I'll consider it! ;) In the meanwhile, there is a new update - second to last, actually, as the next update I will make will be the last one.
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Not at all! I'm grateful when people let me know there might be bugs or mistakes in the game. And hmm - it does sound like you are somehow playing the previous version? The version 0.48 ends there, but if you are playing version 0.49, you should be able to make it past that point.
The version 0.49 should be the one for browser plays, could you make sure you have the latest version? If that's not it, I'll look into it more!
Hello! Thank you for letting me know - I discovered where the issue is, and just pushed a fix!
Bad news is, there is a chance that if you were playing an earlier save, you might have to play from the beginning of Chapter 3 to get the broken flags fixed :( I did, however, leave a shortcut to the spot where the Null Path occurred, so if it occurs again, clicking on the shortcut and playing from there should fix the flags!
Good news is... Weylin's route has been broken for some time at that exact spot, and thanks to your error message, I finally discovered where the error was. So thank you a lot, it should work now <3
Unfortunately there is currently no polycule route that would involve everyone at the same time! However, nobody will be mad at you in the game for the romantic options you pick - the characters in the story are your close friends, and have your best interests at heart, so they want to see you happy, no matter who you end up with <3
Both are a possibility! The poly flag on Ulrich's route is an optional one, and the story will deepen either to poly or mono direction depending on which choice the player takes <3 The newest update is about Weylin/Sabina routes, but there will still be major Ulrich content before this current chapter is over.
Thank you very much for your comment! As a poly person myself, one of my biggest motivators for this game has been "I'll make my own food if nobody else will" - I do want it to be optional for people who aren't into it, but also fully tagged this poly for a reason 😄 trying to get next update out soon!
Oh dear - thank you for sending me this message, first of all! This is very obviously not intended to happen, would you mind if I asked if you played the story all the way from the beginning, or if you had an earlier save you loaded when there was a new update out?
I will look into this to get it fixed asap!