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A member registered Feb 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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Well, sometimes that's the case and Ren'Py seems to be the master of messing up codes. I remember you talking about this before. Thank you for the quick fix. :)

Hello SweetChiel! :)

First of all, congratulations on the release. :)

And at the perfect time. I'm on vacation right now ;)

Thanks for all your work and the will to keep going. <3

I think I've discovered a bug. (If this has already been mentioned, just ignore the next sentences.) It's about the scenes with the choice of round character buttons on the map.  (see picture attached in the bottom row) Every time such a "save" is loaded, one of the events is simply selected and takes away your choice.

Greetings <3

Hello. :) I wanted to report that two error messages appear in Vexx route. (If you are not already aware of them).

I am so very sorry for your loss. Every pet owner knows how you feel right now.
Take as much time as you need.


Hi SweetChiel! :)

Thanks as always for your update. :)

How nice that you're doing well and that things are going well at your day job too. It's long overdue from me, but congratulations on that and also for the future release of "The Winged Ones" on GooglePlay. I'm very happy for you. :)

To your dilemma with the "Mini Encyclopedia", I have a suggestion. ;)

There are some sites that allow you to use images/photos for commercial projects (sometimes with credit to the portal and the photographer or completely without that). I don't know if the portals contain what you need, but it would be worth a try, right?

Here are the free sites:

  • (no login required)
  • (no login required)
  • (Free account/login required, more of a design tool including images. In the free version, the images are unfortunately limited. But free to use. With premium there is of course much more, but I find that too expensive for the normal consumer).

Or if you have some budget, you could also buy images, here:

Maybe this will help you a little bit. :)

<3 Yanonako

I am so very sorry SweetChiel that the situation has changed for the worse. You should be happy and not dealing with something like this!

It's one thing that he can't understand why you're upset, but to go to such extremes and send your stuff back and threaten to destroy the wedding certificate is unbelievable. He can't be totally indifferent to you and your feelings. If he does, then he doesn't deserve you! I'm sorry if I'm overstepping my bounds, but this is not a reaction you would expect from a person who loves you. A relationship can only work with mutual understanding, respect and compromise. 

No matter what you decide or how it ends, please don't regret it. Don't measure your worth and happiness by this relationship! And you didn't let anyone down and it's not your fault! You did everything you could. (talked, made suggestions, made your opinion known, submitted to everything that was asked of you). 

I know everything I/we say will not necessarily make you feel better. But know that I and the others are here for you and are happy to listen. Feel free to get in touch if you want.

And please don't feel bad about your progress with Bermuda. I know this is very important to you, but you know we are always patient. Take good care of yourself!

<3 Yanonako

Hey SweetChiel! :)

Thanks as always for your weekly updates.

Just read your latest update too, which by the way is not online on Patreon. Last week I was wondering why I didn't get a notification. 

So thanks for your openness/transparency as well. I personally don't feel uncomfortable. :)

The first "darn" year seems to be difficult everywhere. 

First, I hope you guys can work this out together. Communicating is always the first best way and certainly getting distance to approach the problem calmly and objectively.

Maybe it also helps if he can't comprehend it to show him. So let him slip into the role of the customer. This works well with video, for example, or with a role play to re-enact the situation. Also good is always the perspective of another person. Someone uninvolved can usually reflect a person's external image more objectively.

A conversation with your mother-in-law would certainly also be quite good. Personally, I find it a bit strange that she is "bothering" you with this, so to speak. On the other hand, I think maybe she has been trying to correct exactly the same problem for a long time and hasn't been able to do it, so she has been biting on "granite" so far and hopes that you might be able to fix it. 

In any case, I wish you good luck in resolving the conflict.

<3 Yanonako

Oh no, sorry this is happening again.
I hope this can be resolved, this time permanently.
Good luck!

Always happy to. :) 

And it's ok to be emotional. I'm built close to the water too. ;)

<3 Yanonako

Thank you for your trust in us and the pictures. :)

You looked stunning in that dress, like a princess. :) How wonderful that you were able to spend a day full of joy, excitement, tears and laughter with your whole family. Once again all the best for this new stage of your life. :)

Thank you for sharing your life with us all this time. This transparency makes you absolutely lovely. I hope you realize that! :)

Since I find your traditions totally intressing, I have a question.

Is there a "standard procedure" with the handling of the family name (surname)?

Here in Germany, until the 1970s, it was still the case (according to marriage law) that the man's family name became the marriage name by default. 

<3 Yanonako

Thanks for keeping us updated. :)

It's great that you're feeling "energized". 

Good luck with further "settling down" in your new home and all the paperwork. ;)

<3 Yanonako

Happy Wedding

Happy Wedding! 

I wish you joy, love and happiness on your wedding day and at the beginning of your new life together.

<3 Yanonako

First of all welcome back. :) 
How nice that your ceilings are back in one piece. 

Thanks for the "demo" on the puzzle. That was very helpful ;)
I like it and it is good to finish despite the "darkness".
However, I wouldn't put a time limit on it like that with more pieces. That might be a bit too "annoying" for one or the other, since especially the parts with the black border (on black) are a bit "invisible".

I have one more suggestion, although I suspect this may be difficult for you to implement. I would find it more authentic if they were not puzzle pieces, but real fragments of a destroyed mirror, to be put back into the frame of the mirror, so to speak. 

Don't overthink it too much ;) 
I'm sure everything you present us will be wonderful. 

<3 Yanonako

I'm so sorry for you! Terrible!
And then the whole annoyance with that company.

I keep my fingers crossed that this will soon be over and your ceilings  will be fine soon.
Without flooding etc.

And do not worry, take as much time as you need.
We will be waiting here for you. :) 

<3 Yanonako

Yeah, you did it, SweetChiel! ;)
How wonderful that you could implement the suggestion.

And I hope "KiiAnima" will quickly get healthy again!

<3 Yanonako

Well ... I would not say that I flew through the game.
But if I am interested (which I'm definitely here), then I can not stop "reading". XD

But yes, yesterday I finished Arya's route.
By the way, I like the last CG totally. ;)

I just see that some bugs I have also found are already in your list.
I should look at it before I write you. You do not have to check everything twice. ;)

<3 Yanonako

Hi SweetChiel! :)

Thank you for the update. ;)

And much more thanks for the beta test. You are aware that you have beautified my weekend extremely?! ";) Well ... Finally I saw Arya without his mask. He now smiles handsome on my mobile phone screen. XD

All I have noticed so far, I have written down diligently. XD
(Or I did screenshots to make it easier for you.)

I write a mail as soon as I find time. ;)

<3 Yanonako

Hey SweetChiel! :)

Thanks for your answer to my comment of last week. :)
And of course for today's update. :)

I'm becoming increasingly excited. XD Sorry, I'm just looking forward to that much. Hard to suppress. :)

Well, then we hope everything goes through despite the elderly version of "Ren'py". I have opened "Winged Ones" and everything was fine. How to say: "Wait and drink tea." We'll see what happens. ;)

To upload the game with a time limit / expiration date:
Just use the page, which I had recommended you. ->
Link remains 7 days and is then deleted independently + free 2 GB. That should be enough? ;)

Until next week.
<3 Yanonako

(1 edit)

Hi SweetChiel! :)

Good that it is not so busy as it was in the last week.
I'm sure you were upset over the elderly. I was it for you when I read your update, but preferred to keep quiet, otherwise the comment would probably have become a bit rude. (Because I can not understand this interference due to the tradition.) But I understand it totally when someone else takes off your schedule. I do not like that absolutely. And well ... Why do all forget the virus? Really bad. * Sigh *

But now back to today's update. :)
You have come really ahead. Thanks for your work. ;)
And we come closer to the "goal". I am so looking forward to the beta testing. ;)

Oh and I love the answers to the great question of "Yukina4evr".
Well ... you know me, especially the answer to Arya. XD (Mint, Pine and Snow.)
How does snow smell? Cool and fresh .... XD I'm just trying to "imagine", but I should probably stop! XD

Until next week.
<3 Yanonako

Hi SweetChiel! ;)

I'm sorry that I was so silent the last few months.
But you know, I always read your updates. ;)

Thank you as always for your constant reports and the work you put in.
It's really nice to see how the project progresses. ;)
You have no idea how happy I am about this. Unfortunately, it is so that I followed some projects that were unfortunately canceled. It's always so sad and frustrating. And I always fear that happens again sometime, maybe even with you.

There was a lot going on with you lately, right? ;) I hope you are well!
Are you still doing sports?
And have you already a new appointment for the wedding?
Sorry if I seem curious, it's been so long. 

I'm looking forward to all the pictures you create.
The cutout on Patreon was great. ;)

Until next time!
<3 Yanonako

Hello! Thanks for the update. How nice. I am looking forward to the new chapter and Ren. ;)

Hey SweetChiel!

Thanks for the update, although you are so busy! ;)

The revised magic circles look so wonderful and detailed. Good job! 
But, don't you find the former "red" circle a little bit to pink? The circle stands for Guntur or Kahlil? Gold/orange and red/pink would fit both. If the circle stands for "Guntur", he may not like it! XD

How is it running with the preparations for the wedding? Hope good! :)

By the way, did you already hear the sad news about the Mangaka of Berserk "Kentaro Miura"? He died with just 54 years. I am so sad about it. In addition, we have talked about him and that some time ago. ( /

Until next time!

<3 Yanonako

Thank you for the update. ;)

Say, how much longer will "Bermuda" actually be compared to "The Winged Ones"? I thought you had already mentioned it, but could not find the info. 

Aha, he likes cats more than dogs (says the Wolf XD).
And who is built close to the water?! *looks to Arya * XD

<3 Yanonako

Hi SweetChiel! :)

no problem. And overthinking is helpful, but do not exaggerate! ;)

Yes, probably, but "ideas" is only the first step. Implementing the second, which is never easy. In addition, I'm pretty picky with everything. XD

O.O You can't open the link?! Me neither! (Why?!)

Since I want you to see it, here's the picture again. ;)

<3 Yanonako

Hi SweetChiel! ;)

Surely I noticed the blood. I'm pretty visual! XD Your comment sounds dark (too much, too early ...) O.O How much blood is flowing?! (If I decide wrong)

It's a pleasure. ;)

Save-Data: I have to think about it as first. Also because I already had problems with these. Sometimes even because of minimal changes.

Also, the others have introduced many points that I had not thought. Particularly important I find the point "Forgot the story". That's what happend to me, when the period between the publications was too big.

How wonderful that so many have shared their own opinion. That was certainly very helpful for you. :)


<3 Yanonako

Hey SweetChiel! :)

Oh, that's an ominous/sinister soundtrack. Reminds me a little about vampires. O.o

I know the game "Demonheart", but I have not played it yet. Therefore, I can not draw any comparison.

Normally it does not bothers me when I recognize the soundtrack. I will then be totally immersed in your story and do not think about other stories. And if the soundtrack fits you, then use it. ;)

Oh wow ... you already have the idea for your next game! That's great and admirable. I wish me a little more creativity for myself! XD

Oh and when I read K-drama, I had to think of this (link to a graphic with a comparison to Anime, Amercian Movie and Korean Drama). That's one of the reasons why K-dramas are sometimes a little too much for me. XD

Until next time!

<3 Yanonako

Hey, thanks for the hug. * hugs back *;)

And yes, I'm fine, just totally weather-sensitive. Unfortunately, that is always so with me. And thanks for your concern. I take care of me. ;)

As I have seen, you already have your ears pierced. That was certainly not pleasant. I remember when I got that as a child. Long time ago. XD

<3 Yanonako

Hi Sweetchiel! :)

Wow ... The overworked background looks really good! The metal looks better and the shadows on the floor too. :) Was there blood on the floor before? O.O Now you can see it less. Was the intention?

To your question:

I have already played a few games after this model, but there are some differences even here.

Therefore, the first question should be: "How and what can you use technically in Renpy?" And without being confronted with other problems. (e.g., the destruction of Save-Data etc.)

For example:

- Mystic Destinies: The prologue and the first chapter of each character are free. The character routes are then a paid DLC per person (even the epilogue).

- Our Life: Beginning & Always: Completely free to play and there are only small events / stories that happen as DLC's in the individual "life-steps". The last "step" is missing, for example, completely, but remains free.

- Taisho X Alice: Maybe an unusual example. Through the translation of Japanese in English, two complete character routes are always published with a distance of about 6-10 months. (Steam)

- Tailor Tales: Here it is more important if you do support or not. At Steam, the game in the normal version is free with just 3 final character routes available. As a Pateron you get access (in the normal version) to a chapter per month for the current route. On Steam, this route will then only be available if all chapters are completed. There is also a plus version in which there is still an explicit epilogue in the end.

- There are also other games that will be released per chapter, with the difference that there is either no character routes here or only later, even if the story remains the same in the background and not changed per character. For example: When The Night Comes, Errant Kingdom, Andromeda Six

Ok .. I'm sorry that has become a bit long.

My opinion:

If you want to decide to publish each character route individually, I would probably wait for everyone to be published. Surely I mentioned it before: I like complete games absolutely more, even if it means to wait longer. In addition, I hate to wait. It is so exhausting to be patient if you want to know how it goes on (or in this case, it runs in the other routes)! o.o

In addition, as I know you, it is not your style. And of course I speak of the beloved perfectionist in you. ;) We know you love to change things and I'm afraid you would hinder yourself if you can not do that anymore.

Finally, it's your decision. (Whether you really want and it works technically) And much more important: You have to be satisfied and proud of what you are releasing. (Without regrets) :)

Until next time!

<3 Yanonako

Hi SweetChiel! :)

How the time flies. Now it's been a month ago since my last commentary. O.O Sorry for the silence. The ever-changing weather (among other things) makes me tired incl. Headache. Last week we had 25 degrees and now again 0 degrees. That's really crazy. x_o

The planning for the wedding seems to come well. 
Have fun choosing the cake and the rings. :)

Thank you for staying at it, and for the updates. It is always refreshing to read these. (I might already mention that too often, but I'm always serious!);)

Thanks also for the answer to my last comment. ;)
It is totally interesting to meet the traditions of other countries.

Until next time!
<3 Yanonako

Hi SweetChiel! :) 

I'm glad that you are fine again. It was absolutely sweet to read that you have become ill, due to a lot of joy and excitement. ;) Ha, and what do I read now, the marriage will take place in November. How was that with little steps?! XD Well, that's the way it is sometimes. How nice for you! And hopefully everything works like you want it! * Look at the damn virus that holds the world into breath. * -.- Now I'm totally curious. Which traditions do you have and what are all to be considered? It sounds so much. 

Thank you again for the update! :) The combat pose of Kahlil are wonderful. With more shadow it works better than before. I can not imagine how much work that is to program all the facial expressions. O.o 

<3 Yanonako

First of all, congratulations on your engagement!
What a wonderful way to start the new year! ^ ___ ^
I still remember when you said that you got a bf and now this. Take as much time as you need and walk every step of the way as fast or slow as you see fit. And I hope you can find a compromise. All the best again and to a wonderful future. :)

And don't worry about the short update on Bermude. You do enough and above all you gave us this wonderful Valentine's picture. ;)

Well .... I'm wirth "PangHerHeart". Arya is really vulnerable with his feelings, as always. I am so ready to tear down this wall (his protective shield)! XD

Have a wonderful week.
<3 Yanonako 

What a wonderful picture! As I said before: "I love your semi-realism art style." ;) Without the "black" outlines it looks great. :) And you call that a little bit rusty?!

I also like both the sketch and the final result.
Oh and I get some "Sesshōmaru" vibes from him right away! XD
It's also great to see the changes from before, well, the style is different, but you can still see the development. ^^

Hm ... a bit embarrassing but the quote is good and I was a bit surprised that something like that comes from the Bible. Sorry, I'm not very religious.

Have a wonderful day! ^ _ ^

Thank you very much for the congratulations! ;)
I had a wonderful day with my family. :)

Haha .. Pet owners can never resist taking pictures of their darlings! XD

I'm glad that you like the idea and that you are trying to integrate it. :)

Stay healthy too!

<3 Yanonako

Thank you. ;) One of my mini hobbies.
You don't want to know how many pictures I have of my cats. XD

Yes, snow is so beautiful and diverse. If you like, I have more photos. ;) Fun fact: Today we have snow again and that on my birthday! That has never been the case either. XD

Flooding doesn't sound good. I am glad that you are spared. I wish that you will be spared power failures in the future.

Not your fault with Patreon. I just wonder what that was. Maybe too much text. Well ... let's see what happens next time.

Haha ... well how about a floating castle? XD Ok, I'll stop. Reading that again made me laugh again. XD

Oh and on the question of "ro-ses" about the endings, I have a suggestion. I don't know what your options are, but the last VN I played solved it with the "trophies" (also for the ends) as follows: The "trophies" were the same, regardless of whether it was Steam or Only in the version was there an internal page in the "Extras" section that registered the successes.

<3 Yanonako

(1 edit)

Hi SweetChiel! ;)

Thank you as always for the update. :)
And you are always very productive, one way or another! ;)

WOW, the section of the background looks "great".
I'll take a look at the full version at Patreon right away. ;)

Today I also have a question for the three gentlemen. XD
-> For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

Good luck with your keyboard! ;)

How's the weather with you? Hope better. For me, the rainy season is totally alien, although I really like rain. :) It's probably not so nice when it doesn't stop at all, is it?
It snowed here today and I could hardly stop taking photos. XD
Well ... I love snow! XD Here is a picture for you. ;)

<3 Yanonako 

Hmm .. yesterday I tried to comment on the full version of the picture on Patreon, but my comments were always deleted. I don't understand, but fine, then just over here:

"As already written in, the background of the ruined village looks extremely well done, even a little creepy! Oo The idea with black and white looks like everything was burned and then this red, ominous sky. Now get I'm afraid of what's waiting for us. I smell drama .... * trembles *
And don't laugh, but at first I thought that the castle was suddenly floating in the background, but that was just the trees. XD Oh .... trees ... with leaves? Was it only the village itself that was destroyed, or was the area around it too? If so, should you possibly adjust the trees around them, right? I just noticed that. I don't want to diminish, that it already looks so good! ;) "

Hi SweetChiel,

It's a little late, but in retrospect, I wish you a wonderful New Year! :)

Sorry for my silence over the past few weeks.
These were a bit chaotic or emotionally an up and down for me, mainly due to several corona cases in my environment. Most of them in my close relatives, with whom one of my aunts unfortunately passed away. Fortunately, the others are all doing well again. And then another case at work. Fortunately, I wasn't in close contact and now that's over. My own family is fine and we were not affected. * sigh *

Nonetheless, I've read all of your updates. While that may sound a little weird, your updates always got my mood up for the moment. Let's say they were constant to me. A tiny but helpful detail to take my mind elsewhere. ;)

Thank you, as always, for your great work and for making such good progress. And curiosity keeps growing. I'm still very excited. Keep it up. ;)

Haha ... "Arya:" Don't. Even. Think about it. ""
Well, let's hope he gets "tamer". And in the end there is someone he even wants to do more than just hug. * wink *

One more little thing: Either you laugh or think I'm totally crazy. I hope the former. When I see snow, I sometimes think of your comment that this "phenomenon" is alien to you. Some time ago it snowed here and I recorded it with my new cell phone (the old one was unfortunately broken). Here for you to see:

See you

Take time for yourself, you deserve it! ;)
And thanks for the cute picture! :)

Wonderful Holidays and a Happy New Year! But don't slip! XD
See you next year / next week. :)

OMG ... I'm so excited! Thank you for the wonderful Christmas present! :)

Awww ... now I'm touched that this brought you something for your "Christmas money box". ;) 
And didn't you mean to say, I've claimed you all last week! XD

Oh ... it will be challenging to build a good relationship with all three of them or to gain enough affection for them. How good that you have this great "Relationship Status Page"! :)

Oh ... which I completely forgot. What is your laptop doing, still having problems?

Since I didn't get to it last week, I wanted to tell you that your “Zhongli” picture is great. :)
I'm still surprised that the background is an ingame screenshot.

See you! <3

Hm ... unfortunately no. I took a quick look at it and I think I happened to see some videos about it on Twitter. Looks interesting anyway. Unfortunately, my mobile phone does not take part (too old and no Android XD). I always use the "BlueStacks" program for the PC for that. Also works, but it's not exactly the same.

Then I am reassured. :)
Well, I am not averse to participating regardless of my stated opinion. I'm happy to help and I'm much too curious anyway. ;) And yes, everyone who takes part should be aware that spoilers are coming. If you let everyone decide to participate, you won't take away the fun!

No problem. Like I said, I just want to help.
* Hugs back * :)