget ? n1 * n2 : n1 * n2b; //not used, for multiplication
    AnswerDisplay.text = n1.ToString() + GenerateOperator() + n2.ToString() + " = " + result.ToString(); //shows in the text bubble the kid's answer
public string GenerateOperator()
    if (ran == 0) return " + "; else if (ran == 1) return " - "; else if (ran == 2) return " * "; else if (ran == 3) return " / "; else return " Operator Error ";
public void GenerateN2()
    var i = Random.Range(1, 3);
    if (i == 1) n2b -= Random.Range(1, 9);
    else if (i >= 2) n2b += Random.Range(1, 9); //changes the value of n2b to be different from that of n2, so it's always from 1 to 9 up or down
public void RemoveNerd()
    if (IsTarget)
        MyScore.CurrentNerds -= 1;
        MyScore.PunchedRight += 1;
    else MyScore.PunchedWrong += 1;

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback!

If I had a nickel for every person saying they tried to punch the teacher I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback!

About the numbers, yeah, it's a visual glitch. It should show how many nerds you punched and how many people you punched who weren't nerds. I just fixed it.

Btw the teacher wants to see you after class.

(1 edit)

"teacher punished children who thought" 

let me tell you this is an amazing idea.

Also yeah, I reckon I could explain that you need to get every single one to reset the class, sorry about that. I thought of a simple animation of the character going to another classroom but that could hurt the fast-pacing of the game.

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback!


anything longer than that is hack


All my projects are solo, but I'd kind of like to work with a team.

Only problem is commitment. I've done enough team projects in Law School to have problems with that. Also I've done a Secret Santa Jam (you make a game for someone and somebody else makes one for you) in 2021 and haven't receive my game to this day 😅

I just played your game and realised we made completely different games with the same concept. So cool.

Loved it.

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback!

I just didn't understand well the part about the controls. You're supposed to use the shooting push back to move around (loosely like button football). Which part was problematic? Using the right mouse button to shoot, the amount of knockback, or something else?

Thanks for playing and thanks for the comment!

Ah, that makes it a bit harder for me to check. But good thing you were able to play, at least on Windows :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for the comment, thanks for playing and thanks for the  feedback!

Yes the puzzle aspect was intended. Initially the idea was to have infinite ammo, but I felt like adding the puzzle element made each run a bit more unique and adding the planning aspect could make for better levels.

p.s: yes I'll say moving around with infinite ammo is pretty fun, kind of like a cyberpunk button football.

Thanks for the comment, thanks for playing and thanks for the  feedback!

About bugs:

  1. I tested it on Firefox (Windows 11) but couldn't replicate the auto-shoot bug, but I'll try to work this out in Unity anyway;
  2. Also about the walls being passed through I guess I saw some small gaps that could make this happen. It's also on the list now!

About feedback:

  1. I fully agree on the multiple shootings option. Actually the plan was to have multiple weapons (probably a pistol and a shotgun with stronger knockback), but you can see I'd kind of lose the deadline 😅

Play Here!

Just released a demo level for a Cyberpunk mouse-only top-down puzzle-shooter. Made in one day for Micro Jam #14.

"You live in the slums of a vibrant colourful Neon city called Neo Minato.

One day you get a message from the company that sells you Brain Chip Implants as a Service.

Since you didn't pay for your subscription, they deactivated your legs and called the cops. Now you can't move and pigs are  looking for you.

Luckily, you have a good old reliable piece of steel in your hands: a firearm."

  • Use your weapon to move around by knocking yourself back and shoot robot cops.
  • Currently features one level, about 1-3 minutes long.
  • Runs well on Firefox/Edge. Google Chrome not tested.

I love this kind of games, it's always a nice challenge to play. Great job and nice balancing!

Interesting idea and nice controls.  Second try I saved 4 people, yay.

ok i pull up

oh yeah my bad. Post updated.

(1 edit)

Top-down classic zelda-like where you play as a pirate looting treasures and goods in islands while trying to maintain your five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch) healthy. It was made in under 3 hours for the Trijam #167.

nice way of managing the theme, kudos 😁

I'm sorry, you were right. The death screen was bugged!

I fixed it now, thanks again! 😊

Hi, first of all thanks for playing! 😊

Yes, the trees were supposed to have utility but I had to scrap it because I wouldn't be able to implement an Inventory system + items effects in the time I had left, hence why they spawn with a variety of different fruits - the player was supposed to pick them to heal different senses.

About the restart button: it was supposed to have one upon death 🤔(both by HP and any sense going to 0). Only thing I can think of is if you died by getting your sight to zero? There might be some overlapping of the panels... I wasn't able to test that 😭 Unless you're talking about restarting midgame, if so, that's a good idea I didn't think of at the time 😭

I love getting lost in libraries

(2 edits)

thanks for the kind words 🌶️

Also thanks for reminding me... I forgot to add a Credits screen 😳

  • I made the characters, few props and most VFX (skills, statues, clouds, etc);
  • most UI art is from (their collection is AMAZING);
  • shader is Quibli -- it's very tweaked and I played a lot with post processing;
  • for the dungeon walls, ground and most props in the dungeon I used Top-Down Dungeons 2, tho I think it's not fitting the theme so I might change a good chunk of it;
  • terrain textures are stuff I edited and/or merged together from, Enviro and Lumo-Art 3D's FREE Stylized PBR Textures Pack.
  • and IIRC I used one VFX from Zakhan Spells Pack.

Also I think the only thing I kinda "had made" before the jam is the UI design, which is almost the same as in the main project I'm working on.

Thanks a lot for the report! Also I'm sorry the Browser version runs subpar, I'll probably have to disable it for the time being since I don't currently have time to check on this project :(

I'd love to hear your opinions on the game if you get to test the downloadable version, tho!

amazing presentation! Also I love the music

Good job on implementing so many topics!

Lovely story. Now I want to try out garlic pretzels 😅

Bite-sized horror game about a skeleton detective and human sacrifice.



congrats on beating me by 3 days 😅 I loved the aesthetic!