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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you to everyone who rated this game & left feedback! This was our first time participating in a game jam and we had a great time, really looking forward to using what we learned here in future game jams! 

Awesome game! Such a great twist on a simple game. Having the Earth move faster in certain areas of the court is brilliant, made for much more interesting gameplay than basic pong! Loved the art too :) 

Thank you for playing! This game definitely ended up being too easy, maybe we should've given the imps some kind of projectile to knock souls off the player cloud, letting them do more than just lazily try to steal from you. Lessons for the future! 

Thanks for your comment! I agree, I wish I had added a clear indicator of the number of souls the player is carrying, and one design flaw is that the imps can actually steal all of the souls you're carrying, not just one. I'm getting the hint that my next jam game needs some more difficulty!

Thank you for playing! The imps definitely ended up being pushovers, we didn't get around to adding player lives or anything that might have made the imps scarier so you can pretty much just let them hang out with you if you're not playing too recklessly. 

Ah yes, wonderful to find like minds.

Thanks for your comment! I agree that it ended up being too easy and the 2-minute timer might be a bit long for the simple/repetitive gameplay. 

Thank you for playing! I definitely wish I had time to add audio or some more animations to give it more personality, but maybe next time.