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A member registered Jun 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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the game actually felt strangely eerie, pretty good. Now if you’d excuse me, I next need to go talk to the butterfly

oh no D: i have been noticed! my foolproof disguise! NOOO-

Yeah, I talked to one of the participants of this game jam over discord to ask what happened, we found that the hoster deleted all of his game jam related activity from the internet overnight, including the itch page, twitter, discord and youtube channel as well.

Another one, who’s Game Jam Submission page has vanished, rip

I see, your game jam submission page has also vanished, rip

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Nice Work, really liked how you approached the story telling!

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A perfect sequel doesn’t exis-

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Hello, I have something to talk about, I can’t chat on, so could you please friend me on discord Zacky#[retracted] I will delete this reply after you friend me so that not the entire world knows my discord tag

I just played this game again after an entire year, I liked this when I played it, this still feels fun.

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Thanks! And also thanks for playing everyone else's games as well! You are doing a really helpful job!

Interesting :D

Alright I fixed it now!


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I am glad that you tried it out, but about the bug that the player gets stuck at the end of stage 1, I can't recreate the bug, I just collect the memory crystal and the game moves on to a new stage after a "you win" animation?

Update: I think your issue is the same as the one that was described here by @madeofyogurts that players can fall off the world at the very right edge of one of the rooms in stage 1, if so, then as I replied there, it will be fixed in a few hours from when I make this post.

Thanks for playing!

Oh god this is actually really fun