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A member registered Aug 26, 2020

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Unless i'm missing something, 13 is impossible. It seems like the one of the 'goal' slots is coded as a wall, as none of the powercells will go into it and you cant walk on the tile.

Overall I love the premise. Parasites and the like are my jam. 

That said, the game is pretty clunky. The reactor is definitely the biggest pain point right now. I don't believe it's mentioned, but having coolant higher than fuel means you dont get power in the first phase. 

Switching between fuel and cycle in phase two is also a pain. I think with some adjustments to simply make it easier overall would be good. It could be an alright mini-game, but it's unclear and annoying right now, especially if you have to do it multiple times. 

The left/right hand is clunky as well. Though it's not /too/ bad once you get used to it. It also has the unfortunate side-effect on requiring two hands to play the game.

Other than that, I'd like to see more clarity with enemies infesting you, and probably less enemies overall. 

For example. a worm jumps on you, latches on to the body part, a second later, is half-inside, then fully inside. Giving players time to pull it out or what not. 

Definitely want to see internal-view as well. as that's half the fun. 

Also I feel like currently, the time spent inside the player is too short. It's basically popcorn. 

Ideally, I think you'd want a slower approach, a handful of parasites slowly building up inside the player and increasing body-part proportions. 

(1 edit)

It's solid, but I really hate the way transcendance works right now. 
It's actually detrimental to 'push' at all, you simply transcend ASAP or lose time. 

Gaining more Evocytes than required should increase the bonus of transcending. Especially because transcending is less and less valuable. 

Also, I have no idea whats up with Xenocytes. I legit didn't know they did damage until 150%, then they started destroying me. A better curve on that would be good. 

More specific information would help as well. It's impossible to know which upgrades are worthwhile because they're just vague numbers. 

This is double so for Neurons and Morphogens, since those consume cells. 
I'm not even entirely convinced Morphogens DO anything, because there's no feedback that they are. 

This is the same for upgrades like Evocytes. Am I getting more Xenocyte spawns? More Evocytes for killing them? No idea. 

Finally, while the UI looks good, the upgrade menu is just too damn big IMHO. A smaller truncated menu would be great, so the picture can take center stage while still upgrading. 

The patreon 'dont remind me' doesn't work. It still comes up every single time, despite checking the box. Pretty annoying, especially in the paid version.

EDIT: Also, disabling clicking sounds would be nice as well. 
I'd also kill for 'auto' defense, even if it's like 1% of your click damage or something.