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A member registered Feb 07, 2023

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Koikatsu models release when?

I'd rather just play as a woman.

the ring of defense still isn't fixed.

Can I play as a woman? I feel uncomfortable playing a man.

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The Ring of Defence does not appear in your inventory once you acquire it in Royal City. In addition, the Honey crystal also does not appear.

Where can I find the rare milk fruit?

Royal city sewers. (I started a new file because Minerva was too infuriating.)

In the witches academy. right after you get all the seals or whatever they're called I can't remember.

Nobody responded to my previous post so I'm going to try again.

I've been stuck on Minerva's research lab for forever. how do I clear it?

I have to wonder though, for people who don't have discord, what of the new update is complete so far.

Yeah I get that too, the best thing to do is to just save the game and relaunch it.

It's so frustrating, I'd just like to know how to clear it so I can get back to the rest of the game.