Gotcha makes sense! Thank you for the explanations! I was worried I was playing the game wrong because I kept dying.
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Really creative interpretation. So far my favorite game that I've had the pleasure of playing. If it were simply a food management game it would still be pretty fun thanks to the awesome "game feel" of the sfx, vfx, and graphics. But adding the twist of the "this is a ____" into the mix really spices the game up. I would not be surprised if this game makes it to the top of ratings!
One small nit pick is I found the custom cursor to be a bit hard to use. It was a very similar color to the brown background and I also found it hard to be precise at times when I was trying to click and drag very very quickly!
This game is really cool with great art and music! One question I have is if the recharge on the syringe is supposed to be quite long in the early parts of the game? I found it surprisingly difficult to repair the machines because the monster would wake up and chase me quickly and I didn't have a charge of syringe to sedate it.
Thank you for playing and providing feedback!
Definitely a great point regarding the WWW spell being quite fatiguing. We're looking into potential alternatives! Really appreciate the comparison to Downwell, it is a huge inspiration for the art direction. It's an honor to be compared to a great game like Downwell!
This is a really cool game, especially with the old school graphics and even the box art!
It must have taken a ton of time and effort to create this, great work!
One question I have is how can we see the enemy health? The first random encounter I met a rat and I was attacking it for ages before I defeated it. I was a bit surprised at how tough this enemy was since it was only my first encounter.
Hi I liked playing your game and the concept was really good! It was simple but very well made. It's nicely polished especially for a first time game jam! I especially thought it was funny to fight a flower as the first level!
Some feedback for improving the game based on my experience:
- When I clicked on one of the three shops for the first time, I didn't realize I was committing a choice. I thought I could return to the previous UI and go check out other shops. Once I was stuck in the shop I initially chose, I clicked on the small button above (>>) and I was sent to the menu where I had to press the big square button to start the battle. I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding something, but it would be really awesome if I could freely windowshop on all the different attachments before spending my resources to choose one.
- For the "start battle button" which is currently gray, it would be nice to add a design that feels more like a "start battle" button visually. Perhaps a red button with the play icon to visually communicate what the button is!
I liked your game! The rabbit's run animation was very cute.
I laughed out loud at the part where you had the cardboard cut out of the enemy. That was a nice gag for sure!
In the future it would be awesome to have a smooth animation for the dash instead of a blink because it was a bit jarring at first!
Good work!