Hey sorry about that! Could you possibly email me the save file? My email address is in the games opening screen. Save file is located in /Data/Saves/save.db
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Im not able to make the delete submenu disappear. Curious if you recall the combination of clicks/key presses to make that happen?
Unfortunately I am not able to remove the zone option because at some point there will be auto grow zones. That being said, I understand that pain point. I'll play around with auto updating the zone.. but it may not be possible due to technical reasons.
I plan on adding pillars :). They are needed.
Hey JellyFish, thanks for all of your feedback! I appreciate you trying out the demo
You can hide roofs using the X key, or clicking the icon on the left side of the screen with the walls and roof.
Basements and attics will be added in the future!
Indoor windows are not possible yet, due to the way the GPU processes graphics, it requires extra work to make partially see through textures draw in the proper order on screen.
I'll add a over-mouse message stating what delete mode is active, if that's what you mean?
I'll also add clearer instructions on how to create a mixed used building. Basically you need to choose a building type, then click on the room menu icon and place the room in the zone.
Thank you so much for this feedback! All of it is solid. I'll look into into the first two bugs. Third one is fixed for the next release.
Your suggestions are great too, will work on making the UI a bit more obvious, and will think of a way to add some suboptions for room placement.
I plan on working with modders and adding in-game object creation/editing :)
Thank you for the detailed feedback. Really appreciate this! All of it is solid.
I agree with everything you said, and some of it has fixed or improved over the last week.
I removed building (foundation) placement entirely. Now it's just zones + room placement. (Rooms *are* the building). The workflow is smoother as well, and you can replace rooms without needing to delete first, and can hold ALT to switch to delete mode.
The large window on launch has been downsized too.
I agree wrt the GUI needing to be amazing. I'll be implementing most of your feedback soon, except perfecting the GUI :p
Thanks again!