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A member registered Feb 26, 2023

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This is actually a really good and compelling story and it's one of the things that make me sad that it's actually a porn game because I know lots of people who would love this for the story and everything if only it wasn't.  There are a lot of things like that in this site.

Thank you

Is there a place to selling things?  Surely there is right?  I feel like I've checked everywhere and can't find it so I'm not too sure anymore.

Do you plan on having mobile support in the future?

Thank you

Hey dev, am I allowed to hire a hit on Daniel to stop him showing up every 27 to 35 seconds with no less than 7 plates.  Seriously, he needs to give me enough time to do something.  I'm no coder but I do know a the basic concepts of it and how it works.  If this isn't abandoned a simple if statement with a stop watch timer since Daniel's last visit and a variable that counts the current amount of plates on the counter should be enough,

If (# of remaining plates on counter is > 7 && stop watch time value is < 40 seconds)

Then reset and restart the random timer for next arrival

Again I don't really know but about coding and it might be more complicated than I realize but this should be a simple fix 

Add touch controls please

Please add Morrigan from Dragon Age

I'm still stuck.  What item is it?

How do I tie her hands? I'm stuck on the pole and tube.


I like the game but it's very finicky and buggy.  There is no way to leave the room on floor 4 without using the back button.  If you are in the game and press the menu the game will show the error and require you to restart.  I don't know if there are auto saves that could fix that but I can't check because even though I can go into the menu and preferences in the main menu, clicking anything brings back the error and causes me to restart.  On desktop the game can't even load.  As soon as it says the story is downloaded, extracted and ready to go I get the error so there's nothing I can do there.  With all that being said I still love the game and would like to know if this is still being worked on and if it is, when would I be safe to expect the next update?

I'm a visual learner

Great game sound would be nice though

Will we be getting audio for the sex scenes eventually?

So, let me get the story right, so this one man broke into Area 51, after what was probably decades of planning, just to fuck alien babes....    Wow...   LIFE GOALS

I read this as "Tickling IRS" and honestly a bit disappointed.  This is still a great game though!  Please make a "Tickling IRS" game.

Tailnut could you please add mobile support?

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Id almost be willing to bet my life that there are simulation games out there that are just about brushing hair.  I'd bet you if you were to search "hair brushing Simulator" on Roblox you'd get dozen of results.  If you want to know if there are any good quality and well made hair brushing simulators out there, then I wouldn't bet on it.  However, you might be able to find a few half decent quality or somewhat coherently put together games if you search hard.

For whatever reason my keyboard just had a seizure and decided to post my reply before I was finished, but anyways I was going to say that after typing all that out, now I too have a strong urge to find and play a stupid hair brushing simulator game.

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I keep finding this bug where after I release Violet the first time I can go to the mansion and farm to fight her once and then whenever I try to fight her again I click on the location and the dialog and stuff shows up for a brief fraction of a second and then it takes me back to the map again.  I can't do anything more with her or the location again.  Every time I click the same thing happens.

Also, just found this out after a period of spamming, the specific text that shows up is "New farm" and then "New text" don't know if that will be of any significance or help in locating the bug but incase it is, there you go. 

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I keep finding this bug where after I release Violet the first time I can go to the mansion and farm to fight her once and then whenever I try to fight her again I click on the location and the dialog and stuff shows up for a brief fraction of a second and then it takes me back to the map again.  I can't do anything more with her or the location again.  Every time I click the same thing happens.

Also, just found this out after a period of spamming, the specific text that shows up is "New farm" and then "New text" don't know if that will be of any significance or help in locating the bug but incase it is, there you go.

Great game! Loved the concept and idea.  Makes me feel like I'm playing Tomb Raider again.  Also, speaking of Tomb Raider, I think it'd be fun to make an easter egg that makes us play as nude Lara Croft and call it "Nude Raider".  Yeah, that kinda defeats the purpose of this game treating the nudity as natural and normal but still, I think it'd be a nice addition.

You're welcome!

Is this game abandoned or still in development?

I've noticed a bug which Im sure other people have pointed out where you can catch creatures but they never show up in the barn and after a few tests and attempts to work around this glitch I found something that I don't think has been mentioned.  The glitch only happens after you sell your first wolfgirl.  If you save before you go capture a creature and reload to make sure you only catch catgirls the glitch will never happen.

Is this game abandoned or still in development?

How do I start the game?   Im at the beginning where the girl says "Yosh!  So you're the new guy huh?" and no matter what or where I click the game won't progress.

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Nothing here just a repeat of the question above.

Is this game abandoned or still in development?

Are we gonna get pictures in a future update?